Урок английского языка на тему «Устройство на работу»

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Классы: 9, 10, 11

Определение роли и места занятия в системе уроков.
Постановка целей, выбор методов и приёмов обучения. Рефлексия ожидания.

Урок на тему: «Устройство на работу: как быть успешным?» является вводным в серии уроков, объединённых темой «Устройство на работу». По своему содержанию, а также по языковому материалу данное занятие связано с блоком занятий по теме: «Молодой специалист: какой он?»
На последующих  занятиях будет продолжено формирование языковой компетенции студентов в рамках изучаемой темы, а также умений, связанных с эмоциональным интеллектом. Выбор названия данного  урока определяется степенью важности обсуждаемых вопросов для студентов – будущих молодых специалистов. Учитывая проблематику урока, представляется методически оправданной постановка следующих целей и задач:

Цели урока:

Образовательные: систематизировать знания студентов по изученным темам (блок «Молодой специалист: какой он?»), развивать навыки продуктивного говорения на иностранном языке в ходе применения  знаний в новых практических ситуациях, навыки чтения и  аудирования.

Развивающие: способствовать развитию аналитического, критического
и образного мышления через использование проблемных ситуаций и  творческих заданий; развивать умения, связанные с эмоциональным интеллектом: понимание эмоций партёра, умение конструктивно взаимодействовать друг с другом, совместно находить различные способы решения проблемы; рефлексивные умения: рефлексию настроения и эмоционального состояния, рефлексию деятельности.

Воспитательные: воспитывать командный дух, уважительное  отношение к партнёрам. 

Мотивация урока: привлечь внимание студентов к необходимости работать над своим профессиональным имиджем, привлекательным для окружающих, личностно –  значимыми качествами, необходимыми для  будущей карьеры.

Тип урока: творческое применение изученных знаний.

Форма урока: урок–презентация.

Оборудование урока:

1.Наглядный материал: мультимедиапроектор, интерактивная доска, компьютерная презентация занятия, компьютерная программа “ Английский язык. Путь к совершенству» (фрагмент), таблицы с клише для выражения мнения, предположения, согласия/ несогласия.
2.Раздаточный материал: карточки-опоры для формирования оценочных и  рефлексивных умений, речевые образцы для формирования речевых умений.          

Межпредметные связи: менеджмент, социальная психология.

Здоровьесберегающий эффект: с целью создания на уроке благоприятной, психологически комфортной атмосферы для осмысленной и результативной деятельности студентов на уроке будут использованы смена деятельности, игровая ситуация, расположение столов в форме ромба.
Интерактивные, парные и групповые  виды взаимодействия, использование личностнозначимых заданий, проектная деятельность, командный дух, нацелены на повышение мотивации в учении и  раскрытие творческого потенциала студентов.
Таким образом, можно ожидать высокую познавательную активность и результативность студентов на занятии.

Lesson Stages

I. Beginning

1. Greeting

Teacher: Top of the afternoon, everyone. How are you? I hope that we’ll work together as a team and our work will be successful and futile.

2. About self-evaluation at the lesson

Teacher:  As usual I’d like you to help me to evaluate your work at the lesson. On our whiteboard you can see the Steps of Success. Your aim is to reach the top of the Steps of Success by the end of the lesson. There is the same self-evaluation cardin your workouts. At every stage of the lesson you have to mark your activity.

На экране появляются этапы занятия в виде «шагов», ведущих к успеху  (Appendix 1). 

II. Creative application of the basic knowledge: projects presentation (Home assignment check-up)

1. Projects presentation (Appendix 2)

Teacher:  At our previous lesson we discussed what a successful and competitive young specialist should be like. At home you were supposed to make group projects.
Your task was to create a promotional portrait of a young specialist and to point out his/her main professional and personal strengths.
 Now we ‘ll be privileged to watch your projects.  The floor is given to the first group.
All the rest have to listen to their presentation carefully, be ready to ask questions and comment on the projects.

2. Peer evaluation of the projects

Teacher: Let’s comment on the presentation of the project. Do your best so as not to offend the group and to show the positive sides of the project rather than to criticize it.

Teacher:  I’m very pleased with the projects too. I really enjoyed the manner of the presentation. Both groups found the correct approach to the subject, the facts they showed us were very well chosen and helped to show us all ins and outs of the matter. I believe that everyone knows what professional skills and traits of character to work on.
On the whole your projects have left a very favorable impression on me and I’m sure on the group too. Don’t forget to evaluate your activity at our Steps to success.

III. Follow up

1. Practicing verbal and nonverbal behavior

Teacher: Will you please, stand up? Please, make a circle. Soon, you’ll graduate from the college and you’ll be young specialists.  Imagine, it’s your first working day at an office and colleges are still unknown to you. So, you have to get acquainted. When people don’t know each other, when they are strangers, they use this formal greeting: “How do you do? “ and name themselves and say: “Nice to meet you». You can see this greeting on the screen. And you smile and shake hands with your partner. You are at home, aren’t you? So, let’s make acquaintance. Don’t forget to smile. OK! That will do. You are great! Now you know your colleagues.

