Открытый урок в 3-м классе на тему: "We are fond of pets" (с творческими работами учащихся)

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Оформление доски.

The 18-of March.

"We are fond of pets"
Remember... All pets need love and
care just as you do!
to be fond of pets
(to be a pet lover)
As for me Hike...
to keep... as pets

Don't hurt them!

to take care of... (to look after...)
to teach him (her) to talk,...
to be a lazybones (разг.)
Pets keep people healthy,
Be grateful to your pets!
to feed-fed

The Present Continuous
"to be" +
(am, is, are )
‘A bear and bunny'
I am counting to ten.
You are giving them a pen.
She is looking at the door.
He is sitting on the floor.
All of us are working well,
Waiting, waiting, for the bell.
Are they working well?

Наглядность: книжка-раскладушка I am fond of pets (картинки любимых животных - попугая, кролика, хомяка, черепахи,...). Экзотические животные - крокодил, змея, обезьянка, львёнок, ...

Ход урока

1.Организационный момент. Речевая зарядка.

Today is the 18 of March. We begin our English lesson. Today we'll speak about our pets. "We are fond of pets, aren't we?

P1 - Yes, we are. We are fond of pets.
T - Are you fond of speaking English?
P2 - Yes, I am fond of speaking English.
T - And they? Are they working well now?
P3 - Some of us are working well, some of us aren't working well.
T - I want you to look at the blackboard and read the Poem "Are they working well?" (The Present Continuous) Повторение грамматики.
P4 - (читает стихотворение - таблица на доске)
Т -1 am counting to ten. Name the general question.
P1 -Am I counting to ten?
T - The alternative question.
P2 - Am I counting to ten or to nine?
T - The special question.
P3 - What am I doing? Who-question. (to the subject)
P4 - Who is counting to ten?
T - Tag question.
P5 -1 am counting to ten, aren't I?
T - Interrogative question.
P6 - Aren't I counting to ten?
T -She is looking at the door
P1 - Is the looking at the door?
P2 - Is she or he looking at the door?
P3 - What is she looking at?
P4 - Who is looking at the door?
P5 - She is looking at the door, isn't she?

2. Управляемыйучебный диалог. T->P1->P2

Т - Nastya ask Misha if he is working well?
P1 - Misha, are you working well?
P2 - Yes, I am....
T - Rita ask Kostya what he is waiting for?
P3 - Kostya, what are you waiting for?
P4 -1 am waiting for a five.

(по стихотворению в Pres. Cont).

3. Put all the types of the questions to this sentence.

You are giving them a pen.

Pi - 1. P2- 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.

4. Are you playing with your pet now?

P1 - No? I am not. I am speaking English now.
T - I know you love animals and birds. You take care of them. Won't you read the expressions given on the blackboard. (T —> Cl). (P1P2 P3 - Reading)
T - use them in your stories about your pets.

5. The English are pet lovers. And you? (P1 - P2)

T -1 want you to put questions to Nastya about her pet. (режим P1 P2 P3> P4)
P1 - What animals do people keep as pets?
P2 - What is your favourite pet? Why?
What is its name?
P3 - Is it big or little?
What colour is it?
P4 -What is its head (neck, body, tail, mouth) like?
P5 - What are its legs (eyes, ears) like?
Р6- What do you teach your pet?
What can it do?
P7-How do you take care of your pet?
What does your pet like to eat and to drink?
P8 - Are you fond of your pet?

6. T - Would you like to tell us about your pets?

P1 P2 Рз (рассказы - монологические высказывания, сочинения, творческие домашние задания о своих животных - любимцах).

7. Т - Did you feed your pet yesterday? (The Past Indef.)

P1 - Yes? I did. I fed my pet yesterday.
T - Did you buy food for your pet yesterday?
P2 - No, I didn't. I didn't buy food for my yesterday. But, my mother did.
T - Please, I want you to read the poem. (Reading)
P1-A bear and bunny had plenty of money. They went to the snore for carrots and honey.
P2-When the bear and the bunny asked “carrots and honey”. The man in the store cried: “Where is your money?”
P3 - How strange and how funny!
They really had money - and that's how they bought their carrots and honey.

8. T - Your creative projects. (Literary projects)

P1 P2 Р3 (читают свои литературные переводы данного выше стихотворения, творческие домашние задания).

9. Повторение грамматического времени. The Past Indefinite. (Наглядность - образец - таблица).

Т- A bear and bunny had, plenty of money. All the types of the questions/

(Неправильный глагол)

P1- Did a bear and bunny have plenty of money?
Р2 - Did a bear and bunny or a cat and a dog have plenty of money?
P3 - What did they have?
P4 - Who had plenty of money? A bear and bunny had plenty of money, didn't they?
P5 - Didn't they have plenty of money?
T - The man in the store cried: "Where is your money?" (Правильный глагол). All the types of the questions. Pl-P2-P3-P4-P5

10. Some interesting facts about animals.

a) Page 207, Ex 12 (Reading the text)

P1 P2 Р3

b) T - What interesting facts about animals do you know? Shut your books. Name them.

P1 - It's interesting to know rabbits can live five years...

P2 - It's interesting to know mice can sing.

P3 - It's interesting to know there are a lot of white animals...

P4 - It's interesting to know white tigers live only in India. They have got blue eyes.


c) Т - Who can name interesting facts, the more - the better? - P1... P2...

11. T - And what about unusual pets? (Exotic pets).

Do people have any problems with them? What do you think about it? Pj - (Индивидуальное домашние задание, сообщение - монолог). XL Индивидуальное домашнее задание - Борисенкова Рита. "Unusual Pets" (дополнительный материал текст из газеты "English for children" №9-10 -1994г.) (на предыдущих уроках тексты читали, изучали новую лексику).

12. Т - You know some proverbs and savings about animals and birds. (Пословицы, поговорки - развитие синтеза и обобщения).
Домашнее задание было самостоятельно найти русские эквиваленты данных пословиц и поговорок (английские тексты были даны каждому учащемуся ранее, были переведены вместе

Т - The more proverbs and sayings, the better.


T - Who can name all the proverbs and sayings? Do it, please. Pi; P2

13. T - Pets keep us healthy. Can pets cure people?

(Индивидуальное домашнее задание - сообщение о том, как могут “лечить”, успокаивать людей домашние животные) - Таушканова Настя. (Дополнительный материал из газеты “English for children” № 9 - 10 1994г.)

14. Подведение итогов домашнего задания.

Т - Thank you for your answers. You know a lot about animals and birds. Many of you have pets. You must take care of them. What must we remember?

P1 - Remember, all pets need love and care just as you do. (На доске наглядность -таблица).

P2-Dont't hurt them.

P3 - We must look after pets. P4... P5...

Caring for Your Pets

  1. Your pet should have fresh water available all the time.
  2. Feed your pet the right food on schedule.
  3. Some pets must be walked outside to go to the bathroom. Set aside time to do this.
    Other pets need a special place. Keep it clean.
  4. Some pets need special homes. Keep them clean.
  5. Some pets need help keeping themselves clean, too.
  6. Most pets need exercise to keep themselves healthy and happy.
  7. Some pets play with toys. Make sure your pet has safe toys.
  8. Many pets must go to the veterinarian for their yearly checkup. Make sure you do
  9. If your pet looks sick or injured, bring it to your veterinarian.


T. - You are so clever today. Thank you for your answers. Your marks... Your homework: p 25-26 Ex 1.2.5 (Workbook). “Pets”. You should ...

Our lesson is over. Good luck to you! Good bye!

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