Тема устной речи "Clothes" на уроках английского языка в 6-м классе средней общеобразовательной школы

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Заключительный урок в 6 классе по теме "Clothes".

1. После проведения оргмомента я обращаюсь к ученикам: "Dear friends, let's try to guess the topic of our lesson. I've prepared a crossword puzzle for you. If you guess all the words correctly, you will be able to name the topic of our lesson".

Затем я раздаю ученикам листочки с кроссвордами и читаю дефиниции зашифрованных слов. Учащиеся отгадывают слова и записывают их на своих листочках с кроссвордами. (Приложение №1)


1. А piece of clothing boys like wearing on the top part of the body.

2. Some kind of trousers people wear in hot weather.

3. People put them on their feet, they can be right and left.

4. Only women can wear them.

5. it’s a piece of clothing you wear to keep your body warm.

6. These trousers are often of blue colour, they are very popular with young people.

7. Men do not wear them but Scottish men.

8. You can put them on your feet when it is cool or cold.

После того, как все слова угаданы, учащиеся называют тему урока - "Clothes''.

Teacher: Right you are. And we are going to speak on this topic today as much as possible, to memorise the new words, to learn some facts from the history of clothes. You will be doing a lot of different things.

2. Лексическая тематическая разминка. (Warming up)

a) Для того чтобы проверить, в какой мере ребята научились использовать изучeнную лексику в новых сочетаниях, т.е. комбинировать лексические единицы, я провожу лексическую тематическую разминку. Называю слово, предлагая учащимся подобрать различные словосочетания. Чем больше их будет подобрано, тем прочнее станут лексические навыки. Например:

Teacher: Skirt.

Pupils: a nice skirt, a long skirt, a short skirt, a mini - skirt,a midi - skirt, a black skirt and a white blouse, to put on a skirt, an old skirt etc.

Teacher: Jeans.

Pupils: new jeans, brother's jeans, to take off jeans, to put on jeans, too small jeans, to wear jeans, a pair of jeans, blue jeans etc.

б) На следующем этапе урока прошу ответить на вопросы типа:

Teacher: What clothes do you wear when it's cold?

Pupils: We wear overcoats when it's cold. We wear jackets when it's cold. We wear warm caps when it's cold etc.

Teacher: What clothes do you wear in winter?

Pupils: We wear winter coats. We put mittens on our hands in winter. We put high boots or valenkies on our feet in winter.etc.

Teacher: What clothes do you prefer to wear in summer when it's very hot ?

Pupils: We wear shorts, T- shirts and sandals when it's very hot.etc.

в) Работа с рисунками, на которых изображена одежда XIX-XX веков и современные платья и костюмы. Учащиеся должны сказать современная эта одежда или нет и обосновать свой ответ. Приведу пример. (Показывается рисунок платья 50-х годов)

Teacher: Is this dress modern or not?

Pupils: The dress isn't modern, it's old. I think so because I saw my grandmother's photo she wore the same dress when she was young.

(Показывается рисунок футболки с джинсами)

Pupils: I think these clothes are modern. You can see many people, young and old, wearing jeans and T-shirts now.

c) Работа с рисунками, на которых изображения следующей одежды: юбка, блузка, платье, шорты, брюки.

Работа ведется в режиме P1,P2, P3, P4, с применением приема "Snowball". Например: (показывается рисунок юбки)

P1: It's a skirt.

P2: It's a blue skirt.

P3: It's a nice, blue skirt.

P4: It's a long, nice, new skirt.

P5: Boys don't wear skirts.

P6: I don't like wearing long skirts etc.

3. Развитие навыков аудирования.

Далее предлагаю учащимся прослушать небольшой по объему текст о происхождении такой одежды, как джинсы. После однократного прослушивания они должны догадаться о какой одежде идет речь.

Teacher: It's a tradition from the “Wild West” to wear cowboy clothes. The "Wild West" clothes were very important in those days. Cowboys spent much time outdoors, in the fields, in the forests. They usually put hats on their heads, high boots on their feet and trousers made from strong clothing. The man called Levy Straus made these trousers first in the city of San Francisco. This piece of clothing of blue colour is very popular with young and old people, men and women now. Did you guess what trousers they are?

4. Динамическая пауза (Relaxation)

В то время как две пары учащихся готовятся к драматизации диалогов, предлагаю вниманию класса игру ''Take your seat.''

Учащиеся образуют внешний круг (в центре стоят несколько стульев) и начинают движение по часовой стрелке, в то время как учитель проговаривает слова, имеющие отношение к теме урока. Необходимо успеть сесть на стул, когда они услышат загаданное слово. Стульев меньше, чем участников игры, кто не успел, выбывает из игры.

5. Развитие навыков диалогической речи.

После динамической паузы учащиеся, получившие ранее карточки с текстами диалогов, предъявляют вниманию одноклассников драматизированные диалоги ''Shopping clothes''.


Jane: Excuse me.

Shop-assistant: Yes,can I help you?

Jane: I'd like a pair of mittens, please.

Shop-assistant: What colour would you like?

Jane: Light blue.

Shop-assistant: Here's a nice pair.

Jane: Are they warm enough? Can I try them on?

Shop-assistant: Certainly you can.

Jane: Oh, they look very nice. I'll take them. How much are they?


Ann: Excuse me.

Shop-assistant: Yes, can I help you?

Ann: I'd like to buy a dress.

Shop-assistant: What kind of dress?

Ann: I'd like a lovely dress for a party.

Shop-assistant: Here's a beautiful long dress for a party.

Ann: Oh, no. Long dresses don't suit me well.

Shop-assistant: All right. Then try that pink silk dress on. I'm sure you'll like it.

Ann: Very nice, and colour suits me well. How much is it?

