Обобщающий урок по теме "What helps you to enjoy yourselves?"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели урока:

познавательный аспект – знакомство с одним из самых популярных фильмов “Красотка”, работа с компьютерной программой Hollywood Vocabulary;

развивающий аспект – развитие способностей к критическому мышлению; к логическому изложению содержания высказывания, формулированию выводов;

воспитательный аспект – воспитание уважительного, толерантного отношение к чужому мнению, чужой точке зрения, умение работать в паре;

учебный аспект –   совершенствование навыков говорения по теме “Кино” на основе отрывков фильмов, развитие речевого умения: диалоговая форма речи.


  • Лингафонная система ЛФК-102, мультимедийное оборудование; компьютер с выходом в систему Интернет 

Ход урока

I. Warm-up activities

Ask students some questions on the topic of the lesson.

– What kind of film do you like or dislike?

– Do you prefer to watch videos or go to the cinema?

– Do you ever read film reviews?

– Do you watch trailers before going to the movie?

– Do you often go to the cinema?

– When did you go there last?

– With whom do you usually go to the cinema? Why?

– Do you discuss the film you’ve seen?

II. Listening for specific information (ex.1 (1), p. 206)

(Listening, using LFK – 102. Students’ books are closed)

Teacher: Listen to the young people and say what film Marie and Ken are discussing?

Students answer the questions and listen to the cassette again in order to answer the rest of the questions.

Приложение 1

III. Reading comprehension

Teacher: Read these quotes from film trailers and choose a title for each film.

Приложение 2

IV. Pair Work (Dialogue)

Dan invites Ann to go to the cinema. Say Ann’s part for her.

D: Would you like to go to the cinema tonight?
A: ________________________________
D: There is an adventure movie “The First Knight” and a new Disney cartoon at the “Odeon”.
A: ________________________________
D: OK. Adventure movie then. Shall I buy tickets for the 6 o’clock show?
A: ________________________________
D: What about going to the cinema tomorrow then? Are you free tomorrow?
A: ________________________________
D: Then let’s meet at 5: 45 at the cinema tomorrow. Bye.
A: ________________________________

Teacher: Now invite your friend to go to the cinema with you at the weekend.

Приложение 3

V. Speaking and discussing a film

Teacher: Let’s watch the trailer of the film and share your opinions about it.

(Watching and discussing.)

  • What is your opinion about this film? / What are your feelings and impressions?
  • What can you say about the plot of the film?
  • Who plays the main roles? Do you know these actors?
  • What can you say about the genre of this film?

Приложение 4

VI. Working with the Computer program Hollywood Vocabulary.

(Students work with this program on-line. They have no difficulties, because we’ve learnt to work with it on our extra lessons)

Teacher: We’ll work with an episode number 1 from the very romantic film “Pretty Woman”.

Pretty Woman (1990)

Режиссер: Гэрри Маршалл
В ролях: Ричард Гир, Джулия Робертс, Ральф Беллами, Джейсон Александр, Лора Сан Джакомо, Алекс Хайд-Вайт, Эми Ясбек, Элинор Донахью, Гектор Элизондо, Джудит Болдуин Жанр: мелодрама

Год выпуска: 1990
Страна: США

a) lexical drill

Приложение 5

b) watching the episode;

Computer program Hollywood Vocabulary

Видео урок английского языка онлайн (по фильму Pretty Woman, 1990): “Vivian, I have a business proposition for you.” – “Вивьен, у меня есть к тебе деловое предложение.”

c) doing the task

Приложение 6

d) checking up the task

Приложение 7

VII. Homework. Write a letter.

Teacher: (giving a card to every student) You must write a letter, answering the following questions:

You saw an interesting film at the cinema last night. Write a letter to your pen-friend explaining, why you enjoyed the film so much and recommending that he/she see it.

Приложение 8

VIII. Summing up.

– What were the aims of our lesson?
– Who can make a conclusion?

– Share your ideas, opinions and feelings about your work.

IX. The end of the lesson.

I’m very pleased with your work. You’ll get such marks as….
Our lesson is over. Good bye.