Методическая разработка урока. Защита проектных работ по теме: "Travelling" (2 часа)

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Проектная методика относится к инновационным технологиям обучения иностранным языкам и широко используется при обучении английскому языку по УМК “English” под редакцией В.П. Кузовлева. Эта методика позволяет формировать способность к коллективной работе в группе, учит уважать мнение другого человека и достигать согласия в различных ситуациях. Кроме того, эта методика позволяет осуществлять дифференцированный подход в обучении, Каждый учащийся приобретает индивидуальные лексические навыки. При выполнении проектов воспитывается чувство ответственности за совместную работу. Каждой группе хочется, чтобы их проект был самым интересным. Ситуация успеха каждого учащегося создается достаточным количеством индивидуальных консультаций с учителем.

Предлагаемый вашему вниманию урок является завершающим по теме “Путешествие”. После того как был изучен весь материал Unit 2, учащиеся выбрали темы проектных работ: Москва, Санкт-Петербург, Суздаль, Краснодарский край (детский лагерь “Орленок”), Новосибирск, Алтайский край (города), Барнаул, с.Поспелиха. Некоторые работали индивидуально, а некоторые предпочли работать в паре. Так как в нашей школе недавно появился мультимедийный класс, решено было выполнять проекты на компьютере в программе PowerPoint. Учащимся было дано задание на дом: подобрать фотографии достопримечательностей, а также найти материал и составить текст защиты своего проекта на русском языке. На следующем уроке каждый учащийся работал индивидуально над своим проектом или над своей частью проекта: со словарем, консультируясь у учителя. Пока учащиеся работали самостоятельно, учителем были отсканированы все необходимые фотографии. Так как в школе работает Интернет, некоторые фотографии были взяты из Интернета. Оформление Презентаций выполнялось учащимися либо самостоятельно (если дома есть компьютер), либо под руководством учителя во внеурочное время. Презентации получились объемными (15–20 слайдов), поэтому защита проектных работ проходила в течение двух уроков. На первом уроке были представлены проекты Москва, Санкт-Петербург, Суздаль, Краснодарский край (детский лагерь “Орленок”). На втором уроке ученики представляли города сибирского региона: Новосибирск, Алтайский край (города), Барнаул и родное село Поспелиха. Перед защитой своего проекта учащиеся ознакомили класс с лексикой, которая могла, на их взгляд, вызвать затруднения при аудировании. Эти слова с переводом на русский язык были выведены на отдельный слайд в каждом проекте. Учителем также выполнена Презентация (Приложение).

Урок: Защита проектных работ по теме “Travelling”(2 часа)


  • Социокультурный аспект – знакомство с достопримечательностями некоторых городов нашей страны.
  • Развивающий аспект – развитие способности осуществлять продуктивные речевые действия.
  • Воспитательный аспект – привитие навыков объективной оценки и самооценки участия членов группы в проектной работе; воспитание уважения к чужому труду, воспитание чувства патриотизма.
  • Учебный аспект – контроль навыков устной речи.

Cопутствующая задача: развитие навыков аудирования с целью извлечения детальной информации

 План урока:

  1. Организационный момент.
  2. Объявление цели урока.
  3. Речевая зарядка.
  4. Презентация проектных работ.
  5. Обсуждение и выбор лучшей работы.
  6. Оценка и самооценка.
  7. Рефлексия деятельности на уроке.
  8. Домашнее задание.


I. Организационный момент

Учитель: Good morning, children. I am glad to see you.

Ученики: Morning. We are glad to see you too.

Учитель: How are you?

Ученики: Fine, thanks. And you?

Учитель: I am fine, thank you. Let’s begin our lesson.

II. Объявление темы и цели урока (Приложение, слайд 1).

Учитель: This term we have devoted to travelling. We have learnt much about travelling across the United Kingdom and we’ve got acquainted with many sights of it. Today we shall speak about the benefits of travelling in our country. You will present your project works about some cities and places of Russia.

III. Речевая зарядка (проводится в режиме Snowball , в быстром темпе)

Учитель: What is good about travelling abroad? (слайд 2)

Ученик 1: Travelling abroad is good because you can visit new places.

Ученик 2: Travelling abroad is good because you can visit new places and meet new friends.

Ученик 3: Travelling abroad is good because you can visit new places, meet new friends and see the sights.

Ученик 4: Travelling abroad is good because you can visit new places, meet new friends, see the sights and learn about national traditions.

Ученик 5: Travelling abroad is good because you can visit new places, meet new friends, see the sights, learn about national traditions and practice your English…

Ученик 9: Travelling abroad is good because you can visit new places, meet new friends, see the sights, learn about national traditions, practice your English, take photos, visit museums, eat traditional dishes and buy souvenirs.

Учитель: Look at the screen (слайд 3). You are quite right. Travelling abroad is good because you can visit new places, meet new friends, see the sights, learn about national traditions, practice your English, take photos, visit museums, eat traditional dishes and buy souvenirs. And what is good about travelling in your country? (слайд 4)

Ученик 1: Travelling in Russia is good because…

Ученик 9: Travelling in Russia is good because you can visit new places, meet new friends, see the sights, learn about national traditions, speak your native language, take photos, visit museums, eat your favourite dishes and buy souvenirs.

Учитель: Look at the screen (слайд 5). You are right. Travelling in Russia is good because you can visit new places, meet new friends, see the sights, learn about national traditions, speak your native language, take photos, visit museums, eat your favourite dishes and buy souvenirs.

