Урок английского языка по теме "In the world of trees"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 11

Цель занятия: создание организационных и содержательных условий для развития у студентов умений в продуктивном говорении в рамках изучаемой темы посредством активизации мыслительной деятельности студентов и включения их в разрешение проблемных задач.


  • Образовательные:
    • создание познавательных трудностей, соответствующих интеллектуальным способностям студентов;
    • создание  условий  для  активного поиска и самостоятельного  добывания студентами знаний, развития инициативы, поиска, самостоятельности;
    • предъявление профессиональной лексики по изучаемой теме;
    • организация тренировки в  умении  работать с  «графическими организаторами »: «Когнитивная карта памяти», «Фишбоун», для  упорядочивания и «сворачивания» информации.
  • Развивающие:
    • создание условий для дальнейшего развития личности студентов, актуализации скрытых возможностей;
    • дальнейшее развитие у студентов  способности  использовать иностранный язык  для профессионального развития;
    • развитие у студентов способности к догадке, гибкости и логичности ума, комбинационной гибкости в использовании языковых средств в рамках предложенной темы;
    • развитие у студентов умения осуществлять самоконтроль, взаимоконтроль, самооценку и самокоррекцию учебной деятельности;
    • развитие умения работать  в паре,  группе;
    • создание условий для вовлечения студентов в «диалог культур».
  • Воспитательные:
    • развитие интереса к национальным традициям.

Учебно-методическое обеспечение занятия: «Оценочный лист», «Памятка: как работать в паре и группе», раздаточный материал.

Техническое обеспечение: ПК, мультимедиапроектор, интерактивная доска, компьютерная презентация.


I. Начало занятия. Самоопределение к деятельности

1. Приветствие

Teacher: Morning, early birds! How are you? Hope you are fine today.
Now it’s time for us to roll up the sleeves and get started as we have lots of activities to do at the lesson.

2.  «Мотивационный старт»

Teacher: Bearing in mind an arc-famous English proverb that runs:” Good beginning makes a good ending” I’ve made up my mind to start the lesson with a lovely piece of poetry. Open your hearts to the poem “If You Stood with Your Feet in the Earth” by Karla Kuskin.
Read the poem and try to translate it. Pay attention to the highlighted words.

If You Stood with Your Feet in the Earth
If you stood with your feet in the earth
Up to your ankles in grass
And your arms had leaves running over them
And every once in a while one of your leafy fingers
Was nudged by a bird flying past,
If the skin that covers you from top to tip
Wasn't skin at all, but bark
And you never moved your feet from their place
In the earth
But stood rooted in that one spot come
Then you would be:
(Answer: a tree)

Nudged – touched
bark – the outside of a tree trunk
rooted – unable to move
sleet – icy rain
thaw – melt
fall – autumn
blight – disease to plants
bug – an insect which damages plants


1. Did you enjoy the poem?
2. What plant do you think is described in the poem? What makes you think so?
3. What can you see, feel, hear or be afraid of if you were a tree?
4. What can you say about the shape of the poem?

(Students’ own answers)

Teacher:  It goes without saying, that I haven’t chosen this poem by a mere chance.  What do you think the topic of today’s lesson is? Any ideas? Don’t forget to use structure patterns you can see on the screen.
The following structure patterns are displayed on the screen:

  • As far as I have become aware…
  • I can suppose/admit/assume that the topic of the lesson will be…
  • I think/believe/recon…

(Students come up with their ideas)

Teacher: I can’t but agree with my friends. All your guesses are right to the point. You are reading my mind like an open book. At the lesson we‘ll dwell upon the topic “In the world of trees”. Do think the topic under study might be of any importance to you as future foresters? Use speech structures and helping phrases given on the screen:

  • I believe the topic under study is interesting/ exciting/important for me as…
  • It won’t be an exaggeration to say/point out/ that I find the topic interesting/useful/ important because…

(Students’ ownanswers)

3. Сообщение о системе оценивания.  Предъявление «Оценочных листов» и Памятки « как работать в паре/ группе»

Teacher:  I’d like you help me to estimate your activity at the lesson. Use a “Self-assessment Card” (see Appendix 1) and “Memory card: how to work in pairs/groups” in your hand-outs (see Appendix 2).

II. Этап освоения новых знаний

1. Предъявление  лексических единиц  к теме « В мире деревьев»

Teacher: As future foresters you know quite a lot about trees. By the way, what branch of study deals with wooded plants such as trees and shrubs?
Students: Dendrology.

Teacher:  Exactly! Wooded plants fall under study of Dendrology, a specialized botany field. You are studying dendrology this year so I’m sure that the question I’m going to ask will be as easy as a pie for you. But first I’d like you to explore new vocabulary on the topic. Repeat after me:

  • Root – корень
  • Bark – кора
  • Leave – лист
  • Crown – кора
  • Fruit – фрукт, плод
  • Native range – ареал
  • Habitat – среда обитания
  • Environment – окружающая среда
  • Species – вид, род, порода
  • Conifer – хвойный
  • Deciduous – лиственный
  • Trait – свойство

Teacher:Now you are good at it. Time is ripe for my question: what all trees have in common? Have a look at the screen, will you?. Here is a picture of a tree I’ve brought to help you bounce ideas. Use your noodles.  Rack your brains.

While students are naming traits common for all trees the teacher is putting them down and circling them. (See a suggested Spider web is in Appendix 3).

Teacher:  You are absolutely right that traits that are typical for all trees are as follows: the crown, the leaf, the bark, the root, the fruit and the photosynthesis. Fantastic! Good job! You’ve sailed through the task successfully, just as I have predicted.