6. Развитие навыков монологической речи. ''Fashion Show''.

a) Учащиеся подготовили показ моделей одежды (мини юбка, джинсовый костюм, нарядное платье, шорты, свитер, легкие брюки с топиком, маскарадный костюм ковбоя.) С помощью учителя составили комментарии к показу.

Teacher: Dear boys and girls! We are glad to see you at our great fashion show today. Some time ago you have learnt new words on the topic ''Clothes'', read texts and dialogues, discribed people wearing different clothes and so on. You know different people wear different clothes, e.g. overcoats or jackets, blouses or shirts, dresses or skirts, jeans or trousers, sweaters or pullovers, coats or raincoats, hats or caps, boots or high boots and so on. It depends on season, weather, age, if the clothes are in fashion or out of fashion etc. Now kids, your classmates have arranged fashion show for you, they will demonstrate some outfits for you. Imagine that these boys and girls are not your classmates but real top models so, cheer them up. It's time to start our show!

(выходит Юлечка в мини юбочке, эту модель представляет первый ученик)

Pupil 1: Yulia, you are welcome! What do you think about this mini - skirt? Isn't it lovely ? It's made from strong clothing. It is a comfortable thing on a hike. It is very short, it won't be hot in a mini -skirt in hot summer day. You can wear mini-skirt with a T-shirt or a nice blouse. Look at Yulechka in a blouse and fashionable mini-skirt; I believe you would like to wear the skirt and the blouse of the same design. Thank you, Yulechka.

(следующая модель джинсовый костюм)

Pupil 2: Children, it's Sasha's turn! Cheer him up! Pay attention to these blue jeans suit. Jeans were desighed in the 19-th century as working clothes. Now they have become very popular not only with young but old people, men and women. The jeans suit is very comfortable, good looking and very popular all over the world. You can wear the suit for going for a walk, for working and for young people's party. Thank you, Sasha.

(далее следует показ нарядного платья для девочки)

Pupil 3: Masha, you are welcome. Show us your piece of clothing. This is a nice pink dress for a young girl. It is long, made of silk and nylon. Pink colour suits Masha very well. She looks very beautiful in it. You can wear this lovely dress at a Birthday party or disco at school. Put it on and you'll look very smart in it. Thank you.

(для жаркой погоды демонстрируются шорты)

Pupil 4: Nastya, come on. Cheer her up, kids! Pay attention to this piece of clothing, a T-shirt and shorts. They are very comfortable when it is very hot outdoors. You can wear them on a hike, tourist trip, when you are going to the beach to sunbathe. By the way you can put many things such as sunglasses, watches, money into shorts' pockets and you needn't have a handbag. So no problems. And this smart hat will protect you from the sun.

(ученик в теплом вязаном свитере, шарфе и кепи показывает, как можно одеться в холодную погоду)

Pupil 5: Dima, you are welcome. Cheer him up, please! Look at this sweater. It's yellow and a hand made thing. Dima, your grandmother has knitted sweater for you, hasn't she? (Dima: Yes, you are right.) I think it is a necessary piece of clothing when it's cold, when it either rains or snows. The sweater will keep you warm in nasty weather. Pay attention to this wonderful long warm scarf and a cap. They are in fashion this season. Thank you.

(летнюю одежду, легкие брючки и топ, демонстрирует Саша Попова)

Pupil 6: Sasha Popova, it's your turn now. Cheer her up, kids! You can wear any pieces of clothing: jackets, T-shirts, blouses, trousers, jeans, sweaters, coats, raincoats etc. And I think Sasha's light trousers suit is a necessary piece of clothing on a summer day. You won't be hot in a light silk top and trousers.The top's colour suits Sasha well. I believe it's a dream of every girl. Thank you.

(на подиум приглашается ученик в костюме ковбоя)

Pupil 7: Now, kids! Our hit model, cowboy's piece of clothing. Look at Kostya, isn't he a cowboy from Texas? Cheer him up, please! Boys, you can wear this wonderful cowboy's hat, jeans, cotton shirt wherever you like. You can do what you like in jeans: climb up trees and mountains, run and jump, play different games, lie on the ground or....can go to the New Year Party in cowboy's clothing. Thank you, Kostya, you looks great!

Teacher: I'm sorry, but our fashion show is over! I think it was great. I liked all outfits, and what about you, kids? All pupils acted like real actors and actresses in our fashion show, do you agree with me? Now, I see you enjoyed all pieces of clothing our boys and girls presented in the show. Give them our ''thanks'', please.

b) You see, kids, Russian pupils have no school uniform nowadays. Imagine that you are designers and make up an ideal school uniform for Russian pupils, as you see it. You may discuss your ideas in groups. What do you think they should wear? Start, please.

Pupils: We think the ideal uniform is a blazer with a skirt. You can take your blazer off when you are hot and put a waistcoat on. We would like to have them of dark blue colour, because we think this colour suits all pupils well. Boys will wear, of course, dark blue trousers. Boys and girls can wear shirts, blouses of different bright colours. They can put some badges they like on blazers or waistcoats. That we see an ideal school uniform for us.

Teacher: Thank you very much, children. I'd like to wear this school uniform, if I were you.To my mind it's great. Perhaps your ideas will be realized next year.

7. Заключительный этап. Подведение итогов.

Teacher: Dear friends! Our lesson is almost over. What did you do during the lesson?

Pupils: We revised new words. We guessed crossword. We learnt some facts from the history of clothes. We took part in a splendid fashion show. We played game. We spoke English a lot at the lesson.

Teacher: Thank you. You are very active, attentive and bright, I enjoyed your work at the the lesson today. I put you ''good'' and ''excellent'' marks. Good-bye.