Открытый урок английского языка по теме "Spotlight on the USA". 6-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 6

Класс: 6.

Тип урока: ролевая игра.

Цели урока:


  1. Совершенствовать коммуникативную компетенцию, эмоциональную и эстетическую стороны в процессе обучения английскому языку.
  2. Углублять знания учащихся по страноведению.


  1. Развивать психические функции, связанные с речевой деятельностью (логическое мышление, образную память, внимание, воображение);
  2. Развивать мотивацию к дальнейшему овладению английским языком;
  3. Развивать способности применять в речи языковую догадку.


  1. Воспитывать толерантность и уважение к народам других стран и их культуре.
  2. Воспитывать личностные качества (трудолюбие, активность, умение работать в сотрудничестве, в группе).


  1. Повышать познавательный интерес к английскому языку в процессе ролевой игры, драматизации на уроке.
  2. Активизировать в речи лексику по теме: «The USA».

Языковой материал: учебник “English-6”, авторы: О.В.Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева, текст для чтения “Sport in the USA”, текст викторины “What do you know about America?”, песня “ This land is your land”, текст для аудирования “New York”.

Оснащение: песочные часы, стенгазеты, жетоны для викторины, раздаточный материал, билеты, чак-чак, тюбетейки, презентация, слайды с видами достопримечательностей США, рисунки учащихся, запись песни.

Технические средства: компьютер, проектор с экраном, магнитофон.

Ход урока

Этапы Ход урока Фор-мы организации деят. Что использовано Время, мин.


T:Hello, everybody! I’m glad to see you. We ‘ve got a lot of guests today. Let’s greet them.

Class: Good Morning! We are glad to see you.

T: Thank you. Sit down, please. Today we are going to have an unusual lesson. I’ve got great news for you. Now we’ll have “English Learners Contest”. The winners of this contest will make a trip to the USA.

P1: It’s fantastic!

P2: Wow.

P3: I can’t believe it! I can’t believe it!

P4: It’s too good to be true.

P5: I knew it!

P6: It’s wonderful.













T: Please, be quiet. First you’re going to do the quiz. Let’s be divided into two groups. Look at the screen. Be attentive. The quiz is “What do you know about America?”.

Questions of the quiz:

  1. How many states are there in the USA? (There are 50 states in the USA.)
  2. Which state in the USA is the biggest? (Alaska.)
  3. What is the greatest holiday in the USA? When do Americans celebrate this day? (Independence Day, July, 4)
  4. What do the stripes on the American flag mean? (The stripes on the American flag mean the number of the original states which declared themselves free from England).
  5. What country presented the USA with the statue of Liberty? (France)
  6. Who discovered America? ( Christopher Columbus)
  7. Who was called The King of Rock-n-Roll? (Elvis Presley)
  8. Who was the first president of the USA?(J.Washington)
  9. What is the national sport in America? (American football)
  10. What was William Sidney Porter’s name? (O’Henry)
  11. What is the biggest city in the USA today? (Los Angels)
  12. What is the capital of the USA? (Washington)

(отвечают на вопросы, получают жетоны)

– Let’s count your scores.







Слайд с вопросами викторины



T: The next task is “British and American English Words”. Match the British English and American English words.

– Let’s check. Good job!


Слайд с парами слов



– The next task is reading. Work in pairs. There are envelopes on your desks. You are to arrange the jumbled text. The text is called “Sport in the USA”. Let’s find out who’s the best. You’ve got 3 minutes.

(текст смотреть приложение1)

T: Let’s check. Well done! Good of you!(контроль чтения)

T: I wonder who are the winners? All of you are very clever! Surprise! We’ll go to America all together!

P1: Great!

P2: Excellent!

P3: It’s fantastic!

T: Look, there are our tickets in this envelope. (раздает билеты).





конверты с разрезными текстами

Слайд с текстом








T: We’ve got enough time before landing at New York airport. Let’s sing our favourite song “This land is your land”. It was written by Woodrow Wilson "Woody" Guthrie, one of the best known American folk musicians, in 1940, but it’s still modern nowadays for it shows the feelings and values of the American nation.

(поют песню) (текст песни смотреть приложение 2)

T: Oh, you are good singers! I like your singing very much. Thank you.






– We’ll start with New York. We are in New York. We’ll have two groups: American guides and Tatar tourists. Please, choose your visiting cards and introduce yourselves. (выбирают визитки)

P1: Hello, my name is John Wilson. I’m from Denver? The USA. I’m from High School of Denver.

P2: Hi, I’m Elton Wood. I live in Los Angels and study at school.

P3: I’m Alice Parker. I’m from Chicago, from Sunny High School.

P4: I’m Elizabeth Thomson. I’m a volunteer from New York. I study at Lincoln School.

