Урок английского языка, 8-й класс. "Национальные русские зимние праздники"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 8

Цели урока:

  • формирование кросс-культурной грамотности
  • совершенствование ранее приобретённых навыков и знаний устной и письменной речи, использование дополнительных материалов, проработанных самостоятельно.

Задачи урока:

  • активизация творческих способностей учащихся и интереса к предмету
  • привитие вкуса к чтению стихов на английском языке
  • активизация лексики по теме “Зимние праздники”.

Оборудование: Постеры с изображением Нового года, Рождества, Масленицы, Святок.

Ход урока

1. Начало урока. Приветствие. Сообщение целей урока.

T: Good afternoon, children.

Cl: Good afternoon.

T: Nice to meet you.

Cl: Nice to meet you.

T: Sit down please. Let’s start our lesson. Today we are going to speak about Russian winter holidays.

T: Do you like winter holidays?

P1: Yes, of course.

P2: I like New Year’s Day

P3: I prefer Christmas

T: All right

2. Речевая зарядка

T: In Russia winter is rich in festivals. It is a time to celebrate through its cold, frosty and snowy.

Look at the calendar and let’s remember.


December 31
January 1

February – late February

P1: December 31 – New Year’s Eve

P2: January 1 – New Year’s Day

P3: January 7 – Christmas

P4: January 13 – Old New Year’s Eve

P5: January 19 Epiphany

P6: late February – early March Shrovetide

T: That’s right

3. Совершенствование лексических навыков по теме.

T: What do people do during winter festivals?

Look at these expressions and read them after me.

T —> Cl

have a carnival

tell fortunes

make a snowman

build a town let

climb a pole for a gift

wear fancy costumes

ride a troika

play snowballs

sing carols

T: Many old Russian traditions have been revived in our country.

T: Suggest what a foreign visitor would enjoy doing on Christmas – tide and Shrovetide

P1: ride a troika

P2: sing carols

P3: climb a pole for a gift

P4: have a carnival

P5: tell fortunes, wear fancy costumes

T: Yes, that would be a pleasure.

4. Проверка домашнего задания

T: This is the way the Russian winter is described (reading).


Neath lucid skies of cleanest azure

The winter’s rich and dazzling treasure,

Her gorgeous rugs of snow are spread.

The wood is etched against them darkly,

The first, rime – starred, are green and sparkling,

In shiny mail the stream is clad.

T: What epithets are used to describe winter?

P1: cleanest, green, gorgeous

P2: dazzling, sparkling

T: Remember the original poem. Who is the auther?

P2: A.S. Pushkin is the auther of this poem. (Звучит отрывок из стихотворения А.С. Пушкина)

… Под голубыми небесами…

T: What epithets would you use describing winter in your town?

P2: shiny, magie, rich

P4: moving, smashing, greatest

T: What a beautiful!

5. Развитие речевого умения

T: Dear friends!

Let’s listening to our students.

(звучит музыкальная заставка).

Tell us, please, about Russian winter festivals.

P1: Russian winter is full of poetry and magic.

P2: Russian winter! These words to a Russian are like a call to fun.

P3: What Russian doesn’t like a fast ride in a troika, or sleigh with three horses?

P4: The signing of chastushkas used to be a main part of Russian rural holidays and parties.

(См. приложение)

T: Thank you. It was very emotional and exciting!

6. Письмо

T: Russian likes to celebrate winter holidays. It is a good time to show your love to your relatives and friends. People give presents and write postcards to each other.

As for me, I wrote to my cousin yesterday:

(Показывает открытку).

Dear Tanya,

Happy New Year!

Yours, Ira

T: Look at the poster “Congratulations and wishes”

Occasions Greetings
Seasonal Happy Christmas!
Mary Christmas!
Celebrations Happy New Year!
Party Have a nice holiday!
Have a good holiday

T: Work in group of 4.

(Раздаёт учащимся фломастеры, бумагу)

Now let’s write holiday Christmas postcards. Who will be the best? (Затем каждая группа показывает и зачитывает свою поздравительную открытку)

7. Домашнее задание

T: Your homework is to write postcards for St. Valentine’s Day. Your congratulations can be made in either serious or joyous manner.

8. Заключительный этап

(Обобщение, подведение итогов)

T: So children, thank you for lesson. Your answers were very interesting and exciting.

(Выставление оценок)

9. Рефлексия

T: But it’s very interesting for me what you think of our lesson. This small sun helps do it.

If you liked the lesson the sun is smiling. If you don’t like our discussion or you were bored, the sun is indifferent or boring.

(Учащиеся выражают своё отношение к уроку, рисуя “улыбку” у солнышка).