English as a global language

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент. Беседа о погоде. 1 min

Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls! Sit down, please. I hope you are OK today and ready to work hard. Is anybody absent today? What season is it now? Are trees bare in autumn? What does September bring to us? Is there mist in October? Do leaves fall down when autumn comes? Do cold winds blow in November? What’s the weather like autumn? What’s the weather like today?

2. Фонетическая зарядка. (Учащиеся рассказывают стихи об осени). 1 min

Ok. Who can tell us the poems about weather in autumn?


3. Мотивация. Просмотр видеоролика о значимости иностранных языков. (Приложение 8 - видеоролик), (slide 1). 2 min. До просмотра фильма дается установка: You must understand and answer the following questions: What kind of movie is it? And what is going to happen at the end?

4. Речевая разминка - упражнение снежный ком- So, repeat what film we are going to see.

Now we are going to see a clip about a goldfish that lives in a fishing bowl whose bitter enemy is a big cat which is very hungry and wants to catch it.

На определенном моменте (19 секунда) фильм останавливается учителем, и учащиеся высказывают свои предположения, что же произойдёт далее. Наводящие вопросы учителя по ролику могут помочь сформулировать ответы.

Is the cat going to catch the fish? Or will the master of the cat come in and save the fish? Or will the cat throw the fishing bowl on the floor and it will break? Let’s see. So, what kind of movie is it? Right, it’s a commercial? What did the fish do? It barked like a dog, didn’t it? Is barking a foreign language for a fish? Could the fish speak it? Did it save its life? Is it necessary to know foreign languages?

Всего 5 min

5. Сообщение цели урока. 1 min (slide 2)

So, the topic of our today’s lesson is learning foreign languages and we’ll read and speak about English as the language of the world. By the end of the lesson you will be able to speak about different ways of learning English, you will know reasons for learning English, we shall also revise our active vocabulary and practise using phrases and you will also do a listening test.

6. Деление на группы. Teacher: But before we continue, let’s divide into teams and have a contest and see who will be the best. I’ll choose the captains. I’ve thought of a number from 1 to 100, you will try to guess it: the closer you are to it, the better for you- you will become the captains. So, what’s your number? Учитель выбирает сначала капитанов - те ученики, которые угадают цифру, задуманную учителем. 1 min

Затем 2 капитана отбирают себе команду - у них началo цитат о языке, у всех остальных - конец: задача - соединить фразы и этот ученик будет в этой команде. (Список цитат. Приложение 1).

Teacher: Now the captains will select the members of their teams. They have the beginnings of quotations and proverbs about languages which we learnt at the previous lessons. You have the endings. The aim is to match them to make up one complete phrase. 1 min

For each correct answer I’ll give cards- white and red ones for individual work in the group- keep them to yourselves, because your mark for the lesson will depend on their quantity. Is everything clear? OK. We begin. Далее учитель объявляет критерии оценивания. (slide 3). Начинается командная игра.

Всего 7-8 min

7. Brainstorming (slide 4-5). 1 min

Teacher: Let’s brainstorm the ideas on the topic. Look at the screen.

Why is it important to learn foreign languages? Photos may help you. (Ученики высказывают свои предположения, опираясь на картинки).

8. Тренировка лексических навыков. Повторение активного вокабуляра по теме. 2 min

Teacher: Now we are going to revise our active vocabulary on the topic. I’ll give you definitions of words and you must guess what it is.Remember, I’ll ask the quickest.

  • a group of wordswith a special meaning (an idiom)
  • a language which is spoken on radio, TV, and by official people, and usually by most of the people in the country (the official language)
  • to translate sb’s words into another language orally (an interpreter)
  • opposite to forget (to memorize)
  • a language which a child learns naturally, in his/ her family, not as a foreign language (the mother tongue)
  • a list of words in a lesson or a book (vocabulary)
  • rise and fall of the voice (intonation)
  • a person whose job is to change sb’s words into another language in writing ( a translator)
  • the same as exercise ( a drill)
  • to train sb by doing an exercise many times (to practise)
  • a special book that contains all the words in a language with their meaning ( a dictionary)

9. Соотнесение частей фраз и составление с ними вопросов для членов другой команды. (slide 6-7). 1 min. (Приложение 2)

1) to talk a) with idioms
2) to have an idea of b) at the results of the test
3) to realise c) how to memorize phrasal verbs
4) to interpret d) grammar together with vocabulary
5) to keep oneself up-to date e) through an interpreter
6) to memorize f) one’s mistake
7) to be disappointed g) the meaning of the word
8) to practise h) a few words at a time

10. Актуализации лексических единиц в речи.  3 min

Now make up questions with the phrasesand ask the members of the opposite team. For each good question and correct answer I’ll give you a card.

