Урок английского языка в 7-м классе "День рождения Натали"

Разделы: Иностранные языки


  • Активизировать в речи учащихся лексику по теме “An American family”, грамматические структуры “Future tenses: Future Simple, Future Progressive, Future Perfect.”
  • Продолжить формирование навыков монологической и диалогической речи, чтения и письма через ролевую игру.


  • Воспитательные:
    • создать атмосферу сотрудничества для развития дружеских отношений между детьми, воспитывать у ребят культуру поведения, гордость за свою страну;
    • активизировать творческие способности детей через ролевую игру.
  • Практические: совершенствовать у учащихся умение проявлять гостеприимство, радость при встрече, дружеское расположение.
  • Образовательные: расширение кругозора.
  • Развивающие: развитие памяти, языковой догадки.


  • плакат “Сведения об Атланте”,
  • дидактический материал под рубрикой “Хорошие манеры”,
  • цветы, музыкальное сопровождение (шум самолета, песня в исполнении группы “The Beatles”,
  • игрушки,
  • телефоны,
  • визитные карточки.

Содержание: Натали Гаррет из США по телефону приглашает свою подругу и ее друзей из России на свой день рождения. Дети готовятся к поездке в Roswell, где живет Натали. Они пишут ей на поздравительных открытках ответы, готовят подарки, исходя из того, что они знают о своей американской сверстнице. Не забывают также о правилах этикета дома и в гостях. Когда все готово к поездке, они отправляются в аэропорт и летят в Атланту. В ходе полета они обмениваются впечатлениями об увиденном. В аэропорту их встречает водитель семьи Гаррет, который привозит гостей в Roswell, где всех встречает американская семья. Происходит знакомство всех с этой семьей. Затем поздравления Натали с днем рождения. И, конечно, “сюрприз”.


T. Good morning. I' m glad to see you. How are you? – Fine, thanks.

Раздается телефонный звонок.

Kate. Hello!

Natalie. Hi, Kate! It's Natalie Garret from Roswell, the USA.
– Hi, Natalie! What are you doing?
– Well, I'm planning my birthday party. I want to have a party on Thursday morning. Can you arrive in Atlanta for my birthday party?
– Yes, I shall arrive in Atlanta with my friends next Thursday. Thanks a lot for your invitation.
– Good. See on Thursday.
– Good bye.
– Bye.

Раздается стук, появляется почтальон.

A postman. Good morning.

T. Morning.
– Madam, your telegram.
– Thank you.
– You are welcome. Good bye.
– Bye.

Учитель читает телеграмму.

To the students of the 7 th. A
Come to 5 Green Street
On Thursday 31 January at 10.35 a.m.
There will be my birthday party.

Natalie Garrett.

T. Does Natalie live in Poslavl?

Student1. Natalie lives in a suberb of Atlanta. Atlanta is in the north central part of Georgia in the USA. Georgia is famous for its magnolia trees and beautiful flowers.

Затем следует работа с плакатом “Atlanta” у доски.

T. Where does Natalie work?

S2. Natalie will be 16 years old next Thursday. She attends Roswell High School. In her free time she works at the Shopping mall. Natalie is saving money for college. She will be attending college next year.

T. How does Natalie get to work?

S3. Natalie doesn’t take the bus to her work. She has just got her driver's license and drives herself to work.

T. Does Natalie have a sister?

S. Yes. She does. Her name is Alison. She is 11 years old. Alison is in the fifth grade.

T. Shall we go to Natalie's birthday party?

Ss. Yes, we shall.

T. It’s very common in Britain and America to write a letter to thank someone for a meal or a birthday party. Let’s write this kind of note on a pretty postcard.

Образец письма:

January. 31. 2005

Dear Natalie!
Thank you for inviting me to your birthday party. I’ll remember the party for a long time. Thanks again.


T. Dear friends, of course, we must remember about good manners.

A poem


Let us try to be polite
In everything we do
Remember al ways to say please
And don’t forget Thank you


Hearts like doors will open with ease
To very, very little keys,
And don’t forget that they are these:
We thank you all and If you please.

Привлечение дидактического материала из серии “Good manners”, работа у доски.

T. Well, boys and girls. What is etiquette?

S. I think etiquette is a system of rules of our behaviour in different places and situations.

T. “Behaviour is a mirror in which everyone displays his image”. (Goetbe).

T. What principles is etiquette based on?

S1. Etiquette is based on three very important principles.
1. Treat others as you want to be treated. Everyone has to be treated with kindness and respect. If we hope to receive kindness and respect from other people, we must treat them with the same.

