Преподавание английского языка. 6-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 6

Цели урока:

  1. Речевая компетенция:
  2. – формирование навыков поискового чтения о достопримечательностях Шотландии;

    – формирование навыков монологической речи с опорой на прочитанный текст;

    – формирование навыков диалога – расспроса о достопримечательностях Эдинбурга;

  3. Языковая компетенция:
  4. – формирование навыков выразительного чтения стихотворения
    – введение и активизация новых лексических единиц по теме “Шотландия”

  5. Социокультурная компетенция:
  6. – изучение поэзии Роберта Бернс;
    – активизация знаний о Шотландии, знакомство с достопримечательностями и культурными традициями Эдинбурга;

  7. Компенсаторная компетенция:
  8. – формировать умения, строить монологическое и диалогическое высказывание с опорой на прочитанный текст;

  9. Учебно-познавательная компетенция:
  10. – формирование умения работать с прослушанным/прочитанным текстом(извлечение нужной/запрашиваемой информации);


– учебник стр.178-183;
– рабочая тетрадь (упр.8 стр.60)
– карта Великобритании;
– интерактивная доска (презентация “достопримечательности Шотландии”);
– аудиозапись текста “Scotland the beautiful” (лингафонное оборудование);
– раздаточный материал (текст “Scotsmen” с заданием)

Ход урока

I. Сообщение цели урока

T: Good morning, pupils. How are you? Are you ready to start our lesson and know some facts about Scotland?

But first I would like you to recite the poem “My Heart’s in the Highlands” by R. Burns.

Then we are going to read the text and talk about Scotland.

II. Конкурс чтецов /формирование ритмико-интонационных навыков при чтении стихотворения Роберта Бернса “My Heart’s in the Highlands” /.

T: Now we are going to have a reciting contest. Which of you will be a volunteer?

Учащиеся по очереди читают стихотворение наизусть / контроль ДЗ, выставление оценок/.

III. Тренировка в чтении имён собственных (Ex.23 p.187) /введение новых лексических единиц по теме “достопримечательности Шотландии”, формирование навыков произношения этих слов/.

T: When you read the text about Scotland, you will meet a lot of proper names. First of all, let’s learn how to read them. Listen and repeat the words after the speaker.

Ученики хором читают название за диктором.

T: Read the words again one by one.

Ученики читают слова вслух по очереди.

T: And now pupils look through the text “Scotland the Beautiful” (Ex.25 p.179) and read out the sentences with these words.

Ученики находят в тексте и читают вслух предложения с именами собственными. На интерактивной доске демонстрируются слайды с данными географическими объектами: Highlands, Lowlands, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Princes Street, Sir Walter Scott, the Clyde Valley, the Royal Mile, the Scott Monument. (см. презентацию)

IV. Подготовка к чтению текста /формирование навыков монологического высказывания по теме “Достопримечательности Шотландии”/.

T: Before you read the text think and say what you now about Scotland. You may use the map.

Ученики отвечают на вопросы упражнения (Ex.24 p179)

P1: Scotland is situated in the North of the British Isles.

P2: It’s capital is Edinburgh.

P3: The national symbol of the country is the thistle.


P8: The Spay, the Tay and the Clyde are the rivers of Scotland.

V. Чтение текста “Scotland the Beautiful” (Ex.25 p.179) /формирование навыков поискового чтения на основе прослушанного \ прочитанного текста о Шотландии и её столице /.

T: And now pupils listen the first part of the text and try to explain its title.

Ученики слушают текст, возможны варианты ответов.

P1: Scotland is a very beautiful and picturesque country.

P2: Edinburgh, its capital, is known as Athens of the North.

P3: The Castle hangs over the city like some Disney cartoon– but it’s real.

T: And now children read the second part of the text. What new facts about Scotland will you find in it?

T: You have learnt some more facts about Scotland. Could you answer these questions? (Ex.27 p.183)

P1: Scotland is divided into the Highlands and the Lowlands.

P2: Most of the factories and plants are situated in Glasgow.


P6: The Clyde flows across the country.

VI. Тренировка навыков устной речи на основе прочитанного текста (Ex.28 p.183) /формирование навыков диалога-расспроса с опорой на ключевые слова/.

T: Pupils, imagine that your partner is a visitor to Edinburgh. He or she wants to get some information about the city. You should answer his or her questions.

Ученики работают в парах.

– P1: Is Edinburgh a young or an ancient city?

– P2: Edinburgh is an ancient city. If you walk around it you can touch on history at every step.

– P3: What are the 2 most interesting parts of the city?

– P4: They are the old Town and the New Town.

– P5: Is the Castle older than the city of Edinburgh?

– P6: Yes, the Castle is older. No one can say exactly when the first settlers came to live on the huge rock and stand high above Edinburgh.

– P7: Whose monument can tourists see in Prices Street?

– P8: Tourists can see a monument to the famous writer Walter Scott.

T: Well done, kids. At home you will write down questions to get more information about Edinburgh.

VII. Чтение текста “Scotsmen” (раздаточный материал) /формирование навыков поискового чтения на основе прочитанного текста о жителях Шотландии/.

T: Pupils, do you want to know about the people who live in Scotland?

Well, I will give you the text about Scotsmen. Read it and write down if the statements TRUE or FALSE.

People who live in Scotland are called Scots or Scotsmen. The most popular Scottish name is Joke. A lot of people in England call any Scotsman “Joke” even if his name is Peter or Andrew. Every Scotsman belongs to a clan. A clan is a family group and all the people of the same family belong to the same clan. There are about 300 clans in Scotland.

A Scotsman’s traditional clothes are socks, shoes, a kilt, a tie and a jacket. Some people in the north of Scotland wear a kilt every day. But most Scottish people wear the same clothes as the English and put on the traditional kilt only on holidays and wear it with pleasure. The Royal family sometimes wear kilts because they come from the kings of Scotland – the Stuarts.

Scottish people like dancing every much. They say that they dance better than the English. Glasgow has more dancing schools than any other European city.


  1. All people who live in Scotland are called Jocks.
  2. Scotsmen prefer to be called English.
  3. A clan is a family group.
  4. Every Scotsman belongs to a clan.
  5. A kilt is a traditional Scottish dress.
  6. Most Scotsmen wear kilts every day.
  7. The Royal family sometimes also wear kilts.
  8. Scottish people don’t like dancing.

Заключительный этап урока. Рефлексия содержание учебного материала.

T: Lots of tourists visit Scotland every year. I’m sure you will visit Scotland some day. And now, pupils, can you name any good reasons why would you like to visit Scotland?

P1: It’s a very picturesque place.

P2: I want to see the birthplace of Sir Walter Scott.

P3: I’d like to see the Edinburgh military tattoo.

P4: The famous Edinburgh festival takes place in Scotland.

T: Excellent, pupils. And now write down, please, your homework. You are to ask the questions about Scotland in your work-book (WB. Ex.8 p.60) and prepare for the good reading (Ex. 25 p.179, control reading).