Сценарий открытого урока по теме: "Земля - наш дом"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Образовательные задачи: расширение кругозора учащихся путем ознакомления их с понятием “глобализация”, ее влиянием на окружающий мир, формирование умения выделять положительное и отрицательное в данном явлении.

Воспитательные задачи: воспитание доброго отношения к природе, нетерпимости к терроризму как к явлению, разрушающему жизнь на земле, воспитание заинтересованного отношения ко всему, что происходит вокруг нас, умения оказывать помощь, не оставлять человека в беде.

Развивающие задачи: формирование активной жизненной позиции, желания быть полезными своей стране, своему городу, школе, в которой ты учишься, своей семье.

Практические задачи: развитие навыков всех видов речевой деятельности с использованием ИКТ.


Левый угол классного кабинета содержит – компьютер с проектором, телевизор и видеомагнитофон, магнитофон, кассеты и видеокассеты, кучи бумажного мусора, символизирующие загрязнение окружающей среды.

Правый угол – полон зелени, цветов, увешан плакатами, символизирующих красоту окружающей среды.

Производные слова: globe, global, globalize, globalist – globalisation висят на доске

Брэнды различных компаний украшают стены класса, подтверждая выдвигаемые тезисы за и против глобализации

1.Warm– up звучит музыка из репертуара Boney-M “I see missiles’– песня сопровождается показом слайдов “Ядерный взрыв” на компьютере.

T: Dear friends! The Topic of today’s discussion is ‘The Earth is our Home”

As you guess “The Earth is also our common home & common concern. “Look around & tell us what process are we involved in? T: –Right. It’s the process of globalisation. Let’s look through the slides & comment on them.(учащиеся комментируют слайды на компьютере). T: And now comes Word formation. Read the word: globalisation. Form the possible words. (Globe, global, globalist, antiglobalist) Thank you.

2.T: You know, globalisation has got 2 sides : а good side & а bad one. Let‘s try to differentiate between them.

T: I want 2 students to come up to the blackboard & to write good & bad sides of globalisation. Call good & bad sides which you know.

Good sides of globalisation Bad sides of globalisation
Cyberspace(The Internet) Terrorism
Joint projects (exploration of outer space) Ecological problems
International languages Overpopulation
Exchange programmes Lack of food in some countries
Computers Spreading diseases(Aids)
  Dying out some languages

T: Unfortunately we can touch upon only some of them today, but before doing it, let’s rank both sides of globalisation from the most important to the least important.

Now we have 3 urgent problems. They are:

1.”International terrorism,

2. Ecological problems

3. Spreading diseases, generation gaps.

3.Terrorism is an incredibly violent phenomenon. Watch video film & comment on it.( The 11th of September 2001)

T: 1.When & where did the event take place? P1– It’s collapsing of 2 twin–towers of the “World Trade Center ”in New-York, the USA.

T– Yes, you are right & what other notorious events can you call? (Дубровка, Беслан, взрывы в Московском метро.)

T: And now just imagine that we are present at the international conference with the participants of eye-witnesses of those notorious events. You were given some material about those events. Let’s invite some representatives, & your task will be to ask questions– you are correspondents of different Mass media. Who would like to come? Thanks you.

Задаются вопросы различными корреспондентами СМИ. Участники тех печальных событий во всех подробностях повествуют о происходивших несчастьях.

The first participant of the conference:

In October 2002, Chechen terrorist seized a musical theatre in Dubrovka Street, Moscow. It was packed with 800 people who came to watch “Nord-Ost” musical. More than 120 people died, & many were injured. A medical student was one of the hostages. Six months after the event she used her notes about the siege to write this diary. We have seized! I can’t believe it, but it’s true. We’re all terroified. Mum is trying not to panic. Suicide bombers have hidden explosives. Dad & the other doctors are trying to help people. I will try to do the same. I didn’t sleep all night. What is going to happen? Still no news. Dad didn’t sleep at all, he spent all night helping people. I keep hoping & praying for a miracle… Red Cross workers enter & release some elderly people with heart problems. Chechen terrorists demand”Doctors Without Frontiers”. More & more people become ill. Heard shooting. Doctor Roshal’s here. They let him treat people’s wounds. He leaves with some children with pneumonia. The UK citizen is also freed. I’ m getting desperate. No fresh air, no food. I can hear my dad coughing. The stale air has brought on his asthma. God save us. Still here. We are all on edge. Dad said help is coming. Forced to wear wet handkerchiefs in case the rescuers use gas. Long period of unconsciousness is over. I find myself in hospital with my mum. We’re safe & sound. The nightmare is over. However, this is not the end of the story. Gas was used to save us, but at what cost to our health?