S2. 2. Beauty is as beauty does. It means that our personal beauty depends on our behaviour. Our behaviour makes us ugly or beautiful.

S3. 3. A thing of beauty is a joy forever! When you are around something that is ugly, you feel sad and depressed. When you are around something that is beautiful you feel happy.

T. Dear friends! And what gifts shall we give Natalie?

S1. I shall give her a new cassette tape. Natalie likes country music.

S2. I’ll give her a book. Natalie enjoys reading.

S3. As for me, I’ll give her a bracelet, she is a beautiful girl.

S4. And I’ll give her my old white car. Natalie has just got her driver’s license. I think my car will be a good gift for her.

S5. I’ll give her a scarf. Natalie likes dating and I think a scarf is a necessary thing for dating.

S6. As for me, I’ll give her a mini – skirt. I think, it’s a good gift for a girl.

S7. And I’ll give her a small puppy. Natalie likes animals.

S8. As for me, I’ll give Natalie a pen. She likes writing.

S9. And I’ll give her a baseball cap. Natalie likes sport, especially softball.

S10. I’ll give her a doll, she likes toys.

S11. As for me, I’ll give Natalie sunglasses.

T. Well, boys and girls, I think we are ready for our flight to Atlanta, We shall have flown to Atlanta by 10 o’clock tomorrow. Let’s fly.

Звучит рев мотора самолета. Появляется стюардесса.

S. Ladies and gentlemen!
Attention, please. Welcome aboard!
We are flying to Atlanta. The crew of our plane is greeting you. During our flight you must follow the following instructions: no smoking aboard; don’t walk along the plane.
Happy flight! And now, ladies and gentlemen, fasten your seatbelts, please.

Стюардесса предлагает пассажирам минеральную воду, кофе, чай…

– Mineral water, madam.
– Yes, please (No, thank you).

S. Ladies and gentlemen, attention please! We are going to descend land. Fasten your seatbelts, please. Thank you!

T. We are at the airport of Atlanta. Let’s have a rest after flight.


Look on the left,
Look on the right.
Turn around.
Move your fingers.
Hands up, hands down.
To the sides, down, sit down.

T. Dear friends, as you know Natalie Garrett lives in a suburb of Atlanta, in a town called Roswell. It will take us about 40 minutes to get her house by a car. Shall we take a taxi?

Появляется водитель.

D. I’m sorry. I’m Mr. Brown, Mr. Garrett’s driver. Take my car and make yourself comfortable, please.

S1. Karina, look at the window! The buildings are so tall. They look like tall glass pencils.

A driver. The houses aren’t so tall in the suburbs. Natalie’s house has two floors.

T. Why are we stopping?

Mr. Brown. We stop at the booth and pay a toll of 50 cents to use the road. We pay this money to support the construction of the highway. They will have finished the highway by September.

S2. What type of trees are those with big blossoms?

A driver. Those are magnolia trees. They are very popular in Georgia. In Georgia Americans love flags on many of the houses in the suburbs. Some of them are American flags, others are flags with a picture of a flower.
– We are coming to Natalie Garrett’s house.
– Here it is.

Ss. Thank you.

Появляется семья Garrett’s, приветствует прибывших гостей.

Natalie. Kate, Let me introduce you and your friends to my family. This is my father Mr. Garrett (обмениваются приветствиями), my mother Mrs. Garrett, my sister Alison.

Kate. Natalie, Alison, Mr. Garrett and Mrs Garrett let me introduce you my fiends.

Перечисляет всех, приветствуют друг друга.

Mrs. Garrett. Welcome to our family! Welcome to our house!

S8. Thank you very much!

Mrs. G. You are welcome! Natalie, will you invite your guests to the dinner table?

N. Yes, all right.

Kate. Just a moment. Many happy returns of the day, Natalie!

Все поздравляют и вручают подарки.

Natalie. Thanks a lot.

Kate. There is a surprise for you, Natalie.

Natalie. What surprise?

Kate. Just a minute.

Все кричат “surprise!”.

Ввозится на столике торт со свечами, дети поют песню “Happy birthday to you!”

T. Natalie, will you blow out the candles on the cake?

Natalie. Yes.

Натали угощает всех тортом под звуки песни “Yesterday” в исполнении “The Beatles”.
Затем подводятся итоги урока, учитель нацеливает учащихся на то, что учащиеся будут делать на следующем уроке, благодарит всех за хорошую игру, просит учащихся написать, как они будут отмечать свой день рождения.