Система дифференцированных упражнений по обучению аудированию, разработанная на основе УМК "Enjoy English-5"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

1. Вводная часть.

  • Today we shall discuss a very essential question: Where can you get your pocket money? I’m going to tell you about my own experience. When I was a schoolgirl I worked and dreamt of buying a mobile phone. So that was my first purchase when I got enough money. Have you got any experience to earn money yourself?

Учитель спрашивает 2-3 учащихся.

  • It is traditional for the children abroad to earn their pocket money themselves. And now you will listen to the British children talking about their jobs. I suppose you’ll be interested in the ways of getting money and maybe some jobs will be suitable for you.

Упражнение №1

Listen to and repeat after me. Try to guess the meaning of the unknown words with the pictures:

img1.gif (841 bytes) (pound)

Pocket money

To save money

To earn enough

Everyday needs

To round a newspaper

To babysit

Упражнение №2.

Эти же слова после повторения хором учитель предлагает прочитать друг другу в парах.

  • Read the words to your partners in pairs.

Упражнение №3.

  • Read the English equivalents according to Russian ones. Read the same to your partner.

Карманные деньги




Разносить газеты

Повседневные нужды

Присматривать за детьми

2 часть.

Упражнение №4.

При первичном прослушивании текста учащимся даются карточки, где помещена таблица, которую учащимся необходимо заполнить. Сильным ученикам предстоит заполнить все ячейки таблицы самостоятельно (таблица 1), в то время как слабым учащимся для облегчения задачи некоторые ответы уже даны (таблица 2):

  • Fill in the table:

Table 1.

name How much is he/she paid? the type of job What are they going to spend their money on?

Table 2.

name How much is he/she paid? the type of job What are they going to spend their money on?
David 30 pounds   a new guitar
Wendy   at the baker’s shop  

Учащиеся могут увидеть свои проблемы по предъявленным контрольным карточкам в увеличенном виде на доске. После заполнения таблицы учащимися учитель собирает карточки и, просмотрев, комментирует проделанную работу класса, при наличии ошибок указывает на них.

Упражнение № 5. карточки

  • Listen to the text again.

a) Put a tick if the sentence is true (для слабых учащихся):

1. Wendy earns pocket money at the baker’s shop.
2. She gets much.
3. David gets more money than Wendy.
4. David does a newspaper round.
5. He works on weekend only.

Проверка данного упражнения осуществляется по коду ответов (T F F T F), который записан на доске. Слабые ученики проверяют себя по ключу, путем поднятия руки учащиеся сигнализируют учителю о правильности выполненного задания и получают жетон.

  • b) Complete the sentences (для сильных учащихся). Read the sentences you have completed:

1. They are talking about ….

2. Sometimes children in Britain and the USA…

3. If Wendy works for eight hours, ….

4. Everyone has more papers on Sunday ….

Упражнение № 6.

После проверки упражнений учитель предлагает сильным ученикам ответить на его вопросы, записанные на карточках, используя предложения, которые они дополняли в предыдущем задании:

  • Answer my questions. Use the sentences you’ve completed and facts you heard.

1. Why do many children in Britain and the USA work in their free time?

2. Where does Wendy work?

3. Does David have to get up early on Sundays?

4. When does David usually get up?

5. Who wants to go for a holiday in France?

6. How much does David get for 8 hours?

Упражнение №7.

В это время слабым учащимся раздается диалогическая часть текста, которую они должны подготовить для чтения по ролям.

  • Read the dialogue. Be ready to read it in pairs.

David: Where do you earn your money?

Wendy: At the baker’s shop at the corner of my street.

David: How much do you get?

Wendy: Oh, not much. The owner pays me 2 pounds an hour. So if I work for 8 hours, I get 16 pounds.

David: Well, that’s wonderful for one day’s work. I only get 30 pounds a week for working every morning.

Wendy: I didn’t know you worked, too. What do you do?

David: I do a newspaper round.

Wendy: Don’t you have to get up early before school, to do that?

David: Yes, I get up at half past six every morning.

Wendy: That’s why you nearly fell asleep in Maths yesterday. I think you have to get up on Sundays too?

David: Yes, Sunday is the busiest day of all. Everyone has more papers on Sunday because they have more time to read them. But it’s worth it. I’ll be able to buy a new guitar in a month.

Wendy: I’m trying to save for a holiday in France. We want to go there with my friend Jane, who walks dogs.

Учитель работает с сильной группой учащихся, слушая ответы на вопросы, в то время как слабые готовят чтение диалога.

Упражнение №8. The task for advanced learners.

Учитель проверяет диалогическое чтение слабых учащихся. А сильным предлагает особое задание:

  • Tick off the letter corresponding to the knowledge you’ve got from the text.

