Судебная система США и Великобритании

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Участники: 10 класс

Фотографии: vk.com/way2thetop?z=album-58855378_184202401

Видео: vk.com/videos-58855378?z=video-58855378_168150739%2Fclub58855378

Ход урока

Первый этап.

Класс был разделен на группы («США» и «Великобритания» соответственно). Каждой группе необходимо было представить на листе формата А4 правильное расположение всех участников судебного процесса в изучаемых странах. На уроке был проведен сравнительный анализ работ.

Второй этап.

Между учениками были распределены роли: судья, подсудимый, мать подсудимого, жена подсудимого, учитель подсудимого, судебный пристав, свидетели, суд присяжных.

За основу был взят текст песни Pink Floyd “The Trial”. Некоторые слова песни были заменены из-за цензуры.

Третий этап.

Проведение урока в форме сценки «В суде». Предварительно парты были расставлены в соответствии с реальной обстановкой в суде.

Перед началом суда все ученики «дают клятву», положив руку на англо-русский словарь:

– Do you swear to speak English and only English?

– I swear.

Начинается судебный процесс. Текст процесса (измененный), приведен ниже.

The Trial (www.amalgama-lab.com/songs/p/pink_floyd/the_trial.html)


Good morning, The Worm, Your Honour,
The Crown will plainly show,
The prisoner who now stands before you,
Was caught red-handed showing feelings.
Showing feelings of an almost human nature.
This will not do.

 [worm Judge]

Call the schoolmaster!


I always said he'd come to no good,
In the end, Your Honour.
If they'd let me have my way,
I could have flayed him into shape.
But my hands were tied.
The bleeding hearts and artists,
Let him get away with murder.
Let me hammer him today.


Toys in the attic, I am crazy.
Truly gone fishing.
They must have taken my marbles away.


 (Crazy. Toys in the attic, he is crazy.)

 [Convict's Wife]

You little boy, you're in it now.
I hope they throw away the key.
You should've talked to me more often than you did.
But no! You had to go your own way.
Have you broken any homes up lately?
Just five minutes, Worm, Your Honour,
Him and me alone.

[Convict's Mother]

Come to Mother, baby.
Let me hold you in my arms.
M'Lord, I never meant wanted for him to get in any trouble.
Why'd he ever have to leave me?
Worm, Your Honour, let me take him home.


Over the rainbow, I am crazy.
Bars in the window.
There must have been a door there in the wall.
For when I came in...


 (Crazy. Over the rainbow, he is crazy.)

 [worm Judge]

The evidence before the court is incontravertible.
There's no need for the jury to retire.
In all my years of judging I have never heard before,
Of someone more deserving of the full penalty of the law.
The way you made them suffer,
Your exquisite wife and mother,
Fills me with the urge to deficate! - Go on, Judge, shit on him!
Since, my friend, you have revealed your deepest fear,
I sentence you to be exposed before your peers.
Tear down the wall!


Tear down the wall! Tear down the wall! Tear down the wall!