IV. Презентация проектных работ

Проект 1.


The town of Novonikolayevsk was founded in 1893 and in 1926 it got the name Novosibirsk.
Novosibirsk is a special city. Geographers were sure that the center of Russian Empire was situated in Novonikolayevsk. The place was marked by the construction of a Chapel, named after the patron saint of the town Saint Nicholas.
In 1900 the Aleksandr Nevskiy Cathedral was built and it became the first city building made of stone.
One of the most beautiful Cathedrals is Ascension Temple.
Today Novosibirsk is the center of Novosobirskaya oslast.
It is situated in the thick pine forest.
Novosibirsk is an administrative, industrial, cultural and transport center.
This railway station is one of the most important railway stations in our country.
There are many theatres in modern Novosibirsk:

  • The Opera and Ballet Theatre is the biggest in the country
  • The Theatre of Young Spectators Globus
  • Siberian State Theatre of Musical Drama

The Circus is one of the most attractive places for children. In 1971 the first performance of the circus took place in the stone building.
This is a Picture Gallery. The “pearl” of the Gallery is a permanent exhibition of 60 paintings by Nikolai Konstantinivich Roerich.
The Ethnographic museum Under the Sky is in Academgorodok. There are many ancient wooden buildings there.

Проект 2.

St. Petersburg

Moscow, the capital of Russia,is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. But there are many other big and beautiful cities in our country. For example, St.Petersburg. There are many sights in St.Petersburg.
For example, the Admiralty spire, the Admiralty buildings, the Winter Palace, the Palace Square, The Summer Garden, the Church of the Ressurection, Sphinks near the Academy of Art, view of the Admiralty and the Peter and Paul fortress, The Vasilievsky Island.
The symbol of St.Petersburg is the monument to Peter the Great, the founder of St.Petersburg. According to his plan new capital was built as a purely western city. It was built with great speed along the banks of the Neva. The town was intersected by wide canals, and its streets were regularly planned.
On the bank of the Neva stands the Admiralty building with its golden spire, visible from afar. The Admiralty that also played the defensive role was the second major building in St.Petersburg. Originally it was a wooden structure. It was rebuilt in stone in the 1720s. The present Admiralty was designed by Andreyar Zakharov between 1806 and 1815.
During the reign of Catherine the Second the Winter Palace was altered and extended. The Winter Palace remained an imperial residence until 1917, later it was turned into a museum. The State Hermitage is one of the largest Art galleries in the world.
The Summer Garden is famous for its sculptures and The Summer Garden Grill. The Grill is made at Tula works. There are thirty-seven pink granite columns crowned with beautiful vases. The rossets, the spears of the Grill and the handles of the vases are gilded.
The Peter and Paul Fortress was founded in 1703. It is the oldest building of the city. The Cathedral of Peter and Paul was built between 1714 and 1725 by the architect Domenico Tresini.

Проект 3/


Pospelikha is an administrative center of Pospelikhinsky rayon. It is situated on the bank of the longest river of Altai the Aley river. It was founded in 1916. Soon it became one of the most important railway stations in our region. As Pospelikha is situated in the steppe zone of Altai and the water of the Aley is not pure, the water –tower helped to deliver water of the Charysh river to the people of our village. The oldest building is the mill. It was built by the rich farmers of several neighbouring villages and for a long time it was the tallest building in our district. Today Pospelikha is an administrative, cultural, agricultural and industrial center of our district. There are four schools in it. There is Art School in Pospelikha. The most prominent artist who has finished the school is Kravtsov Evgeniy. Now he lives in Moscow. He was one of the artists who made icons and paintings for the Our Savior Cathedral in Moscow. There is a TV-center in Pospelikha which shows local TV programmes. The museum can tell you about the past and the present of our village. There are two monuments to the heroes of the wars which are in the center of a beautiful park.

V. Обсуждение работ. Выбор лучшей работы

Учащиеся сами выбирают лучшие работы по следующим критериям: содержательность, оформление, интересную презентацию, юмор, научность и т.д.

Учитель: Thank you. All the projects are very interesting. Class, which project is the most interesting (well-designed, humorous…)?
Which project is the most interesting? (слайд 6) Look at the screen and speak about the place you would like to go, things you can do and you will need there.

Ученик: Project “Children Camp Orlyonok” is the most interesting. I would like to go there. I can swim in the Black sea and visit many interesting places in Krasnodarskiy Krai. In Orlyonok I can meet new friends, take photos, and practice my English speaking with children from foreign countries. I can visit historical places and museums. I can buy marine souvenirs for my friends. I’ll need a passport, a plane ticket, a health insurance, some money, a video camera and a photo camera. I think that a sleeping bag, a visa and an international passport won’t be necessary.

VI. Оценка и самооценка проектных работ

Вначале ребята сами оценивают вклад в работу и ставят оценки каждому, работавшему в этих парах и группах. После этого учитель подводит итоги и объявляет оценки за работу.

Учитель: Now, give marks to each student of your group. Class, do you agree or not? I agree with you (I don’t agree with you)

VII. Рефлексия деятельности на уроке

Учитель: Was it interesting for you to work on the project? And Why? Was it difficult for you to work on the project? And why? Continue the sentences:

  • Now I know…
  • Now I can…

VIII. Домашнее задание

Учитель: You are to do the tasks of Test Yourself section (page 76–78). Good-bye, See you!