Rearrange the letters (your answers) to get a key-word:

1. There are some children organizations abroad, which:

t) deal with charity
b) help to held agitation companies for free.
c) collect old books

2. American parents believe that:

j) a child should be independent.
b) teenagers aren’t serious enough to make choice themselves.
m) job puts an obstacle in the way of children’s studying.

3. Earning your own money means:

s) freedom of spending pocket money.
o) plenty of free time.
p) parent’s advice how to spend your money.

Учащиеся озвучивают свои ответы (ключевое слово – job).

Упражнение № 9.

а) Сильные учащиеся слушают в записи диалог и передают его в косвенной речи.

  • Listen to the dialogue. Retell it in the Reported speech.

б) Слабым учащимся учитель предлагает выполнить задание на заполнение пропущенных слов:

  1. Fill in the missing words. The first letters of the words are given for you. Read the text:

When there’s no pocket money left.

Many children in B_____ and the USA work in their free time for money. Very often they take a job to help their f______. Sometimes they do it to have money for their holidays or to buy something. Here is the dialogue between two British teenagers, W_____, a girl, and D_____, a boy. They are talking about their jobs.

David: Where do you earn your money?

Wendy: At the b_________ at the corner of my street.

David: How much do you get?

Wendy: Oh, not much. The o_____ pays me 2 pounds an hour. So if I work for 8 hours, I get 16 pounds.

David: Well, that’s wonderful for one day’s work. I only get 30 pounds a week for working every morning.

Wendy: I didn’t know you worked, too. What do you do?

David: I do a n________ round.

Wendy: Don’t you have to get up early before school, to do that?

David: Yes, I get up at half past s____ every morning.

Wendy: That’s why you nearly fell asleep in M_____ yesterday. I think you have to get up on Sundays too?

David: Yes, S_____ is the busiest day of all. Everyone has more papers on S_____ because they have more time to read them. But it’s worth it. I’ll be able to buy a new g_____ in a month.

Wendy: I’m trying to save for a holiday in France. We want to go there with my friend J_____, who walks dogs.

Упражнение № 10. (контрольное)

а) На доске написаны пять предложений, взятых из текста. На доске также зафиксированы ответы, но пока они скрыты от учащихся.

  • Read the sentences in the order they were mentioned in the text (для слабых учащихся):

1. David wants to buy a new guitar.

2. David gets 30 pounds a week.

3. Wendy wants to save for a holiday in France.

4. Wendy earns her money at the baker’s shop.

5. David does the newspapers round.

По истечении времени учитель открывает верные ответы, записанные в виде цифр (4, 2, 5, 1, 3) учащиеся проверяют себя, только потом зачитывают ответы. Оценивание ответа происходит после прочтения всех предложений.

б) Для сильных учащихся:

Учитель сам определяет героя, о котором будет писать ученик.

Write down information about Wendy (pupil 1)
Write down information about David (pupil 2)

Записанная ими информация будет служить опорой для выполнения домашнего задания:

  • Imagine you are an agent of English company and you offer the Russian students some job abroad. Tell them about the ways of getting money.

На следующем уроке учитель оценивает пересказ сильных детей и контрольное чтение диалога слабыми учащимися.

Text for auding.

“When there’s no money left…”

American parents encourage their children to be independent in their everyday life, that’s why many children in Britain and the USA work in their free time for money. Very often they take various jobs such as babysitting, training dogs, teaching computing and so on, to help their families. Sometimes they do it to have money for their holidays or to buy something. Here is the dialogue between two British teenagers, Wendy, a girl, and David, a boy. They are talking about the ways of earning money for everyday needs.

David: Where do you earn your money?

Wendy: At the baker’s shop at the corner of my street.

David: How much do you get?

Wendy: Oh, not much. The owner pays me 2 pounds an hour. So if I work for 8 hours, I get 16 pounds.

David: Well, that’s wonderful for one day’s work. I only get 30 pounds a week for working every morning.

Wendy: I didn’t know you worked, too. What do you do?

David: I do a newspaper round.

Wendy: Don’t you have to get up early before school, to do that?

David: Yes, I get up at half past six every morning.

Wendy: That’s why you nearly fell asleep in Maths yesterday. I think you have to get up on Sundays too?

David: Yes, Sunday is the busiest day of all. Everyone has more papers on Sunday because they have more time to read them. But it’s worth it. I’ll be able to buy a new guitar in a month.

Wendy: I’m trying to save for a holiday in France. We want to go there with my friend Jane, who walks dogs.

These are good examples of getting your own money. Moreover, you have the freedom to decide how to spend the money you earn.