Открытый урок по теме "Environmental problems". 8-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Мастер-класс

Класс: 8

Тип урока: урок совершенствования коммуникативных навыков по теме «Защита окружающей среды», (SBL).

Технологии: обучение в сотрудничестве, приём технологии критического мышления через чтение и письмо, информационно-коммуникативные.

Цель урока: совершенствование коммуникативных навыков.

Задачи урока:

  • Образовательная: актуализировать лексические единицы и отработать их через письмо и в речевых упражнениях.
  • Развивающие: развивать умение формулировать тему и цель урока; развивать способности к логическому изложению содержания.
  • Воспитательная: формировать основы экологической культуры, соответствующей современному уровню экологического мышления.

Межпредметные связи: экология, география.

Формы работы: парная. Работа в малых группах, фронтальная.

Оборудование и наглядные пособия: карточки с заданиями, компьютерная презентация, видеоролик.


1. Организационный момент

- Good morning, boys and girls. I’m so glad to see you again. Sit down, please. Are you ready for the lesson?

Let’s start our lesson then.

2. Введение в тему урока. – 3 мин

I would like you to watch a short video and as you’ll have watched,  try to say what we are  going to talk about today.  

На экране видеоролик с изображением экологических проблем.

- So, are there any ideas of  our topic today?

P1: We’re going to talk about ecological problems.

P2: We’re going to discuss environmental problems and their solutions.

- Yes, you’re right! We discussed this topic earlier and today continue to talk about it, because environmental protection is an endless question.

3. Активизация ранее изученной лексики. – 5 мин

- First, let’s remember the main ideas. You’re going to work in pairs. Here are your tasks – you have to fill in the gaps with the following word combinations, but first, let’s form these combinations all together.

Презентация. 3 слайд – нужно соединить прилагательные и существительные для получения словосочетаний.

Фронтальная работа.

Wind, solar




Noise, air




Wildlife, water


Extinct, endangered




Now, work in pairs, please. You have 3 minutes to do this task.

Ученики работают в парах. Им выдаются карточки с предложениями, в которых нужно заполнить пробелы, используя предложенные словосочетания.

  1. The city was dominated by tall factory chimneys, from which……poured into the atmosphere.
  2. The number of……in the world is increasing as habitats lost.
  3. People living near airports are those worst affected by ……, but we all suffer from it to some extent.
  4. Judging by the number of panels visible on people’s roofs…is becoming more popular.
  5. Global warming is resulting in an increased number of…..throughout the world.
  6. Your time is up. Let’s check your answers. – 2 min
  7. Well done. Thank you. By the way, when you were filling those gaps what environmental or ecological problems did you think of?

P1: endangered animals.

P2: smog, air pollution.

P3: water pollution

Yes, you’re right. There are lot’s of them. People have always invented new technologies to make their life better, but they never thought about the damage they do. I would like to pay your attention on the screen again. Here are some pictures from the films and every photo contains this or that technology. Your task is to say weather it is environmentaly friendly or not. Don’t forget to give your arguments.

На слайде фотографии из фильмов. – 3 мин

  1. «Пятый элемент», много машин в воздухе – air pollution
  2. « Освободите Вилли» - кит в море и вокруг горит нефть – water pollution, endangered animals
  3. «Аватар» нападение на лес – Deforestation
  4. «Ледниковый период» таяние льдов – global warming
  5. «Валли» кучи мусора - littering

- Well done, you’re quite aware of ecological problems.

4. >Физминутка. – 1,5 мин

Now I suggest you trying to imagine what is it like to be nature and feel the influence of a human. For example – trees. Stand up! Rise your hands and wave them as you’ra the trees. Now the strong wind blows – band left and right. Then the man came and starts to cut the trees – band back and forward. That’s all. Sit down, please. You’re cut. Not very pleasant isn’t it? That is how deforestation starts.

5. Работа в группах. Развитие логического мышления. – 6-7 мин

- What do you think, who is to blame for all these ecological problems?

P1: People are the one to blame for everything that is happening in the world.

P2: People always used natural resorcers without thinking about the consequences. 

