Урок "Volgodonsk Nuclear Power Plant — Pros and Cons" с использованием сети Интернет в 11-м классе

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели и задачи:

  • формировать устойчивую мотивацию иноязычной деятельности учащихся на уроке на основе использования “живого материала”
  • формировать навыки и умения изучающего чтения, непосредственно используя материалы сети
  • научить анализировать и обобщать найденную информацию и уметь предъявить её к обсуждению
  • пополнять свой словарный запас как активный, так и пассивный лексикой современного английского языка
  • формировать навыки работы в группе
  • воспитание чувства патриотизма, любви к родному городу


  • компьютеры, подключённые к сети Интернет

Дидактический материал:

  • таблицы с заданиями
  • карточки с активной лексикой

Подготовительная работа преподавателя

Прежде всего учителю необходимо просмотреть материалы сайта Волгодонской АЭС , выбрать активную лексику и ознакомить с ней учащихся:

NPP-nuclear power plant атомная станция
nuclear power engineering строительство атомных станций
radiation safety радиационная безопасность
fire response средства пожарной безопасности
equipment efficiency производительность
maintenance эксплуатация, техническое обслуживание
nuclear risk preventing problems проблемы предотвращения радиоактивного заражения
capacity мощность
exchange program программа по обмену
cooperation сотрудничество
unit блок
to launch запускать
joint project совместный проект
twin-NPP станция -побратим
overhaul project обмен опытом по теме “ капитальный ремонт “

Деятельность учащихся

1 этап: экскурсия по виртуальному музею

Данный этап работы нацелен на выработку интереса, формирование мотивации к дальнейшему участию учащихся в работе.

Teacher: Today we are going to have a very unusual lesson. We live in the city which has a nuclear power plant. Some of your parents work there but you didn’t have an opportunity to visit it. Internet will help us do it. There is a virtual museum of Volgodonsk NPP on official site of Rosenergoatom.

Учащиеся выходят на официальный сайт ФГУП концерн Росэнергоатом Волгодонская

АЭС (English version) по адресу // www.rosatom.com , открывают виртуальный музей.

Teacher: It’s Volgodonsk NPP. We have a rare opportunity to see the most important part of it-its heart- reactor and the process of producing energy. What do you know about this plant? There had been a lot of discussions since 1980s when the construction of it began. There were different opinions

positive and negative about its construction. But since 2001 Volgodonsk NPP has been working and the question to be or not to be isn’t actual yet. I’d like you to understand if it’s of any value for the city, region, country, what its positive points and negative ones are and if you are for or against Volgodonsk NPP.

Учащимся раздаётся таблица с вопросами, на которые им предложено ответить к концу занятия.

Questions Answers
General information

- When did the construction of Volgodonsk NPP begin?

- When was the first unit launched?

- What’s its capacity?




International activity

- With what European power generating company has Volgodonsk NPP got a long cooperation?

- What is Volgodonsk NPP’s French twin?

- What are their joint projects?





Experts of what international organisation inspected Volgodonsk NPP in 2007?

What are their marks?




Local activity

- What interesting projects of Volgodonsk NPP did you learn about?

- What way does the NPP help the city and its citizens ?




Positive points  
Negative points  

2 этап: поиск и отбор материала по предложенной теме

Перед началом работы учащиеся распределяются по группам, каждая из которых получает задание составить краткий обзор по одной из следующих тем: ”Международные связи Волгодонской атомной станции”, ”Роль АЭС в жизни города”, “Общие сведения о Волгодонской АЭС “,“Вопросы безопасности АЭС”. Для этого учащимся необходимо изучить материалы сайта Волгодонской АЭС.

На данном этапе работы основное внимание уделяется развитию навыка самостоятельной работы с информационными материалами на английском языке, включая их поиск, сопоставление, отбор и творческое использование.

3 этап: презентация выполненной работы

В ходе представления подготовленного материала учащимися одной группы остальные заполняют соответствующий раздел таблицы. Данный этап работы развивает у учащихся навыки монологического высказывания.

Pupil 1. General information.

The construction of Volgodonsk NPP began in 1980s

The first unit of Volgodonsk NPP was launched on March 30 2001.Since then unit 1 has produced 47.4 KWh for consumers of Southern Federal District. Volgodonsk NPP will be part of the United Energy System of the Northern Caucasus. This system supplies energy to two regions of the Russian Federation with a total area of 431,200 square kilometers and population of 17,7 million people.

Now that the Nothern Caucasus and Central Russia are receiving increasingly less gas for electricity production, the role of nuclear energy is steadily growing. And this concerns the completion of the construction of Volgodonsk NPP.

Volgodonsk NPP will not only produce electricity but will also supply Volgodonsk and its industry with heat.

Pupil 2. International activities

Volgodonsk NPP develops its international cooperation and first of all with France which has highly developed system of nuclear power plants.

