Урок “My School Day” в 5-м классе средней школы

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Внеклассная работа

Задачи урока:

  • Совершенствовать коммуникативную компетенцию учащихся, эмоциональную и эстетическую стороны в процессе обучения иностранному языку.
  • Обобщить и повторить пройденный лексический и грамматический материал.
  • Формировать и повышать дальнейший интерес к изучению иностранного языка в процессе игр и драматизаций.

Учебные пособия и наглядный материал:

  • Магнитофон, лото, наглядные пособия “Овощи и фрукты”, картинки двух девочек, рисунки “Клоун” и “Паровоз”, разрезная азбука, числа от 0 до 12, карточки с числами, рисунки из точек, колокольчик, карточки со словами, цветовые карточки.

План урока:

1. Начало урока. Организационный период.

  • Вступительное слово учителя.
  • Речевая зарядка.

2. Школьный день. Расписание.

1. Spelling.

2. Music. “ABC song”.

3. Mathematics. Games: “Loto”, “Jod points”.

4. Sport.

5. English.

6. Literature

7. Art.

3. Окончание урока. Итог урока. Выставление оценок.


Teacher (T): Good morning, boys and girls!

Pupils (P): Good morning, Ms Zapletaeva.

T: I am glad to see you.

P: We are glad to see you too.

T: Sit down, please. Is anybody absent today? I hope all are present.

P1: Yes, all are present.

T: How are you today?

P2: I am fine. Thanks. And you?

T: I am fine too. Thank you. And how are you, Regina?

P3: I am OK. Thank you.

T: Today we have unusual lesson. Look at the blackboard. As you can see we’ll have many different subjects during our lesson. And I hope you’ll show me all your knowledge. At this lesson we’ll try to revise our grammar and lexical materials. Let’s start our lesson.

Now, listen to me attentively and try to answer my questions. ( Работа идет в режиме Т-Р )

T: What’s your name? P1: My name is Sveta.

T: What’s your surname? P2: My surname is Mustafina.

T: How old are you? P3: I’m 10.

T: Where do you live? P4: I live in Tatarstan Leninogorsk.

T: What is your address? P5: My address is 10 Gagarin Street.

T: What’s your Hobby? P6: My hobby is music.

T: What’s your favourite sport? P7: My favourite sport is football.

T: What’s your favourite subject at school? P8: My favourite subject at school is English.

(Работа идет в режиме Т-Р1-Р2 )


1 T: You are two friends. You meet and greet each other in the morning (evening, afternoon). P1: Good morning.

P2: Morning

P3: Good afternoon.

P4: Good afternoon.

P5: Good evening.

P6: Good evening.

2 T: You go to bed. What do you say to your mother?

P1: Good night, mummy.

P2: Good night.

3 T: You go to school. What do you say to your parents?

P3: Good bye.

P4: Bye.

4 T: Offer him/her a cup of tea (coffee). Agree or disagree.

P5: Tea?

P6: Yes, please.

P7: Coffee?

P8: No, thanks.

5 T: Thank her/him for the breakfast.

P9: Thank you, Natasha.

P10: You are welcome.

6 T: You drop her/his book. What do you say?

P11: Sorry.

P12: That’s OK.

7 T: You are a policeman. You address a woman (man).

P1: Excuse me, madam.

P2: Excuse me, sir.

T: Thank you. Well done! Today is Monday and we have seven lessons. Look at the blackboard. This is our time-table. (На доске вывешен плакат с расписанием на понедельник.) What lessons will we have?


  1. Spelling,
  2. Music,
  3. Mathematics,
  4. Sport,
  5. English,
  6. Literature,
  7. Art.

T: (Звенит колокольчик.) The bell has gone. Let’s start our first lesson – Spelling. In this lesson we revise our English alphabet.

(Алфавит повторяем в следующем порядке:

а) хором T-CL

б) в разрезной азбуке Р1, Р2 и т.д.)

T: Spell these words: (Учащимся показываются карточки с английскими словами.) map, flag, pen, girl, boy, onion, tomato, carrot, purple.

