"When Is Your Birthday?"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

I. Организационный момент. Good morning! I am very glad to see you?

Сообщение цели и темы урока:

I put the theme of our lesson into code. Let’s count letters of the English alphabet and you can decode the theme? Each number is English letter.; 9.19;;

As you can see the theme of our lesson is “When is your birthday”. Today we shall speak about seasons, months, ordinal and cardinal numbers and days of the week.

II. Фонетическая речевая зарядка

III. Основная часть урока.

1) На доске картинки “времена года” рисунок №1

- The are 4 seasons in the year.

2) Разместить под каждой картинкой название времени года и произнести его. Дети повторяют.

It is autumn. It is summer. It is winter. It is spring.

3) Задать вопрос: “What season is it?” дети отвечают “It is ……..”.

4) Перевернуть карточки с названиями времен года и заменить их цифрами а так же и картинки.

Look at these pictures very attentively/ Please, remember them.

What is number 4 ?

It is winter/

За каждый правильный ответ дать фишку.

5) Let’s listen to the poem about “Seasons”.

Winter is white,
Springtime is green,
Summer is golden
And autumn's a flame.

Four lovely seasons
To make up a year”
Sing them by color
And sing them by name.

IV. These are 12 months in a year. December, January and February are winters month.

March, April, May are spring months

June, July, and August are summer months.

September, October and November are autumn months.

(разместить название месяцев рядом с картинками “времена года”)

V. Want to tell you a story about the first month of the year (картинка с изображением бога дверей) двуликий Янус. Рисунок №2

The word January came from Janus — the Roman god of doors. Every door has two sides — one looks forward and the other — backward. So Janus had two faces — one on the front and one on the back of his head. With these faces he could look back to the past year and look forward to the coming year.

The first month of the year had a lot of names. The Dutch1 called it frosty2 month; the Saxons first called it wolf month, because there was very little food for the wolves and they were very aggressive in this month. Later they called it the first month.

In the French calendar it was called snow month.

VI. Please, repeat the names of months

VII. Lets listen to a poem about months


January, dark and black,
February, sun comes back,
March... now winter, disappear,
April, truly spring is here,
May, there are such lovely days,
June, the shining sun does blaze,
July, you're baking on the beach,
August, hair's fair with sunshine bleach,
September, mornings oft are cold,
October, leaves are red and gold,
November, winter has arrived,
December, New Year's joy survives.

VIII. Take sheets of paper, listen, repeat and rite.

A rhyme

30 days has September, April
June and November
All the rest have 31
Excepting February alone
Which has 28 days clear
And 29 in each leap year

Fill in the rhyme

30 days has S..er, A…,
J…, and N…
All the rest have 31
Excepting F…, alone
Which has 28 days clear
And 29 in each leap year

IX. As you know there 2 types of numerals: cardinal and ordinal.

Lets use cardinal numerals.

T: - Who count from 1 to 10? –

X. Now will be moths. Listen to me attentively, we must receive 10.

XI. But there are ordinal numerals. You must remember that numerals have the definite article – the – and the ending –th-

XII. Пауза – игра с мячом

Я называю количественное числительное и бросаю мяч а ученик ловит мяч – называет порядковое числительное. Отработать числительные до 31.

XIII. Развешаны листочки с цифрами по всему кабинету, дети выбирают день недели встают под цифрой, под которой этот день расположен в неделе.

You know that Sunday is the first day of the week in England.

Sunday is the first day of the week
Monday is the second day of the week
Tuesday is the third day of the week
Wednesday is the fourth day of the week
Thursday is the fifth day of the week
Friday is the sixth day of the week
Saturday is the seventh day of the week

Take one of these cards and find your ordinal numerals.

XIV. Some of our pupils prepared a very interesting show.

Lets watch this play

The Lost Birthday

(After Donald Bis set)


Father Elephant — a very very big elephant.

Mother Elephant — a quite big elephant.

Yalmar (their little son). The Story-teller.

Place: An open place with a few trees on the left. Some hay in a corner.

Storyteller: Once upon a time there was a big Father

Elephant. He lived at Whipsnade Zoo near London with a

Mother Elephant and their little son whose name was Yalmar.

Watch the play and you'll see what happened.

(The Story-teller goes off. Father Elephant appears, stops in the middle of the stage, thinks for some time then stands on his head. Mother Elephant enters.) M. (in surprise): How funny, you are! (Goes up to him.) What ever are you doing?

