Внеклассное занятие по английскому языку "Literary Tour Around Irkutsk Region"

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Внеклассная работа

Объект исследования: литературное творчество писателей Иркутской области.


1) систематизировать знания, умения и навыки по всем видам речевой деятельности;

2) ознакомить учащихся с творчеством писателей Иркутской области;

3) развивать самостоятельность, умение проводить исследовательскую работу.


1) обучить монологическому высказыванию с использованием лексики;

2) развивать творческую активность учащихся.

Ход мероприятия

T: Dear friends! Today we are going to speak about our local writers. Literature plays a keyrole in global culture. It educates and entertains us, brings past centuries to life and helps us to understand our deepest dreams and fears. It is a way to learn about the world. It shapes our opinion and increases our cultural level.

We can’t live without books. Reading plays a great part in our life despite the increase in watching TV and using computers. It is the best way to obtain knowledge. It is great to learn by reading. You can imagine everything you are reading about.

The world of books is enormous. A lot of people are fond of reading and their interests are different. Russian are known to be a nation of great readers. And we think it’s true.

Our region is rich in remarkable writers. Of course. You have heard a lot about famous countrymen, writers from Irkutsk and Irkutsk region, about their works and how they are remembered and honoured in our region.

A lot of places in our region are connected with different modern local writers and poets. Let’s think about literary routes on the map of Irkutsk region and organize an exciting tour around it.

P1: Valentin Rasputin an outstanding writer was born in Atalanka not far from Ust-Uda (300 kilometres from Irkutsk). He writes about people, his native places, about taiga and Angara-river. His works “Vasiliy and Vasilisa”, “Money for Maria”, “Farewell to Matera”, “The Lessons of French”, “The Fire”, “Live and Remember” and many others are very popular and are published all over the world (Рисунок 1).

P2: Alexey Zverev was a village teacher, he wrote about war, rural life, ecological problems. He was born in Ust-Kuda, near Irkutsk. His works are “Lykovtsy and their guests”, “The Family” and others (Рисунок 2).

Dmitry Sergeev was born in Irkutsk. He was a geologist, he wrote about his profession. He was fond of history and his books were dedicated to old Irkutsk at different historical stages (Рисунок 3.)

P3: Anaroly Shastin (Рисунок 4), Gennady Mashkin, Gennady Mikhasenko were famous children’s writer.

G. Mashkin lived in Irkutsk. His book “Blue Sea, White Ship” is one of his best books. He studied at the Polytechnical University and a small museum, devoted to his creative work, was opened there (Рисунок 5).

G. Mikhasenko lived in Bratsk. His books “Sweet Ep”, “Kandaursk boy” are famous among children, his unique book “The ABC book of Bratsk” is the book about the history of Bratsk in verses. It is very popular in Bratsk. He also wrote parodies (Рисунок 6).

Mark Sergeev wasn’t born in our region, but he lived there and devoted all his life to literary Irkutsk. He is famous for tales for children, reference books about decembrists, Siberian poets and history. He also wrote songs, veises (Рисунок 7).

Anatoly Kobenkov was a poet and talented publicist and critic. He lived in Angarsk, Irkutsk. He took an active part in organization of Baikal poetry festivals and other literary projects (Рисунок 8).

P4: Mikhail Varfolomeev (Рисунок 9), Vladimir Gurkin (Рисунок 10) well-known dramatists, Albert Gurulev (Рисунок 11), a writer, glorified our native town Cheremkhovo. A. Gurulev is a graduate of our school number 15. We can’t mention about Tatiyana Kovalskaya (Рисунок 12), our local poets, writer. She is very famous in our town.

T: And, of course, Alexander Vampilov (Рисунок 13), his 75th anniversary, we are going to celebrate next year.

Alexander Vampilov was born on the 19 August 1937 in Cheremkhovo, where his mother was brought to the maternity hospital. Sasha spent his childhood and school years in a small settlement Kutulik, not far from Cheremkhovo (Рисунок 14).

The Vampilov’s family lived there in a small house. Sasha’s grand grandfather African Fedorovich was fond of theatre and music. His father Valentin Nikitich and his mother Anastasiya Prokopievna were school teachers. The family was very poor and they lived from hand to mouth.

His mother remembered: “Sasha was the youngest in the family. He was kind and curious. He was keen on reading from his early childhood.” (Рисунок 15).

He was a brilliant scholar and was the best football player.

After finishing school in 1954 Vampilov went to Irkutsk and continued his education at the philological faculty of the State University. His literary career began in 1958, when his first story was published. His pen-name was “Sanin”. He realized that literary work was his calling (Рисунок 16).

In 1958 he began working in the newspaper “Sovetskaya molodezh”.

P5: He studied a lot in Moscow, Leningrad. In the next years the writer published his works “Last Summer in Chulimsk”, “The house with a view in the field”, “Farewell in June”, “The eldest son”, “Daglish” and others (Рисунок 17).

His works received world wide recognition and were read widely in France, Germany, England, Poland, the USA, Bulgaria (Рисунок 18).

Since 1972 the metropolitan theatres (in Moscow, Leningrad) began to stage his plays.

Vampilov’s life was successful. He loved his daughter Lena and wife Olga, who shared her husband’s ideas and became his companion in his public activities. But Vampilov’s live stopped on the 17th August 1972.

He was drowned in Lake Baikal aged 35.

“Сердце, переставшее биться в водах Байкала – писал болгарский критик Стефан Царев, - бьется на весь свет, смех, который оборвал Байкал, звучит на целым миром, грустит. Грусть эта неизлечима, незаменима ничем”.

P6: The life of well-known dramatist Vampilov was connected with Kutulik. The museum was opened at Vampilov’s 50th anniversary in 1987 (Рисунок 19).

The founder of the museum and 1st director U.B. Solomeina was a school teacher. The idea of founding such a museum had been thought of many times (since 1972).

The museum is not large but its unique collections are important not only for Siberia but also literary Russia. It is the only museum in our country. Its collections are housed in a small building in the outskirts of Kutulik. It is Vampilov’s former house (Рисунок 20, 21).

The collection consists of many photographs, personal things (Рисунок 22, 23, 24, 25).

The museum received a great number of posters from different theatres in our country and abroad.

Writers, public figures, actors were close friends with Vampilov’s mother and sister and often visited the museum.

The library in Kutulik was named after Vampilov and famous writers gave a gift of 800 volumes to this library (Рисунок 26, 27).

The streets in Irkutsk and Kutulik, the theatre in Irkutsk were renamed in honour of Vampilov, the great Russian dramatist (Рисунок 28).

(Рисунок 29) Our classmate Glukhova Lena wrote a poem devoted to A. Vampilov.

P 7:

Он наш земляк! Он наш писатель!
Он нам принес свободу, честь!
Им восторгается читатель,
У нас еще таланты есть!

Он нам открыл свободно двери
И славу в город к нам принес
К нему идем, ему мы верим,
Он свой талант нам преподнес!

Байкал забрал живое тело,
В обмен лишь выплеснул талант,
Но возрожденное им дело –
Народной мудрости гарант.

За нашу Русь, за нашу славу
Погиб писатель – наш земляк
И монумент там, у Байкала,
Прославил гения в веках!

T: I’d like to say a few words in conclusion.

No one is born a book – lover but you can became one. And it is good when somebody one encourages you in this. We would be glad to enrich your knowledge and understanding the world of books.

The influence of books is really powerfull.

Thank you.