In 2002 Volgodonsk NPP started to cooperate with Electric de France, one of the biggest power generating companies in Europe. It operates 19 NPPs with 58 reactors with a total capacity of 65 mln

KWh, the owner of Flaminville NPP. This French NPP is situated on the shore of La Manche near Cherbourg. Since then the twin-NPPs have carried out projects concerning fire response, radiation safety, control, equipment efficiency, maintenance. A delegation of Flamanville NPP visited Volgodonsk NPP in June 2007. The sides signed the agreement to continue their visit exchange program till 2011.In April 2008 Volgodonsk NPP delegation will visit Flamanville under the Overhaul project( French NPPs are overhauled each 10 years).

Besides the problem of nuclear power engineering this cooperation allows to develop cultural relations between the countries. The Russian delegation in March 2007 visited one of the 10 Russian parishes in France, the Church of St. Seraphim of Sarov, and presented the church with icons of Seraphim and Sergius of Radonezh.

Pupil 3. Safety

Belgian ( Tractebel) specialists visited Volgodonsk NPP in January 2007 considered it to be one of the most innovative NPPs in Russia. Tractebel is a Belgian energy monopolist, a group of companies that have been operating in the country for over 100 already. Its experts are involved in many international programs for nuclear safety enhancement.

Experts of the European Commission pointed out Volgodonsk NPP commitment to high safety standards in March 2007. The objective of their visit was to consider a package of ES nuclear safety programs for 2007-2013.

Volgodonsk NPP was the first Russian NPP inspected by OSART- an international organisation. Experts of IAEA OSART follow-up review mission gave high mark to operating safety of Volgodonsk NPP in April 2007.

Pupil 4. Local activity.

Volgodonsk NPP and Volgodonsk Club of Russian Navy Submariners signed cooperation agreement in October 2007. The cooperation between Volgodonsk NPP and the Russian Navy is part of the tradition established by the mayors of Russian cities and the managers of the nuclear industry in the 1990s and advocating patriotism, love for Russia and its Navy and mutual support and cooperation.

Volgodonsk Nuclear Power Plant and Volgodonsk Club of Russian Navy Submariners realize the necessity of pooling their efforts to develop the nuclear power industry and the nuclear submarine fleet to popularize nuclear energy and to fight such vices as alcoholism, drug addiction and violence.

One of the first joint projects is already underway: the sides are building a monument to Admiral Fyodor Ushakov.

The Club is going to open classes of young mariners at two high school of Volgodonsk as well as a maritime nuclear college. The mayor of Volgodonsk V. Firsov, the director of Volgodonsk NPP A.Palamarchuk, the head of the education department T.Samsonyuk and other officials are ready to support this project.

Volgodonsk NPP supports sports. Its hand –to-hand fighters are the best in Rostov region. A women’s volleyball team “Impulse” has been in the premier league of Russia since 2001.

4 этап: обсуждение

На данном этапе учащиеся отвечают на вопросы, предложенные в таблице.

Наибольший интерес, разумеется, вызывает последнее задание-положительные и отрицательные стороны деятельности АЭС. В своих высказываниях учащиеся используют фразы согласия и несогласия с говорящим.

Agreement Disagreement
That’s right. On the contrary, it is…
I must agree that… On the other hand…
I also think so I don’t agree
You are quite right. Don’t forget about the other side of the problem

В результате дискуссии таблица получила следующий вид:

Questions Answers
General information

- When did the construction of Volgodonsk NPP begin?

- When was the first unit launched?

- What’s its capacity?

It began in 1980s

It was launched on March 30 2001

Since 2001 unit 1 has produced 47.4 KWh

International activity

- With what European power generating company has Volgodonsk NPP got a long cooperation?

- What is Volgodonsk NPP’s French twin?

- What are their joint projects?

With Electric de France

Flaminville NPP.

Projects concerning fire response, radiation safety, equipment efficiency, maintenance.


Experts of what international organisation inspected Volgodonsk NPP in 2007?

What are their marks?

Belgian ( Tractebel) specialists, experts of the

European Commission

They gave high marks

Local activity

- What interesting projects of Volgodonsk NPP did you learn about?

- What way does the NPP help the city and its citizens ?

The cooperation between Volgodonsk NPP and the Russian Navy

The The plant won’t produce only electricity but

W also supply Volgodonsk and its industry with heat.

Positive points Employment for the citizens

Heat Electricity

Negative points Ecology problem

Nuclear risk problem

5 этап: заключительный

Учитель подводит итоги работы учащихся в группах, выставляет оценки, благодарит ребят за работу.

Teacher: Today we tried to discuss a very important question for all of us as we are the citizens of this town. We knew a lot of information about our nuclear plant, about its local and international activity and first of all about its safety. I think the work was usefull and fruitfull. Each of you had an opportunity to tell us your opinion on the matter. Thank you for your work.