That’s right. But do you think they realize it? I want you to work in three groups, please turn to each other on your seats.

Каждой группе раздаётся стихотворение разделенное на части. Задача учеников – построить стихотворение.

- Here are the pieces of one poem. Your task is easy –  build it, please, to get the whole poem. You can discuss it in groups. You have 4 minutes to do this task. Remember that some lines are rhymed.

Mummy, oh mummy, what’s this pollution
That’s everyone’s talking about?
Pollution’s the mess that the country is in
That we ‘d all be better without
Mummy, oh mummy, what’s going to happen
If all the pollution goes on?
The fields will be littered with plastics and tins
The streams will be covered with foam
Mummy, oh mummy, who makes pollution?
And why don’t they stop if it’s bad?
Cos people like that just don’t think about others
They don’t think of all, I might add.
Now throw those two bottles over the hedge
Save us from carrying them home
But, mummy, oh mummy, if I throw the bottles
Won’t that be polluting the wood?
Nonsense! That isn’t the same thing at all
You just shut up and be good
If you’re going to start getting silly ideas
I’m taking you home right away

Cos pollution is something that other folk do

We’re just enjoying our day!

- Your time is up, let’s listen to your poems. Представители от любой группы читают свою версию.

- Now, look at the screen and read my variant. Двое учеников могут по ролям прочитать стихотворение.

- How do you think, was the mother right?

P: No, she wasn't.

What was her main mistake?

P: She blamed other people in pollution, but did the same.

You’re absolutely right. Before blaming the others you always should think about your own actions.

6. Совершенствование коммуникативных навыков – 6-7 мин.

- If only people have thought about their doings we wouldn’t have had such sad pictures today.

На слайдах фотографии Мурманска с мусором на улицах, дымом от заводов, загрязнение Семёновского озера.

- Do you recognize the places?

P: is it Murmansk?

1. Yes, this is our city and as you see it is not so beautiful as we might think.

2. What people shouldn’t do in order not to have such sad pictures?

P: people shouldn’t drop litter into the water

P: people shouldn’t drop toxic wastes in the water and in the air

P: people shouldn’t cut the trees.

Imagine that you have a chance to improve the situation in our city. Work in groups and give your solutions. The first group will solve the air problem, the second one will solve litter problem and the third group will think about water pollution.

You have 5 minutes to do this task.

Каждой группе выдаётся по листку и маркеру на которых они в виде галочек и словосочетаний пишут предложения по улучшению той или иной ситуации в городе. Отвечает один представитель от каждой группы.

7. Подведение итогов. Рефлексия. – 5-7 мин.

Your time is up. Let’s listen to your suggestions.

Представитель или два от каждой группы рассказывает об итогах работы группы.

- Thank you for your incredible work today. Your home task will be to write about one of the ecological problem of our city and how to solve it. You worked really hard and fruitful. Now, the last task for you. Work in your groups again and tell me, what is an ideal world for you?

GR1: Our ideal world is the fresh air, without smog and plenty of trees. They give us oxygen to breath.

GR2: Our world is a world with clean water without any chemical wastes and litter. So, that plenty of fish and other species could live there.

GR3: Our ideal world is the world without litter and dumps. There will be special recycling center and, as a result, the economy of natural resourcers.

1. I’ll show you something. Here is your world. (пустая банка). You can fill it with everything you need and want. (в банку складываются бумага, камни, листики растений, пластик, опилки). Your world may be as you wish, but the filling is something that you’re responsible for. It’s your choice what to fill. It’s a matter of your own choice.

2. The lesson is over. Thank you for your work.

Список литературы

  1. “Upstrean. Proficiency. Student Book” Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley/ Express Publishing, 2013/ с.216-217 у.12.
  2. “Reading Extra. A resource book of multi-level skills activities” Liz Driscoll// Cambridge University press, 2015/ с.114 – 115.
  3.  Видеоролик “Seven billion dreams. One Planet. Consume with care”. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JyL58vlbvgw
  4. Фотографии из фильмов: «Пятый элемент», «Такси», «Валли», «Титаник», «Освободите Вилли 1», «Ледниковый период. Глобальное потепление», «Аватар».