Природа и погода осенью

Разделы: Иностранные языки


  • Овладение новой лексикой.
  • Развитие монологической и диалогической речи.
  • Тренировка в аудировании связного текста.
  • Развитие памяти и логического мышления.

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент

Teacher: Good morning, children! Sit down, please. I’m glad to see you. My best wishes to you. You are clever, brave, creative and logical creatures! It’s time to begin our lesson. Our topic today is “Nature and weather in autumn”.We’ll work with the newspapers “English” and “English for children”.

2. Фонетическая зарядка

Teacher: What month is it now?
Pupil 1: It is October.
Teacher: Let’s read the poem about October from the newspaper “English for children”.

October’s party.

October gave a party
The leaves by hundreds came.
The chestnuts oaks and maples.
And leaves of every name.

(Дети читают за учителем, потом хором без учителя, а затем несколько учеников отдельно.)

3. Работа над статьей

Why do leaves change colors in autumn?

In spring and summer, most leaves are green. A special coloring called chlorophyll gives them green color. When autumn comes, the leaves are ready to fall from the trees. Their stems begin to break away from the branches. Thei the leaves cannot get much of the water that comes up from the roots of the trees. Without water, the leaves green color fades away
Then other special colors or pigments, hidden in the leaves can be seen. Oak leaves change from green to brown. Leaves on a sweet gum turn a bright red color Maple leaves turn different shades of yellow or red.

1) Teacher: Now let’s begin our work with the article ‘Why do leaves change colors, in autumn?” First of all we’ll work at the transcription of the words:

Autumn oak branch
Root shade coloring pigment

Дети читают за учителем, потом хором без учителя, а затем несколько учеников отдельно.

Teacher: Today at our lesson we’ll have 2 teams “Maples” and “Oaks”

Перед командой “Марles” стоят кленовые ветки, а перед командой “Оаks” – дубовые ветки.

2) Teacher: Now I’d like to know which team is the best in learning the new words. We’ll play the game “Happy Chance”.

Учитель начинает работу по тренировке новой лексики Он проводит игру, в которой детям надо быстро переводить новые слова на английский язык. Выигрывает та команда, которая быстро и правильно переведет все слова.

Teacher: осень, дуб, ветка, корень, оттенок, краситель, пигмент

Команда “Maples”: autumn, oak branch root shade, coloring pigment.
Teacher In this game the team ‘Maples” is the winner And now we’ll guess the crossword..

The crossword.

  1. 1. The leaves of this tree turn different shades of yellow or red.
    2. The leaves of this tree turn a bright red color.

3. The leaves of this tree change from green to brown.
4. Special coloring

5. A part of a branch.
6. The color of the leaves in autumn.

2) Перед этим уроком было проведено соревнование по составлению кроссворда из новых слов из статьи. Лучший кроссворд был использован на уроке.
дети отгадывают кроссворд и вписывают по одному слову. Здесь проверяется и правописание слов. Такие кроссворды прекрасно подходят для развития логического мышления и тренировки написания новых слов.

3) После этого учитель проверяет понимание текста статьи “Why do leaves change colors in autumn?”

Teacher: Answer my questions:

1. Why are leaves green in summer?
2. What is the name of a special green colouring?
3. Why are leaves ready to fall from the trees in autumn?
4. Why does the leaves’ green color fade away?
5. What can we see in the leaves after disappearing of chlorophyll?
6. How do oak leaves change?
7. How do leaves from gum-tree change?
8. What are the shades of maple leaves?

4) Teacher: Now we’ll have a question competition. “Maples” will ask “Oaks”. Your question will be general

Pupil 1:
Are leaves green in summer?
Pupil 2: Are leaves ready to fall from the trees in autumn?
Pupil 3: Does the leaves’ green color fate away?
Pupil 4: Can leaves get much of the water from the roots of the trees in autumn?

Teacher: Now “Oaks” will ask “Maples”. Your questions will be

Pupil 1:
Why does the leaves’ green color fate away?
Pupil 2: What is the name of a special color hidden in the leaves?

Pupil 3: How do oak leaves change?
‘Pupil 4: How do leaves on a sweet gum tree?

После проведения соревнования учитель объявляет победителя.

5) Затем учитель проводит ролевую игру. Выбирается ученик, который будет играть роль профессора.

Pupil 1: I am a professor of Biology. Ask, me the questions,
Pupil 2: Why are leaves green in summer?
Pupil 3: Why cannot the leaves get much of the water in autumn?
Pupil 4: Why do stems begin to break away from the branches?

6) Teacher: Choose the right sentences.

Учитель пишет на доске предложения для двух команд и дает время на выбор правильных предложений.
Предложения для команды”Oaks”:

1. Oak leaves change from blue to red.
2. In spring and summer most leaves are green.
3. Oak leaves change from green to brown.
4. In winter most leaves are yellow.

Предложения для команды”Maples”:

1. Their stems begin to fade away.
2. Maple leaves turn different shades of blue and white.
3. Their stems begin to break away from the branches.
4. Maple leaves turn different shades of yellow and red.

7) Teacher: Agree or disagree, using the words: I agree with you; I disagree; I’m afraid you are wrong.

1. A special colouring called chlorophyll gives them their red color.
Pupil 1: I disagree with you. A special colouring called chlorophyll gives them their green color.
2. In autumn the leaves can get much of the water from the roots of the trees.
Pupil 2: I’m afraid you are wrong. In autumn the leaves cannot get much of the water from the roots of the trees.

8) Teacher: Arrange the sentences in a logical order according to the text. Then use them as a plan to retell the text

На доске написано несколько предложений, которые необходимо прочитать в соответствии с логикой текста, а затем использовать их как опору для пересказа текста.

1. Without water, chlorophyll fades away.

(1) 2. Leaves have a special coloring called chlorophyll.
(4) 3. We can see pigments hidden in the leaves.
(2) 4. In autumn the leaves cannot get much of the water.

(5) 5. Most leaves change from green to brown.

Используя данную опору, дети пересказывают статью. Победителем объявляется тот, чей пересказ статьи окажется лучшим.


9) Teacher: Now tell me, please, in two sentences the main idea of the text. Why do leaves change colors in autumn?
Pupil 1: To my mind, the leaves change colors because they have pigments hidden in the leaves.
Pupil 2: I think the leaves change colors because without water the leaves’ green color fades away.

4. Итог урока

Объявляется победитель команды. В конце урока учитель раздает медали командам.

Teacher: Our lesson is over! Thank you for your wonderful work1 Good bye!