Всего 15-16 min

Развитие навыков монологической речи. 8 min

Teacher: So, people find it necessary to learn foreign languages nowadays. And most people choose English to learn at schools and courses as a second language. Now come up with your ideas why people learn English. (Ученики высказывают примерные предложения):

Всего 23-24 min

  1. English is very popular now. It’s the language of computers, science, business, sport and politics. It’s spoken all over the world. It is the official language of the United Kingdom, Ireland, the United States of America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand. There are more than 750 million people speak English in the world.
  2. I think English is necessary for communication with people when you are abroad. If you like travelling you can go anywhere and other people will understand you if you speak English. It is the language which is totally used in tourism and travelling.
  3. Speaking English you can read papers, magazines and original books by great writers, watch satellite TV programmes. When you listen to songs in English, it’s better to understand the words. Watching English and American films in the original is more interesting than watching them in translation.
  4. If you know English, you can get information from different newspapers and from different radio stations, because English is an international language. It’s the language of books, newspapers, airports, sport competitions.
  5. A person can hardly hope to be up to date if he can’t use a computer and speak a foreign language. Nowadays English has taken the position of a global language. It is also the language of computers that help to communicate with the people around the world through the Internet technologies and e-mail.
  6. In my opinion, English is very important to find a good job. Knowing English is the first criterion when you look for a job and big companies welcome those candidates who speak fluent English.
  7. I think English is necessary for studying abroad in a foreign college or university. English is dominant in the present time as it is used in the field of education and you can’t do without it if you want to get a good education and later a good job.
  8. Learning English is interesting and exciting. It can be fun. It makes your outlook wider, you learn more about other countries and people, their customs and traditions.

11. Динамическая пауза. 2 min

I see you a bit tired. Let’s have a break. Stand up, please. Relax and enjoy yourselves. (Слайд 8)

(На экране физкультминутка Приложение 6 - видеофайл).

Всего  25 min

12. Развитие навыков аудирования.

So, how do you feel? Are you fresh and ready to work again? We go on. Now you are going to do a listening test. You’ll hear the boy speaking about the ways he studies English. Your task is to put these ways in order they appear in the text. 5 min.

(Задание на карточках - Приложение 3, аудиофайл и Приложение 4). Затем самопроверка (слайды 9-10).

  1. watching English films and cartoons without subtitles at all
  2. listening to English songs
  3. studying grammar
  4. watching videos from youtube.com
  5. listening to podcasts from the Internet
  6. watching English films and cartoons with subtitles
  7. using social networks like sharedtalk.com
  8. watching BBC news
  9. watching English films with dubbing
  10. playing computer games
  11. talking to people through Skype

Всего  30-31 min

13. Совершенствование навыков устной речи. Обсуждение в группе, как младшего брата убедить учить английский язык. 5 min

Now imagine that your little brother or sister does not want to study English at primary school. You must explain to him that learning English is very interesting and can be fun. Tell him about different ways to learn English at school and outside school. (slide 11)

(Ребята обсуждают и высказывают свои идеи)

Всего  36-37 min

  1. There are many ways of learning a foreign language at school.
  2. To master English pupils have grammar and vocabulary drills, read texts, make up dialogues, learn words in isolation and in context, write tests and speak about different things.
  3. If you want to brush up your English, you can watch videos and educational programmes, play games, have concerts and parties in English.
  4. Many people learn foreign languages outside school or after classes.
  5. They take an English course outside school or have private lessons at home, have a pen pal or just go to an English speaking country.
  6. Teenagers can go to an international camp or have a student exchange with a foreign school.

I am sure after these words your younger brother or sister will like English and learn it with pleasure.

14. Языковая игра “Парные буквы”. 3 min

Ok. It’s good. Now let’s play a little. Do you remember our lexical game PAIRED LETTERS.In this game you have to make up as many words with paired letters as possible. In this square there 5 names of the English-speaking countries. Find them all, the quickest will win. (slide 12) (Приложение 5).

Всего  40 min









Затем самопроверка (обмениваются карточками с выполненным заданием). (slide 13) Keys: Canada, Brunei, Barbados, Guyana, Gambia

15. Подведение итогов урока. Рефлексия. 2 min

Teacher: Our lesson has almost come up to the end. We have done a lot of exercises today and had different activities. Now let’s sum up our lesson. What was the most interesting for you at the lesson?/the most difficult part? What can you do now? (slide 14)

16. Выставление оценок, подсчёт карточек, определение победителей. 2 min

Let’s see which mark each of you gets for the lesson. Count your individual red cards and tell me your marks, please. (slide 15) Now count all the cards and we’ll know the winner. So, team# wins today. I award them with special medals - I AM THE MEMBER OF THE BEST ENGLISH TEAM. Wear them proudly during the day, but don’t forget to return them at the next lesson.

17. Объяснение домашнего задания (slide 16). 1 min

Open your diaries and put down your h/w. Your homework is to make a project on the topic “The ways I am taught English at school” and ex. 56 p.50 will help you and you must also fill in and sign an English Learning Contract.(отдельно на листах каждому раздает учитель - Приложение 7). That’s all for today. Thank you and good bye.

Итого 45 min