Интегрированный урок "английский язык + музыка" по теме "Сказка Рождества". 2-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Музыка, Конкурс «Презентация к уроку»

Класс: 2

Презентация к уроку

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Цели и задачи:

  • развивающий аспект: развитие внимания, способности к имитации;
  • социокультурный аспект: знакомство с праздниками Новый Год и Рождество, популярными в Соединённых Штатах и Великобритании, развитие умения представлять свою культуру, знакомство с некоторыми новогодними песнями;
  • воспитательный аспект: более глубокое осознание родной культуры через контекст культуры англоязычных стран;
  • учебный аспект: формирование лексических навыков говорения.

Оборудование: экран, проектор, компьютер, доска, карточки с рождественской азбукой, клей, заготовки с открытками, ёлка, украшения.

Слайд 1

1. Good afternoon, dear children, parents and all our guests. We are glad to meet you at our party. But the topic of our party you have to guess. In the beginning of our party let`s repeat the song “The seasons”. We repeat the names of the seasons and the months (singing).  And now, when we repeated the names of the seasons, the months, now children, guess, what is the most popular holiday in Russia? It is the holiday, and it is in the season, when the trees are white, the ground is white. There are much snow in the streets? (New Year). And  When is it? (It is  in  winter, in December).

Слайд 2

2. Good. Today we do the travelling around the world to the English – speaking countries, where the holidays New Year and Christmas are the main holidays.

Слайды 3-29

3. But what  are the main words, the  symbols of Christmas? We may learn them when repeat the Christmas Alphabet. Look  at  the screen  and  repeat after me  altogether. (repeating)

Слайд 30

4. Good! Now  we  are ready  to start  our travelling. Now  we  are in the  United  States  of America. There are many  Christmas traditions  in the USA. People decorate their houses, they buy and give the presents to each other’s. They sing many Christmas  songs and one of the most popular songs is  the song “We wish you a Merry Christmas”. Now I offer you to sing it with the American singers. (singing)

Слайды 31-36

5. Another tradition in the USA is to present the Christmas greeting cards. Children, look at the screen, there are some nice Christmas cards and we will do  our Christmas cards ourselves. You have the lists with the Christmas Trees on them, you have the markers and you have the Magic Christmas Alphabet and now you have to glue the pictures of the names of the letters of your names and you have write your names too. And you have to  paint the Christmas Firework too! We will have the Christmas  greeting  cards. The  parents! You may help your children.(doing)


Now, show me your Cards! Good! Well done! I think you may give such card to your best friend!

Слайд 37

6. Now, children! Do you hear? What do we hear? (cassette) That`s right! It is  the International Christmas Hymn “Silent Night, Holly Night”. And we are in Great Britain. In the capital of Great Britain  London. You may see the main clock in London. Who knows what is the name of this clock? (Big Ben). That`s right.

Слайд 38

 The song “Silent night, Holly night” is the very old song, and I offer to sing it all together.


Слайд 39

In Great Britain there are many traditions as in  the USA. Of course, one of the traditions is to decorate the Christmas Tree. We have the Christmas tree too. Now I offer to decorate it. We have some decorations for it. Look at the screen.

Слайд 40    We decorate the Christmas  Tree with  the toy(decorating)
Слайд 41   We decorate … a star
Слайд 42     We decorate … a clock …
Слайд  43   We … an icicle …
Слайд  44   We … a snowflake …
Слайд 45  We   … the  bells …
Слайд  46   We … the gift …
Слайд  47   We … Teddy Bear …
Слайд  48   The symbol of Christmas is Santa Claus, and we decorate our Christmas Tree with  Santa Claus …

I think that our Christmas Tree is very nice and beautiful!

Слайд 49

7. Now, children, look, where are we now? – In Moscow, in the capital of Russia, and where are we in Moscow? – On the main square, on the Red Square. What can we see on the Red Square? – Christmas Tree. – That`s right. In Russia there is a tradition to decorate Christmas tree, to sing songs. Tell me please, what is the most popular Christmas song in Russia? –  В лесу родилась ёлочка. – That`s right. Everybody knows this song. Now, children, you may see, that there are many resemblances in celebrations of New Year and Christmas in the USA, In Great Britain and in Russia. In all these countries we present gifts, cook tasty meals and sing songs.

Слайд 50

And in the finishing of our party I invite you, your parents to our Christmas Tree and sing the song “A Christmas Tree was born in wood”,(singing). MARRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR! I thank all our guests, children for your attention and participation!


We wish you a Merry Christmas.
We wish you a Merry Christmas. We wish you a Merry Christmas.
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Good Tidings we bring to you and your kin, Good tidings for Christmas and a
Happy New Year.

[уи уиш ю э мэри кристмас, уи уиш ю э мэри кристмас, уи уиш ю э мэри
кристмас, энд э хэпи нью йеа,гуд тайдингз уи брин ту ю энд ё кин, гуд
тайдингз фо кристмас энд э хэпи нью йеа].

Silent Night.

Silent night,holy night,all is calm,all is bright.Round yon Virgin Mother and Child.
Holy Infant so tender and mild,sleep in heavenly peace, sleep in heavenly peace.
Silent night,holy night,shepherds quake at the sight,glpries stream from heaven
afar, heavenly hosts sing alleluia, Christ the Savior is born! Christ the Savior is

[сайлэнт найт, хэули найт, ал из кам, ал из брайт. Раунд ён вёджин мазэ энд
чайлд. Хэули инфант сэу тэндэ энд майлд, слип ин хэвэнли пис слип ин
хэвэнли пис. Сайлэнт найт, хэули найт, шепэдз куэйк эт зэ сайт, глориз стрим
 фром хэвэн эфа, хэвэнли хэустс син элэлуйа, Крайст зэ сэйвиэриз бон, Крайст
 зэ сэйвиэриз бон ].

A Christmas Tree was born in Wood.

1. A Christmas Tree was born in Wood, and in the Wood she grew,
In winter, summer she was green and nice and beautiful – 2 раза.

2. A strong wind sang a song for her: sleep, Chtistmas Tree, sleep, sleep,
And Frosty coverd by snow, by snow, don`t cold, don`t cold, don`t cold. – 2 раза

3. And now you are nice and beautiful, and you came on Christmas Eve,
and very many gifts and lights you bring for every child – 2 раза.

Christmas ABC

Angel [эйнджел] – ангел
Bell [бэл] – колокольчик
Candle [кэндл] – свеча
December [дисэмбэ] – декабрь
Elf [элф] – эльф
Flower [флауэ] – цветок
Gift[гифт] – подарок
Hollа [холэ] – эй
Icicle [айсикл] – сосулька
Jacket [джэкэт] – жакет
Light [лайт] – свет
Manger [мэйнджэ] – ясли
Nut [нат] – орех
Ornament [онамент] – орнамент
Popcorn [попкон] – попкорн
Queen [куин] – королева
Reindeer [рэйндиэ] – олень в упряжке
Snowman [сноумэн] – снеговик
Toy [той] – игрушка
Umbrella [эмбрэлэ] – зонт
Village [вилэдж] – деревня
Wreath [рис] – гирлянда
x-ray [экс-рэй] – луч
yo-yo [йо-йо]
zebra [зибрэ] – зебра
tinsel  [тинсл] – блёстки
I decorate the Christmas tree with
[ай дэкэрэйт зэ кристмас трии уиз] – я украшаю ёлку…
King [кин ] – король.