Тратим деньги по-английски. Тема: "I like shopping. And you?"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели урока:

  • активизировать речемыслительную деятельность;
  • воспитывать мыслительные отношения;
  • формирование умения работать в команде, помогать друг другу;
  • формировать потребность практического использования языком в различных сферах деятельности;
  • рефлексия – учить оценивать достижения свои и своих товарищей;
  • учитывать желание учащихся ,создавать ежеминутно “ситуацию успеха”.

Задачи урока:

  • формировать навыки чтения и аудирования с частичным охватом содержания;
  • формирование навыков диалогической и монологической речи;
  • развивать уважительное отношение к мнению другого человека;
  • развивать коммуникативные умения учащихся, умение обобщать и сделать выводы, развивать творческие способности детей .


План урока

1. Организационный момент.

Teacher. – Good afternoon , boys and girls
Sit down, please
Who is on duty, today. .
Cl. – Good afternoon.
P. – I am on duty today.
Today The 17th of February. ….is/are absent.

2. Фонетическая зарядка.

Teacher. – We have a special day. We have got many guests. We met last year. Let’s show to our guests what can we do. The topic is our lesson is my secret. We’ll speak about it lately. And now as you know English lesson has got many different sounds. The sounds play important role for our pronunciation .\Let’s brush our phonetics. Now I want you to listen to how I pronounce these words and sounds in these words.
[t] meat, tomatoes, potatoes
[r] gram ,grocer’s, green grocer’s
[w] sweet , water, want, twice a week
Teacher. – Repeat after me
Отработка произношения.

3 . Речевая зарядка.

Teacher. – And now let’s try to find our secret word. Can you help me? I don’t remember. Where can I buy any things? I think you must help me If you answer at my questions rightly you can find the secret word.
Teacher. – Where can I buy a Loaf of bread, rolls and cakes?
P1. – You can buy a loaf of bread, cakes and rolls in the baker’s shop
Teacher. – Where can I buy meat?
P2. –You can buy meat in the butcher’s
Teacher. – Where can I buy vegetables and fruits?
P3. – You can buy vegetables and fruits in the green grocer’s.
Teacher. – I do shopping. Who am I?
P4. – You are a shopper.
Teacher. – I have got a shop. Who am I?
P5. – You are a shopkeeper
Teacher. – Where can I buy milk?
P6. – You can buy milk in the dairy
Teacher. – Word “ фунт”
P7. – I think It is pound
Teacher. – Where can I buy sugar and flour?
P8. – You can buy sugar and flower in the grocer’s.
Teacher. – What is my secret word?
P9. – Your secret word is shopping.

4. Teacher. The topic of our lesson is shopping. It’s important for us doing shopping. Let’s imagine that we’ll visit some shops. What will we say? I want to check up your home task. Class your task. Take card 1. Here you can write some information about dialogues you’ll hear. You must write some information into Russian.Проверка домашнего задания.

5. Teacher. – Oh I think you’ll be good shoppers. You can buy ball things that you want. But it is difficult to buy good things. Do you agree with me? I think, we do .Let’s listen to the Ann’s opinion about shopping. You task Take card 2. You’ll have to listen to this story twice. You must do these tasks.

Variant 1.
Card 2.
True or false

  1. Ann likes shopping.
  2. She can buy all things without her mother.
  3. Ann thinks she is too young to go shopping alone.
  4. Her mother helps to buy all things.
  5. Ann can buy T– shirt and socks alone.

Variant 2.
Card 2.
Find right answers

  1. Ann
    a) like shopping
    b) hates shopping
    c) likes shopping
  2. She
    a) can choose what she really wants.
    b) can not
  3. She can buy without her mother ‘s help
    a) dress and slippers
    b) jeans and blouse
    c) T– shirts and socks
  4. She is too
    a) too young
    b) too wise
    c) too old
  5. She
    a) knows what to buy
    b) never knows

Выполнение подвариантных заданий. Контроль навыков аудирования с частичным охватом содержания.

