Урок-КВН "My Friends and I"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Тип урока:

  • повторение и систематизация изученного материала;
  • урок-игра.

Цели урока:


  • совершенствовать у учащихся умение говорить и аудировать на английском языке;
  • развитие навыков самостоятельной работы;


  • развивать и укреплять интерес учащихся к изучению предмета;
  • работать над расширением их кругозора;


  • формировать положительные мотивации учения; - развивать чувство ответственности за порученное дело; -формировать умение быстро принимать решения;


  • развивать творческие способности учащихся;
  • формировать умение работать в коллективе.

Задачи урока:

  • повторить и отработать в творческих заданиях ранее изученную лексику и грамматику;
  • развивать навыки аудирования и говорения по изученным темам.

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент.

Teacher. Good morning, dear children!

Welcome to our club of cherry and sharp-witted people.Look at the blackboard, name the letters of English Alphabet and guess the topic of our game.


(На доске расположены обратной стороной буквы, составляющие название темы урока: "MY FRIENDS AND I".Учащиеся называют буквы английского алфавита, учитель открывает те буквы, которые они отгадали.)

Teacher. Good of you! Yes, the topic of our game is "My Friends and I"

And now let me introduce our teams: the team "Robots" and the team "Wisards".

2. Проведение конкурсов.

Contest No.1. "Warming-up'.

Teacher.Match the words from A with the words from B to make free time activitie.You can use the words in A more than once.




a dog for a walk








a bike


to music


A scooter






model planes




a diary




computer games

Contest No. 2 "Captain's contest".

Teacher. Dear captains,introduce yourself and ask questtions to each other.

(Капитаны заранее готовят вопросы друг другу используя изученный материал ("Enjoy English-5",Unit 3, Section 1,2.)

Contest No3."Puzzle"

Teacher. Find ten words with double letters in this wordsearch. Write a list.

p u d d l e c y m o
a i d n b h d e l a
r a m s c o o t e r
r g h u k o s w t b
o t d s k d c t t u
t g o h i y a l e v
w c o f f e e j r c
f i r k t e n n i s
s o m a d f e e t k
h e l l o d e c j p

Contest No.4."Check your Grammar"

Teacher.For this contest I invite for one pupil from the teams.Ask your classmate three questions with Do you like:?. Ask about food,sport,TV programmes,ect.

Contest No.5. "Who is the best reader?"

Card No.1 Teacher. Read the text.Match the questions to the gaps. Now ask " Wizards" the questions. Write the answers in the text. Answer "Robots''" questions.

Model. Student A:How old is Charlotte?

Student B: Charlotte is 11 years old.

Charlotte is (1)_________ years old.She is from Canada. Her school is called (2)______.It is in Montreal. Charlotte is in Year (3)_____________ . There are 20 students in her class. (4)___________boys and 9 girls. Her best friends in her class are (5)______________. She has got 10 school subjects. Her favourite subjects are (6) ______________. Her favourite things in her classroom are the posters and her desk.


  1. What are her favourite subjects? _6___
  2. How many boys are there in her class? ____
  3. What Year is she in? _____
  4. How old is Charlotte? ______
  5. Who are her best friends? _____
  6. What is her school called? ____

Card No.2. Teacher.Read the text. Match the questions to the gaps. Now ask "Robots' the questions. Write the answers in the text. Answer "Wizards'" questions.

Model. Student A: How old is Charlotte?

Student B: Charlotte is 11 years old?

Charlotte is 11 years old.She is from (7) ___________. Her school is called Merton School. It is in (8) ___________. Charlotte is in Year 5. There are (9) __________ students in her class, 11 boys and (10) _______________ girls. Her best friends in her class are Pascal and Irene. She has got (11) __________ school subjects. Her favourite subjects are Art and Maths. Her favourite things in her classroom are the (12) _______.


g)How many girls are there in her class? ___10___

h) What are her favourite things in her classroom? ______

i) How many students arwe there in her class? _____

j) Where is Charlotte from? ____

k) How many school subjects has she got? ______

l) Where is her school? ______

Contest No.6. "The best Singers"

Teacher. And now sing your favourite songs.

(Команды поют песни на английском языке)

Сontest No.6."Do you know?"

Teacher. And our last contest is called "Do you know?"

Answer my questions.

1. Can parrots swim?

2. Do giraffes eat leaves?

3. Is Donald Duch a reptile?

4. Have spiders got 8 legs?

5. Do crocodiles live in Europe?

6. Are lions mammals?

7. Are dilphins fish?

8. Does Mickey Mouse eat cheese?

9. Can kangaroos jump 10 metres?

10. Are some lions white?

11. Do gorillas live in Asia?

12. Can penguins see under water?

3. Итог урока. Teacher. Well, our game is coming to the end. Let's see what team the best is.

(Подведение итогов. Награждение.)