F.: I ... I am trying to remember something.

M.: To remember? What are you trying to remember?

F. (sadly): If I knew that, I wouldn't be trying to remember it, my dear, would I?

(He gets up and walks off.)

M.: Yalmar! Yalmar! Where are you? Come here!

Yalmar (runs in): What do you want, Mother dear?

M. (greatly excited): Run along, Yalmar, and find out what your father has forgotten.

(She goes off. Yalmar begins to walk up and down the stage very slowly- Then he stops near the trees and sits down under one of them.)

Yalmar: I don't know where to find what my father has forgotten. (Soon he hears the sound of crying. He gets up and looks around.

He tries to find out who is crying, but sees nobody.)

Yalmar: Who are you? I can't see you.

(}Thefe is a voice from behind: "I'm a lost birthday and I don't know who J belong to.")

Yalmar: Oh, dear! That's sad! (Then he asks suddenly.) Is there a birthday cake?

(There is a voice from behind: "Of course! There's always a birthday cake on birthdays. This one's got six candles. Someone's six today.")

Yalmar (to the audience): How nice to be six. Thai's a very nice age. Almost as nice as being seven. Five is nice too: and so is four. And as for eight, well, when you're eight you'll need only eight or perhaps ten more years and you'll be grown-up. Still, I think I'd like best to be six. (To the voice.) I'm terribly sorry, but I can't help you... I don't know who's forgotten a birthday. Good-bye. I must go home. Mother's waiting for me.

(Yalmar goes to the left and Father Elephant appears from the right, sits down and begins to eat hay. Yalmar reappears. Father Elephant stops eating.)

F.: I remembered I knew it was yesterday or tomorrow... or today, and it is... Yalmar (eagerly): It is what?

(Mother Elephant enters.)

M.: Your birthday, Yalmar. You're six today.

(Yalmar becomes very excited. He runs up to the tree near which he heard the voice of the lost birthday.) Y a 1 m a r; Hallo! You're my birthday. I'm six today.

(There is a voice from behind: "Hooray, hooray, hooray!") Story-teller: That afternoon at tea-time, Yalmar had a birthday cake with six candles.

F.: Many happy returns of the day, my son. Yalmar: Thanks very much, Father.

(Mother Elephant goes over to the cake.)

M.: Let's go and try the birthday cake.

(Yalmar blows all the candles out.) Yalmar: It is fun! I like being six.

Торт подаренный слоненку все дети попробуют после окончания урока.

XV. At last I wont to know when are your birthdays? Write on these colored notes your birthday’s dates.

Каждый ребенок называет свой день рождения записанный на листочке выходит к доске и прикрепляет его к плакату на котором изображены подарки и праздничный торт.

XVI. Проверим достигли ли мы цели нашего урока.

Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

а) — What month is it now?

— It's____________now.

b) — What season is it now?

— It's____________now.

c) — What day is it today?

— It's____________today.

d) — What date is it today?

— It's_____________

Now I see you can answer my questions.

XVII. В заключении выполним небольшой тест:

Тест 1. Отметьте правильный вариант перевода количественных числительных.

1) 2

a) second
b) two
c) twelve

2) 8

a) eighth
b) eight
c) eighty

3) 4

a) four
b) fourth
c) forty

4) 3

a) third
b) three
c) thirty

5) 22

a) twenty-two
b) twenty two
c) twenty second

6) 200

a) two hundreds
b) two hundred
c) two-hundred

Задание. Переведите порядковые числительные на английский язык.

I) 1-й; 2) 2-й; 3) 3-й; 4) 4-й; 5) 5-й; 6) 9-й; 7) 12-й; 8) 20-й; 9) 15-й;

10) 100-й;

II) 1001-й;

12) 23 февраля.

Тест 2. Укажите артикль, который вы будете употреблять с порядковыми числительными.

a) the

b) a (an)

Задание. Переведите на английский язык.

1) Сегодня понедельник, 4 сентября.

2) У Коли 5 игрушек.

3) Маша пришла первой в школу сегодня.

4) Мой день рождения 6 мая.

XVIII. Open your diaries and write down your home task.

XIX. Our lesson is almost over. Thank you very much. You were clever, so bright. I love you. After our lesson? Please don’t forget to taste this cake. Your marks are. Excellent.