The second participant of the conference:

At 1.23 a.m. on 26th April,1986 human error & poor safety standards caused a terrible explosion. A nuclear accident at Chernobyl Power Station (the current territory of the Ukraine) released ninety times more radiation into the air than the Hiroshima bomb. Because of the wind & the rain, 70% of this radiation fell on Belarus. This small country has no nuclear power station & yet it suffered the worst of the nuclear disaster. Now 10% of this land cannot be used & there are high-risk areas where people can no longer live. People, who live beyond such areas farm in the traditional way, keep cattle & eat their own produce. But even this land is not really safe. Two of the most dangerous radioisotopes Caesium-137 & Strontium-90 are present in the soil, dust & water. This is a serious & constant problem. Now, almost two decades after the accident, it is clear that radiation has caused cancer, leukemia, a weak immune system & birth defects. In all, over 400 000 people have become environmental refugees, evacuated from their homes in radioactive no-go areas.

The third participant of the conference:

At the beginning of the 21st century there were terrible droughts & heat waves. Devastating forest fires claimed human lives & became national disasters. Russia helped fight fires in Europe with its giant Mi-26 helicopters & highly professional teams of firefighters. What are the main causes of forest fires? There are two of them: man–made & natural. Man-made fires are the result of people being careless. Dropped cigarettes, matches, camp fires that are not put out properly, glass bottles & fragments of glass. Did you know that glass can act as a magnifying glass & cause a flame? In fact this is a common cause of fires in Siberia & the Far East, both man-made & natural. The major causes of natural fires are peat bogs & lightning. The average number of forest fires per 1 million square kilometers in Russia is much lower that in Europe or America. But as Russia is such a huge forest country the average of a single fire is much larger. There are still many unprotected areas in Northern Siberia & the Far East according for about 1\3 of the Russian forests. In total 10 000– 30 000 fires occur in Russia every year, covering 2 million hectares, causing great damage to woodland & wildlife.

4. Another problems which are worth mentioning are Ecological problems.

1. Let’s watch video clip & pick out global & ecological problems. (Deforestation, pulp paper factory, meat factory, the condition of the air, water, extermination of animals.)

2. T: Great! Please work with the handouts, do Ex 6 – form the connotations with the given words.

3. T: Another task in Exam format is filling the gaps while reading . Let’s do it now. Ex 5.

4 . T: You see we’ve got so many ecological problems. How to overcome all of them? As far as I remember some years ago the youth forum was held dedicated to the Earth protection on the 30 th of April. As far as I know there are some organizations now which can do a lot for nature protection

Can we contribute to the cause of Nature protection in our Republic? What can we do?

Your task was to write a formal letter to the Town Hall for a grant to support voluntary movement in our republic. I’ve checked them up & the best letter to my mind should be send to mayor Voinov. Let’s read it, sign & send to him.

5. T: Let’s sum up what we’ve said about the Earth in unusual way.)(We are singing the song about the Earth) Звучит песня “Земля в иллюминаторе”.

6. T: We’ve come to the Youth problems. What youth problems do you know? ( Называют проблемы получения образования, наркомании и табакокурения, алкоголя и т. д.)

7 T: But globalisation also has good sides. Personally I associate the process of globalisation with international languages as means of communication. Am I right? T: I deadly agree with you. (Учащиеся высказываются о роли иностранных языков, о Российском образовании и образовании за рубежом, также возникает дискуссия о необходимости изучения второго и третьего иностранных языков в школе.)

8. T: “So many peoples so many languages”. And do you happen to know the most peculiar features of some nations. Try to discuss them in short dialogues. (Обсуждаются наиболее типичные черты представителей различных национальностей: американцев, англичан, русских, марийцев, татар и т. д)

7. T: In my opinion the process of globalisation wipes out the boundary lines between peoples & countries. Is it good or bad? Watch a very short video fragment about King Author & try to comment on it.

T: Despite globalisation every nation should know its roots & keep its identity. We should love our Motherland & be useful & helpful citizens & patriots. If we are together in one boat no one can kill the world.

8.Учащиеся исполняют песню, дается домашнее задание – ролевая игра. Выставляются и комментируются оценки.

“Don’t kill the world,
Don’t let her die
Do not destroy basic ground.
Don’t kill the world
Our means of life
Due to Nature ‘cry.
Don’t kill the world
She is all we have
And surely here are words to say:
Don’t let her die
Fight for her trees
Pollution roughs
And supremo, supremo.

Используемая литература:

1. Материалы 9 Всероссийского семинара г. Обнинск;
2. “Click on-3”;
3. New First Certificate Masterclass”;
4. “Headway” (Pre-intermediate);
5. “Speak out “.