Урок английского языка по теме "Our newspaper". 8-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 8

Цель: приобретение и закрепление необходимых языковых умений и навыков для практического владения языком, развитие иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции


  • Образовательные: способствовать закреплению и расширению лексики учащихся и овладение грамматическими структурами английского языка
  • Воспитательные: прививать любовь к чтению периодической печати
  • Развивающие: дальнейшее развитие понимания на слух несложных аудиотекстов монологического и диалогического характера на актуальные краеведческие темы, относительно полное понимание высказываний собеседника

Оборудование: мультимедийная установка, компьютер.

План урока

1. Организационный момент, приветствие.

2. Постановка цели и задач урока.

There is a good English saying: “ Newspapers are world’s mirrors.” There are many newspapers nowdays. The first written paper ( written by hand) appeared in the fifth century in Italy. The Roman Emperor Julius Caesar ordered to do it. The paper has a title “ The daily events ”

( слайд №1-2 )

The first printed paper appeared I Europe in the 16th century in Germany and in England. In 1663 in London appeared “ The Informator” ( Слайд № 3-5 )

The first Russian newspaper was published in 1702. It was done by the order of Peter the first. It was named “ Vedomosty” ( Слайд № 6 )

We can compare British and Russian papers. In Britain there are 2 kinds of papers: broadsheets and tabloids. ( слайд № 5)

Russian newspapers can be divided into 3 groups. The first group is central papers. Such as Trud, Pravda, Komsomolskaya Pravda.The second group is the regional papers. They are Pravda Severa. The third group is local papers. ( слайд 6-8 )

Your task is:

If you are a foreigner, what would like to know about our local paper.


  • What do you know about the past of the newspaper?
  • How often is the paper printed?
  • What is the staff of the paper?
  • What do you read?

3. Предъявление нового материала. Экскурсия в типографию и редакцию газеты «Заря »

( презентация)

Введение лексики по теме (10 ЛЕ)

printing- house- типография

editorial office- редакция

editor in chief- главный редактор

headline- заголовок. рубрика

printer- печатник, наборщик

issue- выпуск.номер

front page- первая страница

back page- последняя страница

to subscribe- выписывать

survey- опрос

To find the information, let’s go on an excursion to the village V-Toima. What is the address?

The address is Sovetskaya street, house No 3. On the first floor we can see a printing house and on the second floor there is an editorial office. The head is an editor-in-chief. Her name is Lyudmila Kuznetsova. The staff is not very big. One of the oldest correspondent is Alexander Tungusov.

Then we go to the printing house. You can see many interesting machines. We see our printers. Their names are Valentina Borisova and Elena Sintsova. Sergei Nagibin helped them. The paper is printed three times a week, on Tuesdays, on Thursdays and Saturdays. There are 4000 issues.

4. Проверка понимания прослушанного.

You can see 4 pages of our paper. You can see different headings( sport, events, poet’s corner, ecology, TV programe’.

Task. You can hear 5 speakers and try to guess about what headings do thy speak.

Приложение 1.





TV programmes

Poet’s corner













Speaker 1.

This page is very useful for readers. I can read about interesting programes on TV, films, cartoon films on different channels. ( TV programme)

Speaker 2.

I like to read about plants and birds, interesting facts about wild animals, about people who protect nature. ( Ecology)

Speaker 3

I can read interesting rhymes and poems of our poets. Among them are Olga Fokina, Yana Ippatova, Zinaida Motoshina, Larisa Zubareva. ( poet’s corner)

Speaker 4

You can find many interesting articles on the third page of our paper. They are about our sportsmen in football, table-tennis, skiing, basketball. ( sport)

Speaker 5

I like to read the first and second page of the newspaper. I can find a lot of interesting information about business people of our district and region, many interesting photos. ( Event)


Headings Ecology Event Sport TV programmes Poet’s corner
Speaker 2 5 4 1 3
Points 1 1 1 1 1

What is your favourite headings? Why do you like it?

5. There was a very interesting interview about our newspaper. 52 pupils of our school answered our questions. Here are the results. (см презентацию)

1. Do you like to read “Zarya”?

Yes 33, No 19

2. Do you subscribe or buy it?

subscribe- 31 buy 21

3. My favourite heading( s)

ads – 22, sport- 7, TV programme- 4

4. Have you ever written an article to paper?

Yes- 37, No- 15

5. Have you ever read about yourself in the paper?

Yes- 37 No- 15

6. Let’s have a rest! In our newspaper you can see many interesting photos of our beautiful nature. Give titles to photos.

7. Работа в парах. Монологическое высказывание по теме. (см. приложение)

8. Подведение итогов урока. Разбор домашнего задания.

Приготовлена презентация к уроку.