Открытый урок по теме "Save the planet". 7-й класс

Разделы: Общепедагогические технологии

Класс: 7

“Встал поутру, привёл себя в порядок — сразу приведи в порядок свою Планету”.

Тип урока: Урок-закрепление изученного материала

Форма урока: урок-презентация

Используемые УМК: “Spotlight” 7 класс, пособие к УМК Смирнова.

Цель урока: развитие навыков говорения по теме “Защита окружающей среды”

Задачи урока:

  • Образовательные: развитие навыков говорения (монологическая речь), аудирования, чтения; активизация лексики по теме; формирование навыков вести беседу и высказывать свое мнение по теме.
  • Познавательные: закрепить знания учащихся о проблемах окр. среды и мерах по их решению, открытие нового знания (заповедники России, экоорганизации, таяние арктических ледников, проблема пластиковых бутылок)
  • Развивающие: развитие мышления, внимания, памяти, способности к умозаключение, формирование навыков вести беседу и высказывать свое мнение по теме.
  • Воспитательные: воспитывать уважительное и бережное отношение к окружающей среде, любовь к природе, ответственность перед планетой к экологическим проблемам, формирование потребности к участию в спасении экологии нашей планеты.

Технологии, применяемые на уроке: технология сотрудничества (групповая работа), технология проектов, технология проблемного обучения, технология развивающего обучения личности, ИКТ-технология.

Используемое оборудование: ПК, проектор, колонки, видео- и аудиоматериал, раздаточный материал.

T: Good afternoon! Let’s watch a short video devoted to the problem of our lesson. (видео) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wfsmveRpf0

What are we going to discuss today? Right. Earth is our planet and it is in danger.

You can’t stay indifferent. Are the ecological problems important today? Примерные ответы учащихся на основе ранее изученного текста.

P:Ecological problems are becoming more and more important today.

P: People all over the world discuss environmental protection, but we still go on polluting air, water and soil.

Task1 Discussion

T: Let’s imagine that we are a group of young ecologists and we are trying to help our planet. We all need to work together to stop killing the earth before it’s too late. Let’s make a round-table discussion.

What types of pollution are we going to discuss?Make suggestions, please.


1.air pollution, acid rain, global warming

2. soil pollution

3. water pollution

T: What causes air pollution? Может сопровождаться картинками см. Приложение.

P1: Air pollution is the biggest problem of large cities and industrial areas. It is usually caused by different means of transport- cars, buses and planes. Factories and plants also pollute air by pouring harmful emissions into the air causing lung diseases and doing harm to our health. As a result, acid rains appear and damage forests and soil.

T: So, acid rain damage forests. But why forests and trees are important for life on our planet?

P2: Trees absorb carbon dioxide from the air and give out oxygen in return. In some parts of the world, such as Asia and South America, trees are threatened not by pollution, but by people. The rainforests are destroyed for firewood and building materials. If we lose tropical forests, it will become more difficult to breathe, because they provide 50 per cent of the world’s annual production of oxygen. With more carbon dioxide in the air, the temperature on the planet will rise and this will cause global warming.

T: what kind of climate changes can air pollution cause? Global warming, correct. You see, Everything is connected on the planet.

Air pollution leads to global warming. How can the problems of air pollution be solved?

P3: First of all, people should try to use alternative sources of energy, such as solar, water or wind energies, or at least to burn smokeless fuels.

There are ways to reduce air pollution caused by road traffic. We should use cars less and support public transport.

Another way is to encourage tree planting, because trees absorb carbon dioxide.

P4: The good news is that governments have been trying to reduce the air pollution that causes acid rain. Some industries have been using new technologies and up-to-date filters for some time to help make factory smoke less harmful to the environment.

T: Let’s proceed to the next point of our lesson - water pollution. How does water pollution occur?

P5: Water pollution is as dangerous as air pollution. Factories and plants dump wastes into rivers and lakes polluting them. Factory waste into rivers and streams wipe out fish from water.

T: What can be done to reduce water pollution?

P6: There are several things that can be done to restore polluted water back to normal. You should make sure you never throw anything that could be toxic down a drain or onto soil. Basically, it is important to remember that anything that gets onto the ground can eventually end up in a river, lake or stream. So, make sure you do not allow any chemicals or waste to go on the ground or down the drain.

