Урок английского языка по теме: "Должен ли политик быть добрым?"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Урок английского языка в 10 классе по теме: “Must a politician be kind?”

Цель урока: развитие иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции.

Задачи урока:

совершенствование речевых навыков монологической речи;

закрепление лексики, употребления модального глагола must;

развитие способности к сравнению, формулированию выводов, высказыванию своего мнения, умения выражать согласие и несогласие;

воспитание нравственности (проблема нравственности в политике, проблема двойного стандарта нравственности: для политика и человека, работающего в другой сфере).

Оснащение: наглядные пособия (фотографии политиков, лексика), раздаточный материал (анкеты, листовки).

Ход урока

T.: Good morning! I’m glad to see you! How are you?

P.: Good morning! We are fine. And you?

T.: I’m fine. Today we have guests on our lesson. Let’s greet them!

P.: Good morning! You are welcome!

T.: Today we’ll talk about politicians. What kind of men must they be? Must a politician be kind? It’s the theme of our lesson.

T.:But at first let’s repeat all personality traits we have studied. Try to guess them.

Учащиеся по очереди описывают различные черты характера, а другие отгадывают.

P1: Please name the ability to see or describe a future event in advance as a result of knowledge. (predictability)

P2: Please name a feeling that you are attractive

And you can do things successfully. (self – confidence)

P3: Name the ability to live through difficult conditions. (toughness)

P4: Please give the other name of great care. (cautiosness)

P5: Please name the ability to move quickly from place to place. (mobility)

P6: Please name the ability to use one’s power of action and judgement without depending on others. (self – reliance)

P7: Please name the ability to wait something for a long time. (patience)

P8: Please name the willingness to do what someone tells you to do even it is unpleasant. (submission)

T.: Very good. Now you’ve got lists of other personal characteristics. Please look through this list and choose one to describe a politician.

На доске учащиеся закрепляют таблички с описанием характера политика и объясняют свой выбор.

A politician must be…..

P1: I think the politician must be eloquent because he must be a good speaker.

P2: On my mind politician must be courageous because there are many difficulties in policy.

P3: The politician must be patriotic he must love our country.

P4: In my opinion the politician must be patient because he could wait success for a long time.

P5: I think the politician must be kind he must love people.

P6: The politician must be sly because it’s hard to be successful without slyness.

P7: On my mind the politician must be self – reliant because he must act without depending on others.

После высказывания каждого учащегося учитель спрашивает слушателей об их точке зрения, согласны ли они с выступающими или нет.

T.: Do you agree with him/ her? How do you think she/he is right?

Possible answers:

  • I agree/disagree
  • That’s just I was thinking.
  • I couldn’t agree more.
  • That is not the way I see.
  • In fact I think she/he is right/wrong.

T.: And I think the politician must be popular because he must be known by people. Now we’ve got a portrait of an ideal politician but let’s discuss the real politicians…

На доске вывешиваются фотографии известных политиков:

1 В. В. Путин

T.: Do you recognize them? Who is he? What is he? How can you characterize him?

P.: His name is Vladimir Vladimirovich. His surname is Putin. He is the President of The Russian Federation. He is self – reliant, courageous, honest, disciplined, patriotic, sly, loyal.

2 М. Ш. Шаймиев

P.: His name is Mintimer Sharipovich. His surname is Shaimiev. He is the President of Tatarstan. He is not eloquent but he is patriotic, sly, honest, bright and kind.

3 В. М. Салихов

P.: His name is Vasil Maksutovich. His surname is Salikhov. He is the principle of our school. He is gifted, risky, hard – working, sociable, courageous.

T.: Good job! Do you know what political party Shaimiev M. Sh. and Salikhov V. M. are members of?

P.: “Unified Russia”

T.: That’s right. What animal is the symbol of this political party?

P.: Bear.

Ладонями отбивается ритм рэпа

T.: You are right. Now I’ve got a question. (3 раза)

Must a politician be kind?

P.: Yes he must. (хором)

T.: Must a politician be cruel?

P.: No he mustn’t. (хором)

T.: Must a politician be bright?

P.: Yes, he must. (хором)

T.: Must a politician be bossy?

P.: No, he mustn’t. (хором)

T.: Must a politician be honest?

P.: Yes, he must. (хором)

T.: Now let’s together. (повторение хором слов с доски в стиле рэпа)

Political party

And everything is policy


And everything is government

T.: Oh, I’m too old for rap. By the way how old are you?

P.: We are sixteen.

T.: Do you have the right to vote?

P.: No, we don’t.

T.: But do you want to vote?

P.: Yes, we do.

T.: I can help you. Just close your eyes and imagine that ten years passed and you are 26 years old now, you graduated school, institute, you are working now and you are going to vote. Open your eyes.

T.; It was your hometask to introduce your own candidate to deputies to the Duma. It’s time to introduce them.

Учащиеся представляют своих кандидатов в депутаты.

Первая группа:

- He is nice

He is tall

He is wise

He is best of all

Our candidate is Volodya. (представляют красочный плакат)

Вторая группа:

- She is beautiful girl

She knows English best of all

Do you know her?! Let’s spell her name:

Z – U – L – F – I – Y – A.

Vote for Zulfiya. (раздают листовки)

T.: Let’s greet our candidates! Every candidate must have the speech. Volodya, please, we listen to you.

Volodya: I’m businessman. On my mind there are two most acute problems in our country – corruption of power and worsening interethnic relations, that’s why we must build a civil society by supporting independent social organizations and local government as basic structures of a civil society. I’m going to held public actions on concrete facts of corruption. Another problem is our environmental pollution and I hope to solve this problem by organizing ecological joint actions. Elect me and you won’t disappointed!

T.: Do you have any questions to our candidate?

P.: What are you going to do with corruption?

Volodya: I will publicly condemn any examples of corruption.

P.: What is about terrorist attacks?

Volodya: I think we must increase security against terrorist attacks.

T.: Let’s listen to Zulfiya.

Zulfiya: I’m teacher of English. As a teacher I’m not indifferent to the problems of school and youth. Because it is often impossible for the young to find a job, it is necessary to create job centers and encourage the business initiative of the youth, set up school small business companies. At the same time without good education it is not easy to find a good job. Because the better a person is educated, the greater his/her chance for success and high living standard is, it is necessary to preserve free higher education as the main system as well as to make possible to get a higher education on a commercial basis. Another problem the profession of teacher isn’t well paid in our country that’s why I’m going to increase their earnings.

P.: What can you say about social welfare?

Zulfiya: I’ll fight for the old and sick people in our society.

P.: Won’t you change your policy then?

Zulfiya: Of course, not.

T.: I hope you are ready to vote and to explain your choice.

P.: I vote for Zulfiya because she is my friend.

- I give my voice to Zulfiya because she is kind.

Все учащиеся голосуют.

T.: I congratulate Zulfiya as the new deputy of the Duma. Thank you for the lesson. Your hometask is ex. 5 on p. 57. Your marks are excellent. Goodbye!