Look at the blackboard, please and fill in the missing letters in the words and translate them.

(К доске по очереди выходят учащиеся и заполняют пропущенные буквы)

car_ot, ban_na, on_on, or_nge, bla_k, p_ar, ap_icot, app_e, t_omato.

(Слабому ученику даётся карточка в которой необходимо заполнить пропущенные буквы. Aa _ _ _ Ee, Kk _ _ _ Oo)

Well done! Everybody was very active.

T: (Звенит колокольчик.) The first lesson is over. And we begin our second lesson – Music. Let’s sing “The ABC song”. Are you ready?

A, B, C, D, E, F, G,

H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P,

Q, R, S, - T, U, V,

W, X, - Y and Z

Now you know the ABC, now you know the ABC.

T: You are excellent singers. Thank you very much. Our school day begins and we have the third lesson. (Звенит колокольчик) At this lesson we’ll know how well you know English numbers. First, let’s revise numbers from 0 to 12. (Работа хором CL)

Look at these cards and name the numbers: P1, P2

0 10 2
6 4 8


1 12 3
7 5 9

T: What is

5 + 6 =

9 + 3 =

6 + 1 =

2 + 2 =

2 + 7 =

8 + 2 =

5 + 3 =

1 + 9 =

Count like this from 1 to 12

2, 4, 6

1, 3, 5

12, 11, 10 ……….

Now open your activity books, please. Write down any five numbers. I’ll call the number and you cross out it if you have it. Who will be the first and the happiest of all. It will be a “Bingo”. (Игра “Лото”. Учащиеся записывают в тетрадях любые пять цифр и по мере называния их вычеркивают из своего списка, у кого быстрее всех будут перечеркнуты все пять, становится победителем.) Yes, Max is the first today. And he is a Bingo! Congratulations!

Look at your sheet of paper which I gave you. You can see two animals. Jod the point and you’ll know what animals they are. (Учащиеся соединяют числительные и находят на рисунке кошку или собаку. См. рисунок № 1) Excellent! What are their names?

Рис. 1

Рис. 1

P1: The cat’s name is Cleo and the dog’s name is Big Ben.

T: We work very hard and we are tired. So we have the fourth lesson – Sport. Stand up! Let’s do our morning exercises.

Hands up, hands down,
Hands on hips, sit down.
Hands up, hands to the sides,
Bend left, Bend right.
Hands on hips – 1, 2, 3, hop.
1, 2, 3 stop. Stand still.

T: This lesson is over. And we have English lesson now. ( На демонстрационном стенде расположены нарисованные “Овощи и фрукты” в разном количестве: яблоки, груши, апельсины, лимоны, капуста, помидоры, лук, бананы, морковь, персики, картофель.) Look at this and name the fruit and vegetables.

1) T: Use them with an article a/an. What’s this?

P1: This is an apple.

P2: This is a pear. etc.

2) T: Use the words in plural forms. How many apples are there?

P1: 5 apples.

P2: 3 oranges. etc.

3) T: Now listen to the dialogues and then make your own dialogues. (Учащиеся прослушивают диалоги в записи. [Учебник “Happy English 1” Т. Клементьева упр. 26 (а,б), стр. 26.] Работа в парах: Р1–Р2.)

P1 –P2 Agree

P3 – P4 Refuse

4) T: Say few words about yourself.

P1: My name is Elvira. My surname is Musatzyanova. I am ten years old. I am from Tatarstan, Leninogorsk. My address is 10 Gagarin Street. My hobby is reading. My favourite sport is tennis. My favourite subjects at school are Maths and English.

5) T: Let’s imagine that Zhenya is our guest and we want to know some personal information about him. Ask him some questions.

P1: Hello. What’s your name? Zhenya: Hello. My name is Zhenya.

P2: What’s your surname? My surname is Shulenin.

P3: How old are you? I’m 10.

P4: Where are you from? I’m from Tatarstan.

P5: What’s your address? My address is 42 Gagarin Street.

