Сценарий новогоднего театрализованного представления для учащихся 1–2-х классов "В гостях у сказки"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель: повышение интереса учащихся к английскому языку, развитие коммуникабельности, творческих способностей учащихся.

Оборудование: новогоднее праздничное украшение зала, декорации и костюмы к сказке “Little Red Riding Hood”.

Музыкальное оформление:


1. Песня “In the good old summer time”. Сборник песен “Disney children’s

favourites volume”,-издательства “Wonderland Music Company, Inc (BMI), 1991г.”

2. Детские песни из сборника “Happy English” Галины Доля, издательство “Eng – Рус”, 1992 г. “Breakfast in the morning”,

3. Тексты песен из сборника “Christmas for you”.

Little Red Riding Hood

Главные герои сказки: Granny – G, Wolf – W, Little Red Riding Hood – LRRH, Hunters (2 человека) – H1, H2, Authors(2 человека) – A1,A2

(Дети выходят на сцену в костюмах к сказке “Little Red Riding Hood” и рассказывают новогодние и рождественские стихотворения)

It is December the thirty-first

Something is about to burst.

The 31 st of December is the day,

When we have a great holiday,

The New Year usually comes at midnight

And brings us presents so sweet and bright.

With a branch of green holy

And robin, his friends,

To all English children

New Year wishes he sends.

There are flags, there are ribbons

Little bells and bright stars, too.

Red and orange, green and yellow,

Pink and purple, violet and blue.

December is the best of all.

Snowflakes dance, snowflakes fall.

People see the New Year in,

When December ends, it will begin

It is winter, it is cold.

Father Frost is very old.

But he is always full of joy.

And glad to give me a nice toy.

We have a fir-tree in the hall.

It is so beautiful and tall!

Around it we dance and play

Because it is a new Year Day.

I wish I were a Snowman,

So tall and big and white.

I’d never have to clean my teeth

Or go to bed at night.

This is the season

When children ski,

And Father Frost brings

The bright New Year Tree.

A New Year Greeting is just for you,

Warm and most sincere.

To wish you every happiness

Throughout the coming year!

We have a fir-tree in the hall.

It is so fun and great!

Around it we dance and play

Because it’s Christmas day.

It is winter, it is Christmas!

Look at our Christmas Tree!

There are big balls, there are nice dolls,

Many candies you can see.

New things to learn,

New friend to meet,

New songs to sing,

New books to read.

New things to see,

New things to hear,

New things to do

In this glad New Year.

We want to give you lots of love
And want to say right here.

Have a Happy New Year Day
And then a Happy Year!

(Последние две строчки куплета дети произносят вместе)

Исполняется песня на английском языке “Jingle bells”

Сцена 1

(На сцене появляется маленькая девочка в красном колпаке)

A1. What a nice little girl!

A2. What is your name?

LRRH. My name is Little Red Riding Hood

A1. (обращается к A2, пожимая плечами) How did she get a name like that?

A2. Like what?

A1. Like Little Red Riding Hood?

A2. She always wore a Hood on her head (a little red riding hood)

When mama said “Go!” – she went,
When mama said “Stay!” – she stayed,

A.1 When mama said “Sit!” – she sat,

When mama said “Play!” – she played. One morning Little Red Riding Hood was sleeping.

(Звучит песня “Breakfast in the morning”. Красная Шапочка готовит завтрак и напевает песню)

Сцена 2

M. (Подходит к спящей Красной Шапочке и будит ее.) Wake up! Wake up! It is time to get up.

LRRH. (Потягивается. Чувствует запах ванили в комнате. Выбегает на кухню) M-m… Something smells like chocolate, cookies, something smells like butter.

M. Christmas is coming. These cookies are for Granny. Visit her this morning. Take cookies, some apples and a present for your Granny. (Дает ей корзину)

LRRH. OK, mama

M. Now, LRRH, please, sit down. Listen to me carefully.

LRRH. Yes, mama, I am listening.

