Урок-конкурс "The Best Friend of the Earth is You"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 8

Ключевые слова: ИКТ

Правила конкурса

  1. В конкурсе 4 тура и финал – творческое задание;
  2. Играют до 12 человек, отвечая на вопросы по очереди. Если отвечающий отвечает неправильно, ход переходит к следующему: он получает только 0,5 балла, но имеет право ответить на следующий вопрос;
  3. После второго тура остаётся 5 участников, набравших наибольшее количество очков;
  4. В третьем туре в случае отсутствия или неправильного ответа ход переходит к следующему участнику, и он получает за правильный ответ 1 балл.
  5. В четвёртом туре правила те же самые, что и в третьем. После четвёртого тура трое участников, набравших наибольшее количество баллов, принимают участие в финале.
  6. Победитель определяется по результатам 4-го тура и финала;
  7. Все участники приходят на конкурс с готовым творческим заданием – плакатом (cодержит лозунг и рисунок), который они защищают в финале;
  8. Жюри оценивает творческое задание по следующим критериям:
  • Актуальность лозунга (max 3 балла);
  • Художественное оформление плаката (max 3 балла);
  • Устная презентация (max 3 балла);
  • Творческий подход к выполнению  задания (max 3 балла). Итого: 12 баллов

The First Stage

Geographical Features.

1. What is the highest mountain in the world?

a) Etna 
b) Everest 
c) Elbrus

2. Which is the smallest continent in the world?

a) Africa 
b) Europe 
c) Australia

3. Which is the longest river in the world?

a) the Volga 
b) the Nile 
c) the Amazon

4. Which is the longest river in Europe?

a) the Volga 
b) the Danube 
c) the Ob

5. Which is the largest lake in the world?

a) the Baikal 
b)  the Caspian Sea 
c) the Ontario

6. Which is the deepest lake in the world?

a) the Onega 
b) the Baikal 
c) the Ontario

7. Which is the largest country in the world?

a) the USA 
b) Russia 
c) Canada

8. Which is the largest city in the world?

a) New York 
b) Tokyo 
c) Moscow

9. Which is the smallest independent country in the world?

a) Vatican City 
b) Luxemburg 
c) Monaco 

10. Which is the largest ocean in the world?

a) the Atlantic 
b) the Pacific 
c) the Indian

11. What is the name of the ocean which borders North and South America?

a) the Pacific
b) the Atlantic 
c) the Indian

12. How many oceans wash the Russian Federation?

a) 2 
b) 3 
c) 4

The Second Stage

Animals and Plants

1) Which is the largest animal in the world?

a) the blue whale 
b) the great white shark 
c) the African elephant

2) Which is the fastest animal in the world?

a) the ostrich 
b) the cheetah 
c) the horse

3) Which is the oldest and the tallest tree in the world?

a) the bamboo 
b) the pine-tree 
c) the sequoia

4) Which of the following animals can spend up to 80% of their lives sleeping or dozing?

a) the opossum 
b) the bear 
c) the crocodile

5) What country is called “The Kingdom of birds”?

a) Australia 
b) New Zealand 
c) the USA

6) Where do koalas, kangaroos and dingoes  live?

a) Australia  
b) New Zealand  
c) Africa

7) What is the nick-name of New-Zealanders?

a) Maori 
b) Islander  
c) Kiwi

8) Which flower is an emblem of England?

a) rose  
b) thistle  
c) shamrock

9) Where do penguins live?

a) on the North Pole 
b) on the South Pole

10) Which animal is considered to be the king of Australian animals?

a) koala 
b) dingo 
c) kangaroo

11) What tree is considered to be a symbol of Russia?

a) a cedar
b) a birch
c) an oak

12) Where do lions live?

a) in Asia
b) in Africa
c) in America

The Third Stage

Climate, Weather and Natural Disasters

1) How do we call the weather we usually have? (Climate)
2) What are two types of scales for measuring temperature? (Centigrade and Celsium)
3) Which is the hottest place in the world? (The Sahara Desert)
4) Which is the coldest place in the world? (Antarctica; Vostok base)
5) What season do Australians have when we have winter? (Summer)
6) How do we call a long period of dry weather when there is not enough water? (Drought)
7) How do we call a sudden shaking of the ground? (Earthquake)
8) How do we call a large amount of water which covers a place that is usually dry land? (Flood)
9) How do we call a very violent wind or storm that destroys houses, uproots checked trees and can kill people? (Hurricane)
10) How can we call a mountain with a hole called a crater on the top? (Vlcano)
11) Where did the Christmas weekend tsunami of 2004 happen? (Thailand)
12) What American city sits on one of the greatest earthquake zones in the world? (San Francisco)
13) What language does tsunami come from? (The Japanese Language)
14) What natural disaster can cause money, frogs and other things falling from the sky? (Tornado)
15) What Italian city was completely destroyed by volcano in 79 AD? (Pompeii)

The Fourth Stage

Ecological Problems

1) How do we call everything around us, such as air, water, and land in which people, animals and plants live? (Environment)
2) People of what profession protect environment? (Ecologists)
3) What is the colour of a reference book on rare and disappearing animals and plants?  (Red)
4) What does this sign mean?  (Recyclable)
5) How do we call the problem of disappearing forests? (Deforestation)
6) How do we call disappearing animals?  (Endangered)
7) What kind of problem is caused by temperatures in many places becoming higher?  (Global warming)
8) What kind of pollution can power stations cause? (Nuclear pollution)
9) What kind of pollution comes from factories, plants, power stations, cars and buses?  (Aair pollution)
10) What kind of pollution comes from domestic rubbish and different kinds of wastes?  (Land pollution)
11) What kind of pollution can different sounds cause? (Noise pollution)
12) What rains can air pollution cause? (Acid rains)
13) What should we do with energy and water resources? (Reduce)
14) What can we do with empty glass bottles and jars? (Reuse)
15) Can you name any organizations that protect nature and animals? (WWF, Green Peace)

Game with the Audience (используется только электронный вариант)
If you answer the questions correctly, you will get a quotation by Rosalind Welcher.

1) What is acid rain? (Rain with chemicals from factories)
2) What can cause acid rain? (Pollution)
3) What means of transport should we use to reduce air pollution? (Bicycles)
4) Where should we put litter to avoid pollution? (Into rubbish bins)
5) What do the three Rs mean? (Reduce, reuse, recycle)
6) What should we do with domestic rubbish and wastes? (To recycle)
7) What kinds of companies destroy rainforests? (Logging companies)
8) How are people killing animals called? (Hunters)
9) What can destroy ozone layer? (Aerosols)
10) How do we call places where animals live in natural conditions? (Wildlife parks)
11) How do we call animals which have already disappeared? (Extinct)
12) What word is a synonym of rubbish? (Litter)
13) Place where animals are kept in zoos? (Cages)
14) What endangered animals are hunted for their horns? (Rhinos)
15) What organization tries to save endangered species? (WWF – The World Wildlife Fund)
16) Why are most of endangered animals killed? (For meat, skins and making souvenirs)

“This could be such a beautiful world if we could care just a little more”.
Rosalind Welcher

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