Сценарий открытого урока "Family: Values and Problems". 10-й класс, 5-й цикл

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 10

Форма урока: телепрограмма "Времена".

Продолжительность: 80 минут. (2x40)


  • ТСО — магнитофон, компьютер;
  • грамматическая таблица Complex Object;
  • плакаты с высказываниями великих людей.

Цели и задачи:

Учебный аспект:

  • повторение и закрепление активной лексики уроков 5-го цикла; развитие навыков неподготовленной речи;
  • формирование коммуникативной культуры школьников, развитие культуры устных выступлений при презентации проектных работ;
  • повторение грамматической структуры Complex Object.

Развивающий аспект:

  • развитие коммуникабельности, самостоятельности, умения сотрудничать;
  • развитие способностей к логическому изложению, к формулированию выводов.

Воспитательный аспект: учить критически относиться к своему поведению, критически думать о своих семейных отношениях, уважительно относиться к родителям, уметь находить пути разрешения конфликтов.


Teacher: Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to our TV programme "Times". I'm extremely pleased to meet you here in our studio. Unfortunately, I am not Mr. Pozner with his perfect English and enormous knowledge but, fortunately, I'm here with my students willing to discuss some family issues concerning teenagers and adults.

First, let me introduce our guests, our Fresh Heads, teachers of English from our town. Please greet them. I hope they'll share their great life experience with us and give us some useful and reasonable advice. Second, some words about the participants of our programme .My students are future mathematicians and there is no doubt some of them will become famous and glorify our region. But, nevertheless, all of them are deeply interested in today's discussion because in some years they'll have their own families.


Teacher: So, we are starting the first part of our discussion Family Values. To begin with, let's give a definition for "family".

  • Do you know what the approximate number of members is in modern Russian (English, American) families? What about our republic?
  • What types of families exist in our society? What is your attitude to living in an extended family? Have you ever thought about your future family? What kind of family would you like to live in? Why?
  • Why do people need a family? It is lovely to have the family round you. Do you agree?
  • What family values are present in a happy family? What is an ideal family as you see it?
  • What is your family for you? What could you say to your parents to make them feel better /happier?

Students express their points of view.


Teacher: I suppose it is time to apply to our Fresh Heads.

Students: Dear guests! Having a rich family experience what can you say about family values? Which are the most important from your point of view?

Guests exchange their ideas on the problem.


Teacher: Can you guess a riddle? "TV is not TV without..." {Advertisements)

Students in groups of 3 or 4 advertise their computer versions of Family magazines. (checking up homework)

Teacher: (after the presentation) Would you like to read these magazines? Which magazine is the best? Justify your opinion.

Students comment on each project, give their arguments for or against, choose the most interesting, the most informative and the most colorful one.


Teacher: I dare say that almost all families - happy and unhappy - have the same problem. It has been known since Turgenev's time. In his novel Fathers and Sons he came to the conclusion that the problem really exists. What do we call this problem? (Ss: generation gap.)

How can you explain the term "generation gap"? What issues do you think cause conflicts between parents and teenagers?

What problems do teenagers face today? How do you feel about teen problems? How do taking drugs and drinking alcohol influence teenagers? What problem is connected with having sex at earlier ages? Why is teenage pregnancy also a problem? Which of the
problems do you find serious?

Are you on friendly terms with your parents? Do you ask your parents about their feelings? How often? What qualities of your character do you think you should develop in yourself and which qualities you should get rid of?


Work in pairs.

Using Complex Object, say:

What parents would like their children to be and to do.

What children want their parents to be and to do.


Teacher: Today we've spoken a lot about relationships between teenagers and their parents. But how do you think teenagers can cope with their problems? How do you solve your problems?

What should adults (parents, teachers, government) do to solve or eliminate problems?

Students and Fresh Heads share their opinions on the problem.


Work in groups.

Use different ways of forbidding and permitting:

a) make an appeal to your parents.

b) write a set of basic rules for teens (as if you were parents).

Language support:


You should (not)...

You must (not)...

Please, try...


You are (not) allowed...

You are (not) permitted...

You are (not) forbidden...

Please, be...


Then I put students 'posters on the blackboard and ask them to agree or disagree with the opinion expressed.


"Children today are tyrants. They contradict their parents, gobble their food and tyrannize their teachers".

Socrates (420 ВС)


Teacher: If we compare teenagers of the past and teenagers today, we will find that they face almost the same problems, and still they are different in many ways. The similarity lies in the psychology of human beings, the differences of the economical and political situations bring new problems. And now I'm sure you have become highly qualified specialists in the sphere of family relationships. I thank you for your sincerity and creativity, for your good work. I'm much obliged to our guests for their hard work and helpful advice. Our programme is over. Good-bye!