P5: Hi, I’m Penelope Dickson, from Washington, DC. I study at Washington High School.

(представление татарстанских туристов)

American guides: Glad to see you. Happy to meet you.








T: Oh, thank you. Tatar tourists, you have a fine opportunity to learn some facts about the history of New York. Now you’ll do listening. After that American guides will ask you some questions. Listening.

  • Big apple.
  • In the beginning.

(текст аудирования смотреть приложение 3)


1. Why do people call New York “Big Apple”?

P1: In the 1920s and 1930s, jazz musicians all wanted to work in New York. “There are a lot of apples on the tree”, they said,” but when you take New York city, you take The Big Apple!”

2. How many “boroughs” does New York City have?

P2: New York City has 5 “boroughs”: (Manhattan, Brooklyn, The Bronx, Queens and Staten Island)

3. How many people live in New York?

P3: 7 million or more people.

4. How much did a Dutchman Peter Minuit pay the Indians for Manhattan Island?

P4: 24 dollars.

5. When did the British take the town from the Dutch and change its name to New York?

P5: In 1664.

T: Good job! Thank you. You are really good English Learners!













T: Now American guides want to know what you are going to see and what you are going to visit in America.

P1: What are you going to see, Rinat?

P2: I’ve always wanted to meet cowboys. So I’m going to take part in a rodeo.

P1: So, you must go to Texas.

P3: What are you going to visit, Niaz?

P4: I’m going to visit California. I’ve always wanted to see Hollywood and meet my favorite actors.

P5: What are you going to see in New York, Alia?

P6: I’m going to see the Statue of Liberty, the famous skyscrapers, the Metropolitan and the Bronx Zoo.

P7: What are you going to see, Ralina?

P8: I’m going to see the Niagara falls.

P9: How about you, Ilfat?

P10: I’m going to visit Disneyland. I like cartoons of Walt Disney. I hope to spend good time there.

T: Thank you very much. Now our American guides tell us about famous sights in America.







P1: I want to tell you about the Grand Canyon. The Grand Canyon is one of America’s main tourist attractions. The Colorado River formed the Grand Canyon over millions of years. It’s interesting that there are different kinds of plants and animals on opposite sides of the canyon. Today, the canyon is one mile deep and 200 miles (320 km) long. The canyon looks different at different times of day, and in different seasons and weather.

T: Thank you. It’s very interesting!

P2: Look! This is The Statue of Liberty… The French people gave this statue to the American people in 1886. It is a gift of international friendship from the people of France to the people of the United States. You can walk up 354 stairs to get the top of the statue. There is a museum on Liberty Island, at the foot of the statue. The Statue of Liberty is the symbol of freedom.

P4: Oh, it’s so big!

P3: The main sightseeing of Washington is the White House. The White House is a pleasant, white-painted, neoclassical-style house in which the president of the USA lives and works. The building was designed in 1772 by James Hoban. At the beginning of its history the White House was called the Presidents’ House, the President palace and the President Castle. Only in 1901 it got this well-known name– the White House.

P4: A good place to have fun is Disneyland where children and grown-ups can spend some great time. Disneyland Park is a theme park located in California, owned and operated by the Walt Disney and The Walt Disney Company. It was dedicated on July 17, 1955. The park hosted 600 million guests since it opened. It is the second most visited park in the world all the calendar year.

P5: Look at the screen. This is the Niagara Falls. It’s very attractive place to visit in America. The Niagara Falls is the most beautiful in the world. Niagara Falls is between Chicago and New York. The Niagara River rushes from the lake Erie to the lake Ontario over famous Niagara Falls.

The loud sound of falling water can be heard 25 kilometers away from the place.

T: Thank you very much. It’s amazing, I think!

T: Well done! We like your excursion. We’ve got a surprise for you– our traditional national food – chak-chak.











слайд с видом каньона



cлайд с фото статуи



Слайд с видом Белого дома

cлайд с видами Диснейленда

слайд с видом водопада













Tatar tourists:

P1: We want to invite you to our Universiade.

P2: Being a true citizen of Tatarstan I am proud of the fact that Kazan has been chosen as the host city for the coming Universiade.

P3: The Universiade is the world university games, the second in importance to the Olympic games.

P4: You are welcome to Kazan! We’ll be happy to see you again.

T: -Today we’ve made an imaginable travelling to the USA. Did you like it? It was the first step of our learning of America. I’m sure it’ll help you to know much more about this country.



Слайд об универсиаде



T: Your home task will be to make a project about any of five sights of America.




T: During our lesson you were kind, friendly and helpful.

Students! I’m very pleased with your work today. I’ll give you only good and excellent marks. Thank you. Good-bye.


