Урок английского языка по УМК В.П.Кузовлёва в 9-м классе по теме: "Пусть музыка звучит"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Music is another Lady that talks
charmingly and says nothing.

Austin OMalley

There is a world of music around us.
Is this world large or small?
It often depends on how much you know:
the more you know the larger world is.
Youth is the best time to be rich
and the best time to be poor.


Основной метод: проектная методика

Тип урока: обобщение и закрепление знаний по теме.


  • активизировать речемыслительную деятельность;
  • развивать все виды речевой деятельности через проектную методику;
  • воспитывать мыслительные отношения;
  • формировать умение работать в команде, помогать друг другу;
  • формирование в потребности практического пользования языком в различных сферах деятельности;
  • рефлексия – учить оценивать достижения свои и своих товарищей;
  • учитывать желания учащихся, создавать ежеминутно “ситуацию успеха”.

План – конспект

Тема “Let the Music Begin”


  • продуктивно овладевать всеми видами видовремённых форм английского глагола, нового лексического материала;
  • учиться выражать в устной диалогической речи различные виды оценки, сообщения информации, доказательства, учиться вести дискуссию;
  • стараться в монологической речи без предварительной подготовки логично, последовательно, в связи с предложенной ситуацией.

Познавательный аспект:

  • знакомиться с музыкальной жизнью страны изучаемого языка путем получения знаний о стране изучаемого языка, о своей стране и о себе.

Развивающий аспект:

  • готовность к решению усложняющихся речемыслительных задач, требующих от детей интеллектуальных, поисковых усилий.

Воспитательный аспект:

  • воспитание уважительного, толерантного отношения к другой культуре, более глубокое осознание своей родной культуры. Осознать огромное значение музыки в жизни человека.

Учебное обеспечение:

  • магнитофон, записи классической музыки, джаз, рока, кантри, поп, скрипка; пейзажи природы; учебник автора Кузовлёв В.П. №4, 9 класс;
  • карточки /Приложение №1/


There is a world of music around us. Is this world large or small? It often depends on how much you know: the more you know the larger world is.

1. Interview your friends and find out their tastes of music:

  • What is your favorite sort of music?
  • Do the people you live with and your close Friends share the same tastes in music as you?
  • Where and when do you listen to music?
  • If you could one musical instrument to be able to play brilliantly, what instrument would it be?
  • Do you like having background music while you are working?
  • How often do you do to concerts?
  • Do you buy records? Cassettes or compact discs? Is so how often?
  • What usually makes you decide that you want to buy a certain record (disc, cassette)?
  • Do you have one two favorite performers (groups, orchestras) at the moments? If so, who?
  • What instrument do you most like the sound of?
  • Do you have an ear for music?

2. Analyze the results of your interviews according to the following prints:

  • What music is most popular?
  • Are there many people who can play musical instruments and have an ear for music?
  • What musical performers do people prefer?
  • What musical instruments are the most popular?
  • Is music part of your friend’s life? Why?

3. The world of music is rich and varied, isnt it? Match the musical terms and definitions:

    Ex 5 1) p.59

4. British newspapers inform the readers about popular musical events of the year that are well known in Britain. Try to guess what events are meant.

    Ex.2 p. 39

5. Music can learn us indifferent or it can provoke powerful and complex feelings. The power of music. What is it? What sort of music do you like? How can music influence people? What music irritates you?

    Ex.3 p.40

6. Surrounded by the sound of music?

Music makes us think of people and places we love. It can evoke log forgotten events and feelings we thought we forgot.

Match the tunes with the pictures? What feelings does the music arouse in you?

The tune is melancholy. It portrays a dark autumn day?

7. I have a musical surprise for you! Try to guess what it is.

Black horse!

  • Is it a thing or a person?
  • Is this person a man or a woman?
  • Is she young or old?
  • Is she a teacher or a student?
  • What subject does she teach?
  • “Black house”- Who is this person?
  • Some years ago she was my student. And now she is your teacher of maths.
  • What’s her name is? (Kolomiychuc A.N.)She plays the violin.
  • Who is the composer of this musical composition?

8. Now lets listen to Vicas story about George Gershwin. And answer her guest ions.

9. The defending of projects

  • Choose the pop star you like best and design a tape mate.

10. Now listen to the story about karaoke and tango. Do the tasks in groups!

11. Ground -ups sometimes criticize young people for listening to the latest music. They hear nothing but noise and bad massage and worry about how it will affect their children. Imagine you are parents discuss this problem and express your idea. You may apply to

    Ex.11 p.54

12. Reading comprehension:

    Read about the amassing life of one of the greatest figures in the history of pop music, John Lennon. What made him so special? Ex. II p.63-64

13. Self assessment.

Ex. IV p.65

What is most serious problem in your life?

Air pollution

Your new hairstyle

Its Sunday and your mother tells you to clean your bedroom. What do you answer? What do you like about your English lesson?
OK. But may I stay What a bore! Late this evening? The bell for the break. Discovering a foreign culture.
What is your motto? Which of the following coolers do you like most? Your new boy girlfriend invited you to a party. What will you wear?
Have a good time all the time. Work hard, play hard. orange green jeans and a T-shirt a suit or a dress
You are a really fun person. You like life. And want to make the most of it. You are everybody s best friend. You are quick-witted. You like jokes. You are a kind and sympathetic person. You love the Earth. But here is some advice: Give a smile!