P6: What’s your hobby? My hobby is sport.

P7: What’s your favourite sport? My favourite sport is football.

P8: What’s your favourite subject at school? My favourite subject is Literature.

P9: How are you? I’m OK.

6) T: Thank you, Zhenya. Now, boys and girls, try to tell us few words about Zhenya.

P1: His name is Zhenya. His surname is Shulenin. He is from Tatarstan. His address is 42 Gagarin Street. He is 10. His hobby is sport. His favourite sport is football. His favourite subject at school is Literature. He is OK.

7) T: Thank you. It was full information about our guest. Now look at these two pictures. In these pictures you can see two girls and short information about them. Listen to me very attentively and then tell me please about what this text is. Are you ready? (см. рисунок № 2)

Рис. 2

Рис. 2

TEXT. This is my friend. She lives in Moscow with her parents. She goes to school.

Her name is Mary. She is 11 years old. Her telephone number is 76532.

Her favourite sport is tennis. Her favourite subject at school is Russian.

Her hobby is reading. She is a good friend.

(Учащиеся называют № картинки, о которой шла речь.)

Рис. 3

Рис. 3

Рис. 4

Рис. 4

Рис. 5

Рис. 5

T: Yes, you are right. Try to answer my questions about the girl. What’s her name? How old is she? What’s her telephone number? What’s her favourite subject at school? What’s her hobby? Where does she live? What’s her favourite sport?

Great! You know all information about Mary. Try to retell the text using the information from the picture. (Опрашивается один из учащихся, опорой для пересказа является информация на картинке.)

T: Thank you everybody. Our English Lesson is over. And the bell is ringing for the next lesson – Literature. (Звенит колокольчик.) Open your text-books at page 63 exercise 41. [Учебник Т. Клементьева “Happy English 1”]

Read the text and then answer my questions. (Текст читается вслух. Переводить текст необязательно, так как учащиеся будут отвечать на вопросы учителя по тексту.)

T: What is his name? P1: His name is David.

What is his surname? P2: His surname is Edwards.

What nationality is he? P3: He is British.

Where is he from? P4: He is from UK.

How old is he? P5: He is eleven years old.

What is his telephone number? P6: His telephone number is 071-372-4681.

What his address? P7: 9 Green Street, London SW7

What is his hobby? P8: His hobbies are reading and drawing.

What is his favourite sport? P9: His favourite sport is tennis.

What is his favourite subject at school? P10: His favourite subject at schoolis English.

T: During the first term we learnt by heart many poems. Let’s revise them. Who remember the poem ……? (Учащиеся опрашиваются по желанию.)

1. ”Good morning”

Good morning, good morning,
Good morning to you.
Good morning, good morning,
We are glad to see you!

2. ”Good night

Good night mother, good night father
Kiss your little son.
Good night sister, good night brother,
Good night everyone!

3. “1, 2, 3, 4, 5”

One, two, three, four, five
I caught fish alive.
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten
I let it go again.

4. “A, B, C, D, E, F, G”

A, B, C, D, E, F, G
John is hiding far from me
I look here, I look there
I can’t see him anywhere.

5. “Seasons”

Spring is green,
Summer is bright,
Autumn is yellow,
Winter is white.

T: Thank you very much. Your work is good. And as you can see now we have the last lesson. But we have not much time so the Art lesson will be your home task. First of all let’s revise colours. (Учащиеся исполняют песню “Colours” на мотив песенки трёх поросят. Ex.31 p. 31 “Happy English 1”)

(Учащимся раздаются карточки с рисунками клоуна или паровозика, их нужно будет раскрасить дома в те цвета, которые на них указанны.)

Подведение итогов урока, выставление отметок.

T: Everybody was very active today. And we have done much work during our lesson. Thank you for the lesson and your excellent work. In conclusion I want to give you your marks. (Выставляются отметки и по возможности комментируются.) Stand up! The lesson is over. Have a rest. Goodbye. See you next lesson.

CI: Goodbye, Ms Zapletaeva.