6. Teacher. – Would you like to know other opinions about shopping? Yes, I think you do. Let’s open you book at page 139 Here you can find Bob’s and Denise’s opinions .Now we‘ll divide into two groups. Your task: You have to work into your group. You’ll read and translate your text. First group will read the Bob’s story. Second group will read Denise‘s story. I don’t want you to spend more than 5 minutes on it.

Отработка чтения перевода текста в группах.

Teacher. – Time is over. Take your place. Now you’ll practice in pair. You have to know all information about these stories.

You have only 5 minutes on it.

Работа в парах.

OK Take card 3 You have to do this task

Variant 1.
Card 3.
True or false.

  1. Denis finds and buy things alone
  2. Bob likes shopping
  3. Denis can buy parkas, boots and other expensive things.
  4. Bob spends his money wisely.
  5. Denise doesn’t buy any food.

Variant 2.
Card 3.
True or false.

  1. Denis doesn’t like shopping.
  2. Bob likes shopping
  3. Denis can spend money wisely.
  4. Bob’s mum buys things for her son.
  5. Bob buys only clothes.

Variant 3.
Card 3.
True or false.

  1. Bob’s mother buys things.
  2. Denise buys some fruits.
  3. Bob can’t buy food because it is not interesting
  4. Denise enjoys shopping.
  5. Denise doesn’t buy any food.

Выполняется подвариантная проверка.

7. And now we read some opinions about shopping. I want to know your opinions about shopping. But before let’s play the game. I’ll read some sentences in Russian. You‘ll find these English sentences in the text. Are you ready?

Teacher. – Я не люблю делать покупки.
P1. – I hate shopping
Teacher. – Моя мама всегда предоставляет мне свободу в выборе своей одежды.
P2. – My mum always gives me a free hand in choosing my clothes.
Teacher. – Я слишком молода, чтобы покупать вещи самостоятельно..
P3. – I ‘m too young to buy things by myself.
Teacher. – Я не могу тратить деньги с умом.
P4. – I can not spend money wisely.

Отработка возможных ответов.

8. You are good players. Let’s open your book at page 140 Ex 4 Here you find your help.
For example: I have a free hand in choosing my clothes. But I can not spend money wisely. I wouldn’t say it is difficult to buy things. But sometimes I need my mum’s help. Shopping is my favourite pastimes. But I hate to buy food. It is so boring for me.
Опрос мнений учащихся.

9. What must you do at home? This is your home task ex 4, p140. You must agree or disagree with children’s opinions. Make up your story about it, A.B. ex3p58
But now what must you know? We must know English grammar.
I’ll give you your grammar test. You must find my mistakes.

Grammar test.

  1. How much pens do you have?
  2. These car is good.
  3. I like this ones.
  4. That pen is red. I use that ones.
  5. Those one are cheap.
  6. This things are very expensive.
  7. I like these one.
  8. These things are good, that bones are boring.
  9. Would you like a lot of onions?
  10. She has got much apples.

Teacher. – I think We have worked hard . We did a lot of exercises. We spoke about shopping. We made dialogues. And I think we don’t forget to use your knowledge in good time. After lesson I’ll check your cards and at next lesson you’ll know your marks. You are good students. Thank you very much Good buy.


  1. Кузовлев В.П. и др. Английский язык. Учебник для 6 класса общеобразовательных учреждений.– Москва, “Просвещение”,1999 год.
  2. Кузовлев В.П. и др. Английский язык. Книга для чтения для 6 класса общеобразовательных учреждений.– Москва, “Просвещение”,1999 год.
  3. Кузовлев В.П. и др. Английский язык. Книга для учителя к учебнику для 6 класса общеобразовательных учреждений.– Москва, “Просвещение”,1999 год.
  4. Английский язык. Большой справочник для школьников и поступающих в вузы. Москва. “Дрофа”, 2000 год.