M. Go straight to Granny’s house.

LRRH. Yes, mama, I will.

M. Don’t stop along the way.

LRRH. No, mama, I won’t.

M. Don’t talk to strangers. Be very careful.

LRRH. Yes, mama, I will.

A1. So, LRRH said “good-bye”, took the basket of cookies and walked along the pass in the wood to Granny’s house.

(Красная Шапочка идет по лесу, поет песню “In the good old summer time”)

A2. She was skipping along happily when suddenly a BIG WOLF came out of the wood.

Сцена 3

W. Good morning, my dear! How are you this morning?

LRRH. I am just fine, thank you. How are you?

W. I am just fine, my dear. What’s your name?

LRRH. My name is Little Red Riding Hood

W. I am very happy to meet you. I have heard so many nice things about you.

LRRH. You have? (Удивленно)

W. Oh, yes, everyone says you are a good little girl.

LRRH Oh, thank you very much. You are very kind.

W. What’s that smell? What’s that smell? Do I smell cookies?

LRRH. Yes, you do. Chocolate, cookies, butter. Mama made them for Granny. She is home alone. I am on my way to see her.

W. What a nice little girl. Where does your Granny live? Is it far from here?

LRRH. Granny lives in a little pink house. (Показывает на домик).

W. I know the house. I have an idea. Look over here. Look at the flowers. Why don’t you pick up some for Granny?

LRRH. A good idea!

W. Stop for a while! Stop! Pick some flowers for Granny!

A1. LRRH stopped and picked the flowers but the wolf ran as fast as he could to the Granny’s house.

Сцена 4

W. (Стучит в дверь)

G. Yes, who’s there?

W. (Голосом Красной Шапочки) It’s me, Little Red Riding Hood, with the basket of cookies from mama.

G. Come in, my dear, come in and see your Granny.

W. Where are you, Granny?

G. I am here.

W. (Увидел бабушку) Oh, my sweet Granny! (Рычит и ест ее)

Сценка 5

LRRH. (Стук в дверь. Волк сидит в кресле в одежде бабушки) Yu-hu, Granny, it’s me, Little Red Riding Hood.

W. Come in my dear, come in and see your Granny.

LRRH. (Присматривается к бабушке) Oh, Granny, what big ears you have?

W. The better to hear you with. Come here, my dear, come here.

LRRH. Oh, Granny, what big eyes you have?

W. The better to see you with. Come here, my dear, come here.

LRRH. Oh, Granny, what big teeth you have?

W. The better to eat you with! (Рычит и ест Красную Шапочку)

W. (Доволен собой) I am full. It is time to sleep.

A2. Then he began to snore. He snored louder and louder. Friendly hunters heard the noise and stopped.

Сцена 6

H1. What’s that sound?

H2. It is loud.

H1. Let’s go and see if Granny is OK. (Заходят в дом к бабушке.)

H2. Granny? Where are you? (Oсматривает дом, находит в кресле спящего волка) A wolf! And where is Granny? (Видит на полу красный колпак)

H1. He ate her. (Охотники начинают вместе будить волка)

H2. Wake up, a big wolf! Wake up!

W. (Просыпается. Видит перед собой охотников) Oh, my dear hunters! What are you doing?

H1. Tell us where Granny is.

W. (Притворяется) I don’t know.

H1. H2. (Направляют на волка ружья)

W. OK. They are here, in my stomach.

H1.H2. Granny!

G. Yes, I am here.

H1. We’ll help you (Охотники колдуют над волком)

One, two, three
Granny, come here to me.

(На сцене появляется бабушка и Красная Шапочка)

H1.H2. Oh, Granny, nice to meet you. And who are you? (Охотники обращаются к Красной Шапочке)

LRRH I am Little Red Riding Hood.

H1.H2. We are together! Great!

LRRH Christmas is coming and New Year’s Day!

(Все вместе поздравляют друг друга и родителей с Рождеством)

Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas!

(Все герои сказки исполняют песню “FELIZ NAVIDAD”)