Teacher: While starting to communicate, it’s very important to sound polite and positive, but it’s very important to be able to understand mimicry and gestures of your partner, because they help to convey feelings and emotions. Let’s see if you are good at it. What are we going to do? We are going to make pairs. Look at your friend or a fellow student you like or prefer and try to give signals to him or her; may you’ll look at her pleasantly, wink, bow, wave your hand or nod your head. Your partner should understand that you want to be her pair. But don’t speak, use signals. I think you are at home with the task. So, the bell is ringing. Let’s start making pairs. Use signals, have an eye contact. Now stop. We have pairs.
– Are you N. glad to have F. as your partner? Did you use signals?
– And you S. are you satisfied with your partner?
Thanks very much. You were really good at making pairs. So, this is the way how to communicate through words and through mimicry and gestures, i.e. through your body language.

2. Filling in the word web. (Brainstorming ideas)

Teacher: While playing the game we showed how to communicate through words and body language. Why do you think I ‘ve asked to show how to communicate? It was not by chance.

Student: I think it is because communication is important.
Teacher: You are right to the point. But why is communication so important?

3. Introduction of the topic of the lesson and points for discussion

Teacher: You were right to mention that communication can really help to find a job in a competitive workplace. But it’s not easy to find a good job. Do you agree? May be this lesson will help you to cope with this problem. So, the topic of our today’s lesson is Job hunting.
Today we are going to discuss:
          What makes a Job applicant successful?
          What should a successful young specialist be like?
Let’s translate the topic and objectives of our today’s lesson.

4.  Listening (Appendix 3)

а) First listening

Teacher: To find a job Job seekers usually come to a company or firm.
Listen to a job interview and  try to catch:
– What is the name of a job applicant?
– What is he?
–  Does he get a position in the company? 

Pointing out professional qualities and personality traits (Appendix 4)

Teacher: What professional and personal strengths do you think Tom should have to fit his new position? You can pick up a few useful words from the list. But don’t forget about your active vocabulary. What professional strengths and personal qualities are needed for your future job?

b) Second – listening

Teacher: What questions did the recruitment manager ask Tom? (taking notes)
Teacher: Will you evaluate your work? What additional questions would you ask a job applicant?

5.Reading (Appendix 5)

а) Pre-reading

Teacher: But not always job applicants get the job they apply for. Look at the screen. It shows Susan who is very unhappy.

Teacher: Why do you think the girl is so sad?Mind how to express probability:

She may...
She probably...
 I can be mistaken but I think... 

Teacher: Read the text to compare your answers with it. So were you right to guess?

b) While-reading 

Teacher:Find English equivalents for the following words and expressions in the text. (Appendix 6)

Teacher: So Susan didn’t get the job she had applied for. But was it by chance?Let’s work with the fish bone.

The fish bone

Teacher: Why didn’t Susan get the job?

Student: She failed to seem self –confident during the job interview.

Teacher: What solutions would you suggest for her?

с) After-reading

What helps you to look confident? (Introducing body language, Appendix 7)

Teacher:So, Susan failed to seem self –confident during the job interview. But what helps you to look confident? This chart describes body language i.e. gestures and mimicry.Let’s see if you understand what they mean.

Choosing positive body language

Teacher:And nowlet us split in groups. There are red-colored cards on your table. Decide in groups what items may help you to look confident? Choose cards that show positive body language. So, what helps you to look confident?
Stick the cards that show positive body language to the blackboard.
Does everyone agree that this body language will help you to look confident?
This will be the instruction for you to follow.

Making a personal confidence building plan

Teacher: How will you use this body language during your job interview? What mimicry and gestures you’ll try not to use. Let’s make your confidence building plan.


I’ ll try to look  confident and self-assured.
I’ll speak distinctly and clearly
I’ll try not to downcast my eyes.
I’ll try to be self-possessed during the interview.
I’ll try to find correct approach to the interviewer.
I’ll try to be concise but up to the point.
I’ll try not to look vulgar.

IV.  Rounding off. Reflection 

1. Home assignment 

Teacher:In the Internet find sayings about career. Choose a few you like, try to remember them.  Write the cultural value that you think each quotation teaches. The first one has been done for you. (Appendix 8).

2. Understanding the importance of the problems discussed for one’s future career

Teacher: The topic of our conversation today was very serious. We spoke much about how to be successful during a job interview and in your future career. I hope this lesson will be very helpful to you.

3. Self-evaluation at the lesson

Teacher: I’d like you to help me to evaluate your work at the lesson. Look at your Steps to Success.  Have reached the top of Success?

Student 1: I was very active and worked hard at the lesson. So, I’ve reached the top.

Student 2: I’ve also reached the top. I was active and I worked hard.

4. Marks and comments

Teacher: Let’s stand in a circle. Take each other by your hands.  I appreciate your good work at the lesson. Your marks: M. you was very active at the lesson, answered correctly, you get…  
N. you’ve also done a very good job at the lesson, you get…  
L. you contributed a lot to the lesson…

Teacher: Say good-bye to your fellow students. Don’t forget to smile and wave your hand. Our lesson is over. Thanks you very much for your good job.  Good bye.

Приложение 9