2. Чтение с пониманием основного содержания прочитанного. Составление Интеллект карты

Teacher: The next assignment I’m going to offer to you is Reading. In your handouts find the text “Survey of trees”. Read the text thoroughly, and be ready to answer the questions below it (see Appendix 4)

Teacher: How about creating a Mind map? It’ll help us to represent the main idea and concepts of the text. I suggest that first you work in pairs and draw a Pair Mind Maps. Then we’ll make a Group Mind Map on the Smart board.

In pairs students draw a Pair Mind Map by hand on an A-4 format sheet of paper representing “key notes” of the text. Then Pair Mind Maps are discussed and a Group Mind Map is created on the Smart board using a Mind Map Creating Program.  During the lesson The Mind Map is “extended”: with more new information being discussed more subtopics are branched off the parent topic (see the ScreenshotinPicture1). The Group Mind Map can be employed at the next lessons as a helping tool for developing speaking and creative writing skills.

Teacher: Thanks a bunch! You’ve coped with this task with flying colors. Don’t forget to estimate your activity in the “Self -assessment Cards”.

3. Работа с видовыми названиями древесных пород

а) Соотнесение  латинских и русских видовых понятий  (cloud activity)

Teacher: There are many tree species growing in Russian forests. From the course of Dendrology you know their Latin Botanical names. Let’s see if you really good at it. I’m going to involve you in a very exciting activity. It’s called a ‘cloud activity’. Look at the white screen. As we are talking about trees I’ve chosen a tree shape to arrange the Latin names of tree species (seethe ScreenshotinPicture2). I’ m going to highlight a word and you’ll have to translate it into Russian. Are you at home with the task? (Students do the task)

Teacher: Two thumbs up! You are marvelous!

b) Соотнесение латинских и английских видовых понятий. 

Teacher: I think it’ll be a good idea if we could learn English names of the above-given tree species. Using your knowledge of Latin translate the following English tree species names into Russian. Fill in the table.

Latin Botanical Tree Names English Botanical Tree Names Russian Botanical Tree Names
Betula pendula Pine   Сосна Обыкновенная
Populus tremula Siberian stone pine  ?
Pinus Spruce ?
Larix Fir ?
Picea Larch ?
Abies European birch  ?
Pinus Siberica White birch ?
Betula pubescens Aspen ?
Quercus Oak  ?
Acer Ash ?
Ulmus Maple ?
Fraxinus Elm ?

(See Answer Key in the Appendix 5)

Teacher: Fantastic! Good job! Don’t forget to estimate your activity in the “Self -assessment Cards”

4. Релакс-пауза

Teacher:   We have worked too much and it won’t be an exaggeration if we stretch our muscles. Please, stand up, listen to the song “Head, shoulders, knees and toes for trees”, then sing along and do the warm-up (Students join in singing the song, see lyrics in Appendix 6).

Teacher: Awesome! So, what does every tree consist of? (Students’ own answers)

Этап практики  в общении


1. Look at the list of tree species again. What species of a tree would you choose? Give arguments (Students’ own answers).

2. Draw the chosen species of a tree and get ready to tell your fellow-students about it: its origin, its traits, the kind (kinds) of environment it can exist on earth. Use the Group Mind map as a plan (Students’ own answers)

3. Some trees live a very long time and they witness many historic events. Watch a video excerpt and try to guess what historic background it suggests (Students watch a video about “The Royal Oak Day”).Any ideas? No ideas? Well, things happen. Look at the screen. Here are the words that can help you. I’ll read them out.

  • Oliver Cromwell’s Army – Армия Оливера Кромвеля
  • Charles’ Royalist Army – Армия роялистов  под предводительством Чарльза 
  • To defeat – нанести поражение
  • The battle of Worchester – битва при Вустере (город в Англии, в центре графства Вустершир)
  • Flee (fled, fled) – бежать, спасаться
  • Hide (hid, hidden) – прятаться

Teacher: Work in groups and try to guess what events in history of Britain they are about. Mind that you have to use The Past Simple Tense. To revise how the Past Simple is used have a look at the screen.

(Students in groups make up their stories and present them).

4. Работа с текстом «The Royal Oak Day”

Teacher: Good Job! Find the text “The Royal Oak Day” in your Hand-outs. Skim the text to check if you are right (See Appendix 7) Did you guess it right?

Teacher:  Look the text through and find sentences to illustrate the pictures on the screen (Students’ own answers).


a) Why was the Oak chosen to commemorate the return of the monarchy?
b) How is the Royal Oak Day celebrated?

5. Работа с графическим организатором «фишбоун»

Teacher: Now I’d like you to find factor what caused the results. We’re going to fill in the fishbone (see a suggested Fishbone in Appendix 8)

The Oak Tree

III. Рефлексия

1. Выдача домашнего задания


а) Choose several of the words from the text. Use a dictionary or Google’s search field (or another search engine) to build up more associations / collocations of each word.
б) Search the Internet and find more information about trees. Talk about what you discover with your partner(s) in the next lesson.

2. Рефлексия  содержания учебного материала


– Did you enjoy today’s lesson?
– Do find it interesting and useful for your future career?

3. Рефлексия  деятельности, выставление и комментирование оценок

Teacher: Assess your work and achievements at the lesson and count points in your Self-assessment Cards.
Our lesson is over. Thanks for your cooperation and creative work. I wish you luck!


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2. Гальскова Н.Д. Современная методика обучения иностранным языкам. – М.: АРКТИ, 2000
3. Никифрова Е. Облако слов как средство совершенствования навыков монологической и диалогической речи на уроках английского языка. //“English” – приложение к   газете « Первое сентября», № 11, 2013.