Открытый урок по теме “Houses in the Past and Houses in the Future” (Дома прошлого и дома будущего) в 9-м классе (к учебнику "Spotlight 9"). 9-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 9

Цель: формирование у школьников иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции по теме “Houses in the Past and Houses in the Future ”.


  • Практические:
    • обобщить лексический материал по теме «Дома».
    • совершенствовать фонетические и лексические навыки,
    • расширять словарный запас,
    • активизировать знакомую лексику в речевых ситуациях, создать условия для спонтанной речи.
  • Образовательная: расширить  кругозор учащихся по теме «Типы жилищ в Британии. Замки в Великобритании.  Дома будущего».
  • Развивающая:
    • развивать креативные способности учащихся, умение добывать, правильно обрабатывать и систематизировать информацию.
    • повысить мотивацию в изучении английского языка.
  • Воспитательная:
    • воспитывать умение работать в группе, умение принимать другое мнение, с
    • оздать возможность для проявления индивидуальных способностей учащихся.

Тип урока: повторительно-обобщающий, информативный.

Форма урока: групповая, фронтальная.

Методы обучения:

  • наглядные методы (демонстрация наглядных пособий, демонстрация кино);
  • практические методы (упражнения);
  • словесные методы (беседа);
  • методы контроля и коррекции.

Оборудование и материалы:

  • раздаточный материал
  • презентация
  • видеофильмы
  • интерактивная доска
  • мультимедийный проектор




Организационный момент. Введение в тему

Teacher: Hello students! Today we are going to speak about life and living in Great Britain, about types of houses where British people live and of course about haunted castles. (Приложение 1. Слайд 1)

T.: There are a lot of proverbs and sayings supporting the importance of home to a person: (Слайды 2-3)

T.: Complete the sentences:


East or West, home is best.
There is no place like home.
My house is my fortress.
Home, sweet home.
Home is where the heart is.

T.: House is essential for man’s life. A house serves as a shelter and a place to satisfy all our needs: we sleep, eat, hide ourselves from bad weather, store personal property, work and rest there. (Слайд 4)

What is a difference between a house and a home?


House – a building that you live in.
Home –  the area or the country that you come from or that you usually live in (Слайд 5)

Let’s talk about your houses?

T.: Please, answer my questions:

  • What floor do you live on?
  • Do you live in the suburb or in the city?
  • What is your neighbourhood?
  • Is there an attic, a basement in your house?

(Слайд 6)

Актуализация знаний и умений по пройденной теме.

Повторение и закрепление тематических лексических единиц:

T.: Do you know an Englishman’s motto?

Answer: An Englishman’s motto is “My home is my castle”. (Слайд 7)

Организация монологических высказывании. “Matching exercise”.

T.: And now we are going to brainstorm different types of houses. Look at the whiteboard and give a definition to a house. (Слайды 8-17)

  • a detached house – is not joined to another house;
  • a semi-detached house  – is joined on one side to another house;
  • cottage – a small house in the country;
  • bungalow – a small house that is all on one level;
  • terraced house –  a house that is one of a row of houses joined together;
  • country house /mansion – a very large house;
  • a block of flats – a large building divided into a lot of homes, offices,
  • skyscraper – a very tall building;
  • caravan a vehicle that can be pulled by a car, and that people can live and sleep in castle a very large strong building with high walls, built in the past to protect the people inside from attack

Основной этап. Развитие навыков аудирования и говорения по теме

T.: The house is very important to English people. What is the typical British house?

Answers :The typical British house consists of the ground floor? The first floor, the attic and the garage. On the ground floor there is ….

(Слайд 18)

T.: An Englishman’s motto is “My home is my castle” that’s why we are going to speak about Castles. Since ancient times, Great Britain has been amongst the most significant countries in the world for Magic, Myths, Ghosts and Legends.  Almost every town, city and village in Britain has its own secret history. It seems unusual to find a castle without ghosts!

(Слайд 19)

T.: I suggest you to relax  a little and watch a short video about castles. (Приложение 2)

T.: What do you think about the video? I think the following words will help you to say your opinion. (Masterpieces, spooky)

(Слайд 20)

T.: Work in groups.

(Слайд 21)

You are going on a virtual tour.
The first group of students’ll visit  the Conwy castle, the second – the Malahide Castle, the third – Edinburgh castle and the forth – the Tower of London. (Приложение 3, Приложение 4)

You’ve got 3 minutes, scan the text and fill in the  table.

The name of the castle

The Country

When was it built?

Why was it built?

Some interesting places about it.

T.: While listening to each other’s presentations, try to fill in all the missing information in your tables.

5. Рефлексия

T.: Let’s make a quiz to check your knowledge about British Castles.

(Приложение 5)


  • Ireland
  • Wales
  • Tower of London
  • Malahide Castle
  • Edinburgh Castle
  • Tower of London
  • Edinburgh Castle
  • Tower of London

T.: And last but not least. How do you think if the castles will exist in the future?

Answers: To my mind they will but they …

(Слайд 22)

 T.:  And now your ideas about the houses of the future. Choose what there will be in the houses of the future.

(Приложение 6)(Слова с картинками на доске + написаны на доске).

Self-cleaning house
A robot chef
A fingerprint scanner
Renewable energy
Wind energy
Solar energy
Card scanner
Retina scanner

T.: Watch this video for  a glimpse of the homes of tomorrow. ( 4мин.).


T.: Circle the best words to complete these sentences.

(Слайд 23)

1.In the first house shown in the video, the shower water is heated by  electricity / wind energy / solar energy  .
2.  These houses are  experimental / for sale / real people’s homes  .
3.The technology in these houses helps them make more efficient use of  energy / water / space
compared to ordinary houses.
4.  There’s a  card scanner / fingerprint scanner / retina scanner  to open the door.
5.  When it’s hot, the  windows / curtains / shutters  close automatically.
6.  The chair also contains  books / food and drink / toys. (Слайд 24)

T.: What kind of homes will we live in the future? What kind of technology will we have?

Check your understanding: matching

Match the two sentence halves and write a – f next to the number 1 – 6.

1……..  I would love a self-cleaning house   a.  that could cook all my meals for me.
2……..  I'd like an eco-house                         b.  so I could watch the football everywhere.
3……..  I'd like a front door                            c.  that does all the housework for me.
4……..  I'd like a TV in each room                 d.  with a fingerprint scanner for security.
5……..  I'd like a robot chef                            e.  that automatically makes itself every morning.
6……..  I would love a bed                              f.  that uses renewable energy.

Key: (на доске)


Подведение итогов урока.

Great job. You are now experts on British houses,  castles and homes of the future. You are great!
Your homework is to write a short description of your house of the future. (Слайд 25)