"Young People - Old Problems". Открытый урок. 9-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 9


  • Совершенствование навыков аудирования, развитие навыков чтения, устанавливая смысловые связи и контекстуальную догадку.
  • Способствовать развитию нравственного здоровья и толерантности, нетерпимости к отрицательным проявлениям в среде молодёжи.

Оснащение урока: видеофильм London, аудиозапись Ideas a Issues.

Эссе учащихся, материалы опроса.

I. Вступительное слово учителя:

Today we’ll touch upon some problems of teen life. We are going to watch a video and listen to your essays which you prepared in groups.

We’ll also do some exercises.

II. Просмотр видеосюжета: Young People in Britain

III. Мозговая атака: Проблемы молодежи

Appearance Education
Smoking Money
Deseases Job
Drugs Violence
Underage drinking Bullying
Pocket money Problems Crime
Poverty gap
Teenage pregnancy


T: Your homework was to write an essay Belonging to a group: for and against. Let us begin. (сообщения учащихся: S1, S2, S3)

You have just listened to our student’s essays

To sum up we can say that all students are against extreme groups of young people

And will never be the members of such groups, it’s for sure.

V. Dasha has conducted a survey among students of your class and also among children and adults of the house she lives in.

Сообщение о результатах проведения опроса.

VI. Аудирование текста Sex… Drugs… alcohol?

T: Before listening to the interview with parents and their children I’d like to ask you if there are any rules in your families.

Now look at the board there are words you’ll hear in the text:

Trusts me = believes that I’m honest, sincere

Take liberties – use one’s freedom in the wrong way

Behave – say / do things.

  • контроль понимания текста./True- False Statements /.
  • вопросы учащимся.

Are you allowed to

  • have parties?
  • watch films during the week?
  • have friends stay over 10 p. m?
  • go out at the weekend?
  • play music after midnight?

Are there different rules for boys and girls in your family?

What do/ did you argue about with your parents most often about?


T: To any difficult situation solution can be found to eliminate problem.

Ira will tell you about some ways to help yourselves.

Ira : I want to give you advice how to feel good about yourself.

Advice № 1. Remember you are a unique individual. DO NOT compare yourself to anyone else.

Advice 2. Do something for someone else. The people you are helping will think you are special.

Advice 3. Confide in a friend. Anxiety spreads thinner when it is shared.

Advice 4. Keep notes of your problems. Do it in code if you worry about privacy. By the end of the month, you will see how many problems you did solve.

Advice 5. Allow yourself to fail. We do learn from experience. Each failure teaches us something. And the last rule.

Advice 6. Make up your own chant or mantra. Try “ I am doing the best I can” or “I am a great person”. Repeat it to yourself wherever you start to feel shaky.

VIII. Выполнение упражнения 3 р17 по рабочей тетради.

IX. Раздать листки с девизом каждому учащемуся. T: Try to read and translate. You can use it as a kind of motto and follow it.

X. Подведение итогов урока.

T: Thank you children for your answers. If we are broad-minded and tolerant we can respect different opinions and beliefs and make our world happier.

Don’t be easy target. Thank you.


  1. О.А. Гроза и др. New Millennium English.
  2. Speak. Out 2003.
  3. English Learner’s Digest №18 2003.
  4. В. Кузовлев English 10-11.