T: The last but not the least to be discussed is soil pollution.

How is land pollution caused and how to prevent it?

P 7: Soil pollution does not allow plants to grow and makes people sick after they eat fruit and vegetables grown on polluted soil. People also pollute soil by throwing litter onto it. Forests are full of used bottles and cans. Such litter can be found in rivers and lakes too which makes wild animals sick and causes their death.

T: What can be done with litter in the streets?

P : This can be stopped if you make sure that you throw litter into recycling bins and take litter with you after a picnic in a forest or on a river bank.

So, what are the possibilities of reusing waste materials? How can we get rid of waste of all kinds?

P8: Every day we throw away a lot of litter, which, actually, we can use again, for example paper, clothes, glass, plastic, etc. Everybody should know the three r’s: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Water and electricity can and should be reduced. We should reuse whatever we can: plastic bags, paper, cans, glass and bottles. Paper and plastic, for example, are also recycled at factories and plants and we get paper and plastic bags made from recycled materials.

Task 2 Listening

T: Now you will listen to the song. Two Teachers Team Up to 'Save The Planet' Michael Droste and Jeffrey Walker, two teachers from Illinois, teamed up to write a song called "Save the Planet."


Fill in the gaps while listening.

Verse 1:

Birds in the air, Fish in the sea
Earth is so fragile,
Watch it carefully
We pump waste into the rivers,
The smog we cannot breathe
We've polluted our home,
Its killing you and me

Chorus: Save the planet Save the planet Save the planet from destruction (repeat)

Verse 2:

You have to filter your drink water,
We put hormones in our food
Corporate waste dumps,
Are killing us too
We put garbage in the oceans,
Scar the land and cut the trees
You gotta get involved and change what you see

Chorus: Save the planet Save the planet Save the planet from destruction (repeat)

Bridge: (Spoken)

You can help by reducing your energy and water consumption
and recycling plastics and paper –
with everybody working together
we can turn this thing around 

Chorus: Save the planet Save the planet Save the planet from destruction (repeat)

Task 3 Reading

T: Now you will divide into 2 groups and read 2 different texts.

The first group will read the text about plastic bottles. The second group will read the text about global warming. Choose the right options to complete the sentences then make a short summary of the text.


Arctic Ice caps are melting.

Can We Refreeze The Arctic?

This Scientist Certainly Thinks So

Thanks to global warming, the ice in the Arctic Ocean is today about half of what it was in the 1980’s. And the situation can only get worse. Governments can’t agree about how to solve the problem. There is one scientist who is ready with a radical solution - to use modern technology to repair the damage.

Harvard University’s Professor David Keith has published two papers on the subject. His idea is to inject reflective particles (ввести отражающие частицы) into areas close to the Arctic ice caps, so that less of the sun’s heat would be absorbed. So temperatures will be lower and it will help some of the Arctic water to refreeze. The best part is, it could all be done without cutting back greenhouse gases created by people.

Why aren’t governments all over the world working to give this new idea a try? Because this kind of open air experiments has never happened before. Nobody knows what the side effects will be. It could all work out fine or lead to something totally disastrous like collapsing (разрушение) the remaining ice sheets or worse, cause a massive drought (засуха). The United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity has a permanent ban (запрет) on any human attempt to try to change nature.

Even Professor Keith agrees with that. That is why he is just presenting the idea in his research papers. Hopefully, we will be able to avoid these kinds of experimental solutions and stop global warming if we simply change the way we lead our day-to-day lives.

1. The ice in the Arctic Ocean is today .

a) the same it was in the 1980’s

b) twice bigger than it was in the 1980’s

c) twice smaller than it was in the 1980’s

2. The situation can .

a) become clear

b) become more problematic

c) change for the better

3. Governments can’t how to solve the problem.

a) come to an agreement

b) find out

c) find money to investigate

4. American Professor David Keith proposed the method of _______ sea ice in the Arctic ocean.

a) breaking

b) reconstructing

c) melting

5. Keith’s idea is that the Arctic water will refreeze if .

a) people stop producing greenhouse effect

b) people stop research of the Arctic Ice Caps

c) the sun’s heat is not so strong

6. The governments of different countries don’t start realising

Keith’s idea because .

a) it can result in some unexpected dangerous effects

b) it is very expensive

c) it is out of date

7. United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity all

human attempts to try to change nature.

a) organizes

b) approves of

c) forbids

8. We can change the situation of global warming if we.

a) carry out more experiments on the subject

b) be more responsible to our environment in our everyday life

c) invest more money to environmental projects


Is your family like many others in different countries, buying weekly some bottled water into your home?

