Сценарий спектакля: "The adventures of the Nutcracker and his friends"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Музыка Чайковский “Щелкунчик”

Темный зал. Выходят авторы с горнами. Прожекторы на них. По залу идут все действующие лица. Выходит Сказка, когда кончается вступление (муз.)

Tale: Dear friends! I am again with you. Do you recognize me? I am a tale, your favourite fairy tale. Look, meet my friends, they are storry-tellers. They know many many tales and they like to tell them very much.

St.t. (1): But we not only know tales, we know much about tales.

Tale: Do you know much about me?

St.t. (2): Oh, yes, and we are eager to tell your friends about you.

Tale: Oh, it’s interesting. I should like to hear about myself. Will you, please, begin the storry?

St.t. (1): Once upon a time there lived a tale. She lived in some magic country.

St.t. (2): This country was called “The land of tales”.

St.t. (1): Many tales lived there.

St.t. (2): All the tales that lived there were fairy-tales.

ST.t. (1): One day when the tales got up in the morning they saw that one of them had disappeared.

St.t. (2): Do you know the name of this tale?

St.t. (1): Oh, I’ve forgotten. Such a pitty!

Tale: Don’t be upset. Her name was “The adventures of the Nutcracker and his friends”. It’s me.

St.t. (2): Oh, we are so glad to see you here. What are you going to do? Why did you leave your country?

Tale: I want the children to see me and to learn about the magic adventures of the nutcracker and his friends.

St.t. (1): It’s so nice of you. We are ready to see it. And are you ready children. (все уходят.)

Сцена 2

В углу сцены – Франц, на него прожектор. Вбегает Маша.

Mary: What are you doing here, Franz? Why are you sitting in the darnkress? Where is mother?

Franz: And she is helping father to decorate the fur-tree. They didn’t allow me to go there. I think they are preparing presents for us.

Mary: Oh, look, Mr. Drosselm. has come. Ne has a big box. He brought us some toys (бежит к нему, но Франц ее задерживает).

Franz: Sit quiet. Don’t let him see us. He’s a good man but very strange. He nay simply turn and go away.

Музыка Чайковский. Идет под музыку с коробкой по сцене, раздевает пальто, шляпу, ставит коробку в угол, а др. в центр сцены.

Dr: The New Year is coming, the tale is beginning

And I’ve come and brought them a box

With drawfs and with soldiers, with pistols and rifles, and here’s a wolf and...

Fox: And a fox

Dr: The New Year’s coming, the tale is beginning. Keep quiet and listen to me

Fox: The tale is beginning and ... Nutcracker is here.

Dr:  How bold and ugly is he

Fox: How bold and ugly is he.

Уходят. Идут часы под музыку.

Часы: Tick-tock, tick-tock. It’s 12 o’clock. It’s 12 o’clock

Танец часов. Выходит мама.

Mother: Children, everything is ready. Come into the room.

Открывается занавес, музыка (Чайковский), дети вбегают в комнату, бегут к столу с игрушками, кружатся за руки.

Mother: Happy New Year, children.

Дети: Happy New Year.

Mary: Look, how beautiful the fur-tree is and oh, how many presents. Oh, what a lovely dress, mum. May I put it on in the evening?

Mother: Certainly, my dear.

Маша убегает переодевать платье.

Franz: (скачет на коне) Oh, that’s a good horse. That’s a wild beast but not a horse. But that’s even better. I’ll break it in. And the soldiers are brave. Now we shall fight any enemy.

Входит Маша в новом платье, кружится…

Mother: But Mary, have a look at the toys Mr. Dr. has brought.

Mary: Mother, look, what a strange little man near the fur-tree. What is he?

Mother: That’s the toy, Mr. Dr. has brought. This toy will carefully work for you all.

Mary: Work? How?

Mother: It will crack the nuts! Look! (показывает как)

Mary: How wonderful! Such a lovely toy!

Mother: If you like it, keep it and take care of it.

Franz: Ha, I don’t think your nutcracker has good teeth, good enough for this nut. (дает большой орех и ломает его).

Mary: Oh, poor, poor little man. You are cruel.

Franz: You’re a girl and can’t understand men. Keep your nutcracker and I’d better play with my soldies.

Все уходят. Идут часы.

Часы: Tick and tock, tock and tick. Wake up toys, wake up, don’t sleep.

Mary: (Маша расставляет кукол). And what is there in the box. I don’t know. (уносит коробку за занавес)

Танец гномов. Танец кукол и Маши. После этого – кошки

Cats: Fee, Fi, Fo, facker. We smell the blood of the nutcracker

He is alive, but he’ll be dead, and from his bones we’ll make our bread

Выпрыгивает щелкунчик


Come here friends and let us fight
The enemy must see the morning light

Выходят гномы, лиса.

Come here true friends
Will you help me in this heavy fight?

Все герои хором: Yes, your majesty! We are here. Let’s go and fight! To win or die.

Драка, мигалка, занавес. Ночь. Прожектор в угол, там спит Маша (идет скрипка) Затем часы.

