Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку для учащихся 6–7-х классов на тему: "The History of Thanksgiving Day"

Разделы: Иностранные языки


  1. формирование социокультурной компетенции учащихся,
  2. развитие языковых и познавательных способностей учащихся,
  3. воспитание интереса и уважения к традициям,
  4. культуре страны изучаемого языка.


  1. традиционное оформление доски к празднику,
  2. перед доской из стульев в ряд сооружен корабль с надписью «MAYFLOWER»,
  3. на столе фрукты, овощи;

Музыкальное оформление представления:


  1. Швоки Роф «Вы океан» (из серии «Музыка в гармонии с природой») использовалась в качестве фоновой музыки для создания атмосферы пребывания в море.
  2. Детские песни из сборника Галины Доли «A sailor went to sea», «One little, two little, three little Indians». Песня «Happy Thanksgiving To All» из сборника песен «Holidays go round and round».
  3. Песня «Twinkle, twinkle little star» из сборника песен «Disney children’s favourite volume»
  4. Волшебная амазонка (из серии «Прикоснись к природе») использовалась в качестве фоновой музыки для создания атмосферы пребывания в лесу.

Действующие герои:

пилигримы (P1,P2,P3,P4,P5) 5человек
индейцы (I1,I2) 2 человека
авторы (A1,A2) 2 человека
исполнители песен (children) 3 человека

Ход представления

На сцене появляется автор и обращается к зрителям:

A1. Thanksgiving Day is one of the most popular holidays in America. People celebrated this holiday many years ago and now days it is celebrated too.

A2. But what was the beginning of this holiday? My friends Pilgrims will tell you about it. Be very attentive listeners and take part in our «Thanksgiving» quiz.

A1. Once upon a time in the land of England, there lived a small group of people called Pilgrims. The Pilgrims were unhappy, because the King of England would not let them worship God in their own way. (На сцену по одному выходят пилигримы и причитают)

P1. What shall we do?

P2. We are so unhappy.

P3. The king of England doesn’t let us worship God in our own way.

P4. What will our future be? Our children, poor little things.(Нежно прижимает к себе младенца)

P5. Oh, my God! I can’t hear that. Don’t cry. I have my idea. Let’s find a new world, a world of freedom, love and friendship.

P3. Where is this wonderful world? A better life?

P5. It’s far away, across the wild ocean.

P2. How can we get there?

P5. By ship. Let’s call it “Mayflower”. It will help us.(Показывает на корабль. Все расступаются).

A1. So the Pilgrims packed up their belongings and said a tearful good-bye to their homes and their friends and the world they knew.

A2. On a mild day in autumn, they set sail for a new world called America, which was across the wide ocean. Together, they hoped to find freedom and a better life.

(Все садятся на корабль и плывут под звуки шума моря. Исполняется песня “ A sailor went to sea”. Исполняется песня “Тwinkle, twinkle little star, пилигримы засыпают).

P1. Day after day we saw nothing but the endless ocean and the sky. More than one hundred people squeezed into a small wooden sailing ship. Twenty-two of the Pilgrims were children.

P5. (Смотрит в бинокль) Look! Land! I see the land!

Все вместе: We are lucky!

(Все вместе исполняют песню “ The ship is sailing”. Слышны звуки природы. Пилигримы высаживаются на остров и осматривают незнакомую им землю.)

P3. Oh, the land is splendid: so many beautiful trees, green grass, wonderful birds.

P2. The endless sky is so clean and blue.

P5. No towns, no houses, no sign of any people.

P4. It’s the best day in our life.

P1. Sh-sh. The wild land is full of mystery and promise.

P3. Yes, I’ve heard that in America there are a lot of fierce animals and savage Indians.

P5. No panic. Winter is coming. That's the problem. We need warm houses and food.

A1. After many days of exploring up and down the coast, they found a deep harbor near good farmland. Here they would make their home. They called it Plymouth.

A2. While some stood guard against Indians, the others began to build houses. (Mожно изобразить как пилигримы строят дом). The first was long and low and very plain. They called it the Common House – for they would all share it. As each day grew a little darker, they worked quickly. Winter was coming!

(Слышны звуки метели или любой музыкальный отрывок, иллюстрирующий зиму. Пилигримы замерзают)

P2. What a terrible winter!

P4. Dark days of bleak and bitter cold.

P1. Snow, wind, no food. No warm clothes.

