Изобретения, которые тебе, возможно, понадобятся

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Тип урока: традиционный.

Цели и промежуточные задачи урока:


  • совершенствование техники чтения про себя;
  • развитие умения читать с извлечением основной информации;
  • развитие умения читать с извлечением нужной информации;
  • умение описывать изобретения, их достоинства и недостатки;


  • формирование механизма языковой догадки и уменияепереноса знаний и навыков в новую ситуацию;
  • развитие образного и логического мышления;


  • формирование положительного отношения к иностранному языку, к культуре народа, говорящего на этом языке, взаимопонимания, толерантности.

Данный урок направлен на отработку различных видов чтения: чтение с пониманием основного содержания текста, чтение с полным пониманием текста, чтение с выборочным извлечением нужной или интересующей информации.

На уроке учащиеся смогут описать свое изобретение, познакомиться с другими изобретениями, обсудить их достоинства и недостатки. Тексты для обсуждения взяты из книги “101 бесполезное японское изобретение: искусство Чиндогу”, автор Кении Коваками. Чиндогу – это остроумные изобретения, которые не всегда полезны.

Тема урока: “Inventions you might want”.

T: The theme of our lesson today is “Inventions you might want”. At the end of the lesson you will be able to describe an invention and its advantages and disadvantages. Well, now tell me What Great Inventions do you know? Use the words:

  • to discover – делать открытие;

  • to create – создавать;

  • to design – проектировать;

  • to invent – изобретать.

P1: Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin.

P2: Tomas Sullivan created tea bags.

P3: Jacques-Yves Cousteau and Emile Gagnan designed the aqualung.

P4: The Wright brothers invented the first working aeroplane.

P5: Wilhelm Roentgen discovered X-rays.

Now look at the pictures and guess what these inventions are for:

P1: May be Back Scratcher’s T-Shirt helps to scratch my back.

P2: Duster slippers for cats help to clean the room.

P3: Hay Fever Hat helps to cope with runny nose.

Р4: Portable Zebra Crossing helps to cross the road when you need.

Р5: The Telephone Dumbbell helps to increase your fitness.

T-Read the texts and match them with the pictures.

The texts come from the book 101useless Japanese Inventions: The Art of Chindogu by Kenji Kawakami.The book is about chindgu, which are witty inventions that are almost usefull but not quite. In his book Kenji Kawakami, founder of the International Chindagu Society, outlines the basic ten principles of chindogu. The first three are that these invention cannot be for real use; they must exist, and they are without prejudice.


1E 2A 3C 4B 5D.

T: read the texts again and decide wich of the inventions:

  1. Сan help you around the house.
  2. Сan involve risk.
  3. Cannot be used if you are alone.
  4. Can help you lose weight.
  5. Can help you in embarrassing situations.


1B 2D 3A 4E 5C.

T: Discuss in pairs these questions and report your opinions in class. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the inventions?

P1: Back Scratchers T-Shirt helps to solve the problem of bad itching on your back. Makes your friendship stronger. May puzzle the people around you.

P2: Duster Slippers for Cats. Your flat or house will be tidy. A cat might not want to have the slippers on.

P3: Hay fever hat. You will never run out of paper to wipe your runny nose. May seem funny and strange to other people.

P4: Portable Zebra Crossing. You can carry a Portable crossing and cross the road when you decide to. Makes the life of a pedestrian easier. May be dangerous on busy roads.

P5: Reduces the time of telephone conversations and increases fitness. People who are not fit enough may not want to use a public telephone.

T: Read the texts again and choose the right meaning of the words in bold.

  1. Came up with – think of smth. such as an idea.
  2. Overcome – fight and win against someone or something.
  3. Cope with – deal with a difficult situation successfully.
  4. Result in – cause, or make something happen.
  5. Reduce – make something smaller or shorter in time.
  6. Increase – become larger in amount or number.

T. Fill in the gaps in these sentences with the new words. There is one extra word.

  1. A clever invention can reduce the time you spend on a boarding job.
  2. A sudden change in temperature can result in rain.
  3. After a long discussion the group came up with a new suggestion.
  4. If you use your imagination you сan cope with any creative task.
  5. You need to use both sides of your brain to increase your brain power.

T: In groups discuss this question and make notes. Use the plan below .If you could invent something to make your life easier, what would you invent?

  1. The name of the invention;
  2. The way it works;
  3. Possible advantages;
  4. Possible disadvantages;

Pay attention to the language support box.

Making suggestions and discussing ideas:

- What about …?

- Perhaps we could try to …?

- I think we may …?

- I think … would be better, because …

- This seems a very interesting idea!

- Yes, I agree with this suggestion.

- No, I think it is wrong to use.