Часы: Tick – Tock. Tock – Tick. Morning is near. Go to your places quick

Сцена 3

Маша в постели

Mother: My silly girl, how you have frightened us. You know, Mr. Dr. she stayed in her room and played with her toys at night and saw a strange dream.

Mary: That was not a dream. I saw my toys and the Nutcracker, and they were fighting with angry bad cats and won! The cats would never return

Mother: Of course, it was a dream my dear

Mary: Oh, mother, why don’t you believe me? Mr. Dr. , you know everything about toys! Why did the cats want to kill the Nutcracker?

Mr. Dr.: That’s a long story! Listen, what happened many many years ago. Listen and see. (занавес)

Сцена 4

Открывается занавес – на сцене снежинки. Выходит добрая королева, подходит к окну.

Q: Mary little snowflakes. It’s been snowing all day long.

Танец снежинок. Чайковский.

Q: My dream has come true. I have a daughter as white as snow with cheeks as red as roses and with hair asw black as night. But I feel that I will not live long. I am very weak, Perlipal, dear, come to me. (выходит Перл) My dear girl when I die...

Perl: Oh mother you won’t die!

Q: You are a good and kind-hearted girl. You must always be like that and then people will love you and you’ll have many friends. I wish you were happy my dear. (dies, за занавесом)

Perl: Oh, mother, don’t die.

Выходит Mr. Dr.

Mr. Dr.: Some years passed and the king married again. His new wife was a terrible witch.

Сцена 5

Дворец злой королевы Танец кошек. Выходит королева с 2 придворными дамами

Cat: Good morning, your majesty!

Q: Good morning, my dear kittens. How did you sleep tonight!

1 Cat: Fine, your majesty, thank you

2 Cat: Oh, your majesty, you look so beautiful today

3 Cat: You are the most beautiful queen in the world

Q: In the world?

4 Cat: In the universe, your majesty!

Q: Where is my mirror? (Все ищут)

Q: (топает ногой) Where’s it then! (Все продолжают искать, появляется зеркало).

Mirror: I am here, your majesty.

Танец зеркала. Потом зеркало подходит к королеве.

Q: Mirror, mirror in the hall, who’s the most beautiful of us all

Mirror: There are many beauties in the world, But the most beautiful you must be called

Входит Перл. Кошки шипят.

Perl: Good morning, your majesty

Q: Good morning.

Mirror: Your majesty, your majesty.

Q: What is it?

Mirror: Though you are of beauty rare, Perl is by far more fair

Q: That miserable child! I’ll find the way to spoil her beauty. Bring the huntsman here.

Приводят охотника

Huntsman: I am here, your majesty.

Q: I want you to take Perl into the forest this afternoon and kill her.

Huntsman: Your majesty! How can you ask that! She’s so young and beautiful. Everyone loves her.

Q: Do as you are toldor you’ll die. And bring me her heart!

Huntsman: I can do nothing but obey your majesty (Занавес)

Q: (Королева у края сцены).We’ll see, who’s the most beautiful!

Сцена 6

Лес. 2 куста.

Huntsman: Perl, the queen asked me to take you out for a walk in the forest.

Perl: How kind of her. I love the forest with all its beautiful flowers, tall trees and lovely little animals. They are beautiful, aren’t they?

Huntsman: There is something I must tell you. The queen ordered me to kill you.

Perl: Oh, it’s impossible.

Huntsman: But I can not do that! Run from here, run away as fast as you can and never come to the Palace again.

Perl: Thank you, dear Huntsman, I’ll never forget your kindness.

Huntsman: (к краю сцены) I shall kill a wild pig and bring its heart back to the queen.

Сцена 7

У куста спит Перл, со всех сторон гномы, лиса и щелкунчик.

1 гном: Look, here is a girl. I think she is a princess.

Nut: Stop, youD better tell me who’s on duty today. Hurry up! Go and make supper for the guest.

6 гном: I am on duty, but I can’t make supper. I have a test in English tomorrow.

7 гном: Never mind! It won’t be the first time that you go to your test unoreoared.

Nut: Oh, the girl is waking up.

Гномы: Good afternoon

Perl: Good afternoon, уводят ее, появляются кошки и королева

1 Cat: The mirror told the queen again, that Perl is the most beautiful girl

2 Cat: So, she is alive!

3 Cat: She must die

4 Cat: I’ll cratch her face and she’ll become ugly and our queen will be the most beautiful in the universe again

4 гнома и щелкунчик, драка с королевой и кошками. Мигалка

Nut: You’ll never come to that girl again. She has many defenders. She’s a king girl and kindness is always rewarded.

Cats: You stood up on our way, you’ve wounded our queen. We’ll revenge on you.

Последняя сцена

Снова Маша, мама, Mr. Dr.

Mr. Dr: That’s the story and the continuation of it was tonight.

Mary: What a wonderful tale. And how nice is the nutcracker (в руке у нее щелкунчик). He is a real hero.


Mary: Somebody has come. Who’s there mummy?

Mother: That’s the nephew of Mr.Dr., young Dr.

Mr. Dr: This is my nephew, Nutcracker. He has long dreamed to get acquainted with you.

Nut: Good morning, Mary! (Музыка, все герои выходят на сцену).