(Дети обращаются к зиме, встав на колени)

P2. Winter, winter go away,

P3. Come again another day.

P4. We would like to meet spring days,

P5. Winter, winter go away.

(Дети опускают головы. Просят зиму уйти. Звучит музыка Грига “Утро”. Дети медленно поднимают головы, осматриваются и радуются).

Все вместе: Spring! Spring!

P5. Thank you, God, we have survived.

A1. By the time spring came, there were only fifty Pilgrims alive – and they were mostly children.

P4. I am thankful for being alive.

P3. But we haven’t got food to eat. God, give us a rich harvest.

(Звучит песня “One little, two little, three little Indians”. Под звуки музыки на сцене появляются индейцы. Пилигримы пугаются.)

I1. Don’t be terrified. We came in piece.

I2. We won’t do harm. We’ll help you to have a rich harvest.

(Индейцы усаживаются на пол)

P5. Day after day we were taught how to find the best fish.

( Ребенок показывает наглядность с изображением рыбы и ставит ее на стол).

P4. An Indian named Squanto turned out to be a special friend. He taught us how to stamp eels out of the mud at low tide. (Рисунок)

P3. Where to find nuts, berries and wild herbs.

P2. How to plant wonderful fruit.

P1. How to grow corn.

P5. How to hunt.

P4. How to tend the vegetables.

P3. And now we have a rich harvest. You are welcome to the feast.

(Показывает на стол. Дети по очереди со словами благодарности выходят на середину сцены и благодарят индейцев).

P2. I give thanks to my friends Indians for the fish.

P1. I am thankful for the eels.

P5. Thank you for the nuts.

P3. Thank you for the crops and corn.

A2. For three days and nights the Pilgrims and the Indians ate and drank and danced and played games together.

P4. (К зрителям) Now you have a pretty good idea of the history of this holiday.

A1. Since that time Thanksgiving has been popular in the USA. It means that people gather together in there families, give thanks to each other, sing songs and dance.

(Исполняется песня “Happy Thanksgiving Day”.)

Под музыку Arash- “Temptation” исполняется танец.

На сцене появляется автор и обращается к зрителям:

Аnd now our «Thanksgiving» quiz. (Проводится викторина)

  1. What was the name of the people who sailed to America? (Pilgrims)
  2. What was the name of a small wooden sailing ship? (Mayflower)
  3. How many passengers were on the ship?(102) How many children were on the ship?(22)
  4. How many days were the Pilgrims at sea? (66)
  5. It is the name of the ocean that these settlers crossed. What is it called? (the Atlantic Ocean)
  6. It is the name of the state containing the location where the settlers landed and lived. What is its name? (Massachusetts)
  7. Who taught the pilgrims how to survive in America? (the Indians)
  8. It is the name of the season in which Thanksgiving is celebrated. What is it? (Fall)
  9. When do people celebrate this holiday nowdays? (The last Thursday in November)
  10. What is the main traditional Thanksgiving dish? (Turkey)
  11. It is a vegetable that was first grown by Native Americans and was later used by the European settlers. What is it called? (Corn)
  12. It is also a vegetable first grown by Native Americans and was called by the European settlers. What is it called? (Squash)

Тексты песен, используемых в постановке.

«A sailor went to sea»

A sailor went to sea. To sea?
What could he see?
And all he could see
Was sea, sea, sea.

«The ship is sailing»

The ship is sailing
The flag is waving
Hello! New Land! (2 раза)
The sun is shining,
And we are smiling
Hello! New Land! Hello!

«One little, two little, three little Indians»

1 little, 2 little, 3 little Indians,
4 little, 5 little, 6 little Indians,
7 little, 8 little, 9 little Indians
10 little Indian boys

«Happy Thanksgiving To All»

Happy Thanksgiving,
Happy Thanksgiving,
Happy Thanksgiving to all.

It’s time to show what we’re thankful for,
Our mothers, our fathers, our friends and much more.
The toys that we have
The things we hold dear to our hearts,
They’re part of this wonderful world,
The wonderful world that we share.
Let’s show that we care.


The table is set as we gather' round,
With family and friends we all sit down
To the feast that we've made
Let's all lift our voices and say,
«We're part of this this wonderful world,
The wonderful world that we share.
Let’s show that we care.



  • Художественное произведение из книги "The story of the Pilgrims" by Katherine Ross: random House//New York, 1995