But all those plastic bottles use a lot of fuel and pollute the environment. Americans buy more bottled water than any other nation in the world, adding 29 billion water bottles a year to the problem. In order to make all these bottles, manufacturers use 17 million barrels of oil. That’s enough oil to keep a million cars going for twelve months. Imagine a water bottle a quarter of which is filled with oil. That’s about how much oil we need to produce the bottle.

So why don’t more people drink water straight out the kitchen tap? Some people drink bottled water because they think it is healthier for them than tap water, but in most countries local governments make sure tap water is safe. There is also growing concern that chemicals in the bottles themselves may come into the water.

People love the convenience of bottled water. But maybe if they realized the problems it causes, they would try drinking from a glass at home or carrying water in a steel container instead of plastic.

Plastic bottle recycling can help - instead of going out with the trash, plastic bottles can be recycled.

Unfortunately, for every six water bottles we use, only one gets to the recycling bin. The rest are sent to landfills. Or, even worse, they end up as trash on the land and in rivers, lakes, and the ocean. Plastic bottles take many hundreds of years to disintegrate (разлагаться).

Water is good for you, so keep drinking it. But think about how often you use water bottles, and see if you can make a change. Remember this: recycling one plastic bottle can save enough energy to power a 60-watt light bulb for six hours.

1. Millions of people all over the world_____bottled water.

a) consume

b) produce

c) wash with

2. Plastic bottles_______.

a) cause environmental problems.

b) are cheap to produce

c) are safe and convenient

3. Americans________.

a) export 29 billion water bottles a year

b) are world champions in consuming bottled water

c) understand the problem and don’t use bottled water

4. In the USA a million cars can go for twelve months______.

a) carrying bottled water

b) on the oil necessary for production of water bottles used within a year.

c) using water instead of petrol made of oil

5. Many people prefer bottled water to tap water because____.

a) it’s cheaper

b) they follow the tradition

c) they think it’s more useful and safe

6. It’s more ecologically friendly_______.

a) to drink bottled water

b) to drink tap water

c) to use plastic glasses for water

7. Plastic bottle recycling________.

a) is popular and effective work to keep the environment clean

b) doesn’t serve to solve the problem of pollution

c) doesn’t help much because of the bottles collection problem

8. It takes plastic bottles to decompose_________.

a) many centuries

b) a hundred years

c) several years

T: Now let’s listen to your summaries and see if you have chosen the right options to complete the sentences.

Task 5 Pupil’s projects

T: Let’s make a conclusion. What should be done to save our planet? Two pupils have done a project “Alternative ways to save our planet” and made a poster. Примерная защита проекта:

We should use cars less and support public transport. Cars should use smokeless fuel.

We should use solar energy to heat our homes and alternative souses of energy (energy of the sun, wind and water).

We should never throw toxic things into the drain.

We should throw litter into recycling bins and reuse and recycle plastic bags, paper, glass.

It is impossible to stop technological process, to close all factories and plants, but people need to invent new waste-free technologies that will not damage the environment.

There are new inventions such as self-distructible plastic bags which turn into powder if you keep them for some time or leave them in the forest.

Factories should use new up-to-date filters to make its smoke less harmful to the environment.

We should encourage tree planting, because trees absorb carbon dioxide.

T: Another project is devoted to eco organizations. Boys, you are welcome.Приложение 1

T: One more project is about National parks and national reserves of Russia. Приложение 1

T: We must not ignore the problems of environmental pollution and we have to try and make everything possible to stop or at least reduce it. We should live in harmony with nature.

Thank you for the lesson, I hope that was not in vain.

В заключение возможен просмотр ролика Help save Earth http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZwXUo9AECg