Открытый урок английского языка по теме "Around our school". 5-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 5

Цели: Изучить новую лексику по теме "Around our school".



  • формировать навыки и умения иноязычной речевой деятельности (аудирования, говорения, чтения и письма)
  • обучить познавательной деятельности с использованием иностранного языка)


  • развитие лингвистического мышления, творческих способностей;
  • работать с различными аспектами языка (фонетикой, лексикой, грамматикой)


  • привить любовь к своей школе, городу
  • воспитывать культуру мышления, общения, чувств и поведения;

Учебно-методические задачи урока:

Изучение, активизация иностранного материала

Оснащение урока: ТСО, наглядность, дидактические материалы, в том числе используемые компоненты УМК, мультимедийный проектор, компьютер, магнитофон с записью песни "In my town in the countryside", классная доска.

Речевой материал:

  • a river
  • a park
  • a train station
  • a bus station
  • a shop
  • a farm
  • a market
  • a house
  • a flat
  • an office
  • a factory
  • а hill

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент:

Good morning, children! I'm glad to see you. Sit down.

Let's begin our lesson.

-What is the date today?

-Who is absent today?

II. Фонетическая зарядка:

Now let's have our phonetics. Repeat after me all together:

  • a hall
  • a floor
  • a house
  • a kitchen
  • a bedroom
  • a living room
  • a bathroom

What is on the picture? (слайды)

Answer my questions:

1) Have you got a kitchen?

2) How many rooms have you got?

3) What rooms do you have?

4) What have you got in the kitchen?

5) What do you usually do in the living room?

6) What do we have on this picture? (Слайд)

III. Проверка домашнего задания:

Your home-task was to draw a picture of your flat and to describe it.

Who wants to answer? (Cлайды)

IV. Основная часть:

Today we are going to speak about our city !

Look at our new topic: "Around our school " (Слайд)

1. Ввод новой лексики:

Open your books at page 83, ex 2 we have some new words here repeat them after me: a river (говорю сразу перевод)

  • a park
  • a train station
  • a bus station
  • a shop
  • a farm
  • a market
  • a house
  • a flat
  • an office
  • a factory and a hill
  • name this pictures. (Слайды)

Ex. 2 p. 83

- What places do we have near our school?

- What places don't we have?

We are going to relax. Show where you are.

2. (ex4, p83) And now let's play a game!

Imagine that you are in ::..

Now one of you goes to the blackboard, take a card and show the place to the class! Look at the model.


Are you in the shop ? (Слайд)

Yes, I am.

No, I'm not.

A pupil, who guesses, goes and takes the next card.


Open your exercise-books. Write down the date.

Listen to Ann's letter and write the places you hear. (ex5, p 84)




Bus station




4. Open your books at page 84. Now we are going to read this story one by one.

  • swimming team?
  • near?
  • south?
  • library?
  • a lot of?
  • guitar lesson?

5 .Answer the question to the text:

-Where does she live?

-What is "Newport"?

-Where is Ann's school? +(Слайды)

-Does she like football?

-Where is a swimming pool?

-What is near Ann's flat?

-Where does her mother work?

-When does she have a guitar lesson?

-Where is the teacher's house?

7. writing:

Open your exercise-books.

1) There ::. a school near my house.

2) There :. many children in the park.

3) There : a picture in my room.

4) There :. shops near the bus station.

5) There :. a big factory in our town.

6) There : a market near the houses.

7) There : hills near the river.

8. Speaking:

How many rivers, houses, shops, parks have we got on this picture?

Use our new words and the construction THERE IS/ARE to describe this picture:

9. Let's sing a song "In my town in the countryside"

V. Домашнее задание.

Open your registers and write down the homework

Your home task is to learn these words

VI. Выставление оценок и подведение итогов:

I want to thank you for your work, your marks for today are :

The lesson is over you are free. Good bye!
