Урок английского языка в 6-м классе по теме "Путешествия"

Разделы: Иностранные языки


  • Ноутбук
  • Проектор
  • Необходимые программы(Microsoft Office PowerPoint)

Цели урока:

  • Обобщение материала по теме "Travelling" (слайд 1)
  • Тренировка лексических (слайд 4) и грамматических (слайд 3) навыков. (Слайд 2)
  • Совершенствование навыков монологической речи. (Слайд 5)
  • Обучение диалогической речи. (Слайд 6)
  • Развитие познавательных навыков, изучение природы и культуры родного края и зарубежных стран.
  • Развитие навыков анализировать, обобщать сопоставлять.

Ход урока

Организационный момент

-Good morning. Is everyone here? (Беседа с дежурным)

Сообщение темы урока

-We shall revise the material we have done this month: we'll revise grammar Past Simple & Present Perfect, your new vocabulary on the topic "Travelling"

-We'll listen to your presentations about trips & journeys and act the dialogues out.

Речевая разминка

  • A lot of people all over the world are fond of travelling. Modern life is impossible without travelling. Every day thousands of people travel either on business or for pleasure.
  • Do you like to travel?
  • Is travelling your hobby?
  • What methods of travelling do you know?
  • How do you prefer to travel?
  • When did you travel last?
  • Where did you go?
  • Have you ever travelled by sea?
  • Why do you think almost all people are fond of travelling?

Тренировка и закрепление лексических и грамматических навыков

  • What tenses did we discuss?
  • Can you compare Past Simple & Present Perfect?
  • When do we use Past Simple(Present Perfect)
  • What do we know about the word "always", "already", "recently", "lately".

Let's translate some sentences (на мониторе)

EXPRESS IT IN ENGLISH (Past Simple or Present Perfect)

  • Вчера мы забронировали комнату на двоих в гостинице.
  • Он только что зарегистрировал свой багаж.
  • В прошлом году я путешествовал скорым поездом.
  • Джек недавно видел Аню у кассы.
  • Она уже купила фотоаппарат.
  • Она всегда навещает бабушку в воскресенье.
  • Она всегда любила Париж.
  • Я только что прошел таможенный досмотр

Совершенствование навыков монологической речи

You've prepared the stories about you last trip. Let's listen and choose the most exciting one.(использование мультимедийной поддержки)

London was great

 St. Petersburg was beautiful

Lagonaky was the most wonderful place in Russia


Обучение диалогической речи (карточки с заданием)

  • Act out dialogues (Ask the booking-clerk about the ticket price, the time of the departure & arrival, or at the check in office.
  • Диалог-образец (Sample dialogue)

- Good morning, sir. Have you got your ticket?

- Oh, yes. Here you are. Flight 355. Boston.

- Where is your luggage, sir? Is it all? That's all right, sir. Where would you like to sit: smoking or non-smoking area?

- Non-smoking, please. And can I have a window seat, please?

- No, I'm sorry, there isn't one.

- OK.

- Would you like a seat on the aisle?

- Yes, please.

- Here, sir. Seat 15C. Here is your boarding pass. Your flight is in forty minutes.

- Thank you.

T: Let's review our vocabulary.

I'll divide you into two teams.

(пишут на доске или задают команде вопросы)

Тренировка лексических навыков

  • Путешествовать на скором поезде.
  • Любить пассажирские поезда.
  • Где справочная?
  • Получить информацию.
  • Это ваш фотоаппарат?
  • Путешественник-это тот, кто путешествовал.
  • Вы должны пройти паспортный контроль!
  • Прибытие президента.
  • Прибытие лучших новостей.
  • Отправление
  • Я зарегистрировал багаж в Англии.
  • Где нам зарегистрироваться?
  • Вам надо пройти таможню!
  • Я потратил час на таможню.
  • Таможенники очень приветливые.
  • В билетной кассе.
  • Забронировать номер на одного человека.
  • Забронировать номер на двоих в отеле.
  • Какая плата от Лондона до Парижа?
  • Кондуктор: "Оплачивайте, пожалуйста".

Подведение итогов урока и домашнее задание.

Написать сочинение(Essay) на тему "Travelling".

Sample assays: слайды 7,8,9,10

Объявление победителей в номинации самый лучший ответ:

The most:






A lot of people all over the world are fond of travelling, but some people hate it.

I'm fond of travelling. Last summer I travelled to London with my friends. We went there by plane because it's comfortable. First we opened exit visa. Then we bought tickets. We booked some rooms in the hotel in the northern part of London. It was rather sunny, but cool in London. We spent three weeks there. We visited many famous universities, castles, museums and towers. Our travelling was unforgettable for me.

I think travelling is my hobby because it is very interesting, exciting and I can see a lot of other cities.



I often travel to different countries. My last travel was in winter.

I went to France. We went to France by plane, because it's very comfortable and quickly. We bought tickets at the airport in the booking office. We flew to France from sheremetjevo. It took us there hours to get there. The weather in Megeve was sunny and snowy. Megeve is a small, but very beautiful and interesting town. In France I skied. I have been skiing since the age of five. Every day we went to different restaurants. One day we visited a wonderful church.

And in the end of the journey we were very happy.



Many people like to travel very much, because it is very interesting.

This summer my brother; my granny and I, went to Saint-Petersburg. We bought tickets in the booking office. We travelled by train, because I think-it's very comfortable. It took us two days to get there. We stayed there at our relatives for two weeks. Our group visited the hermitage, the Cuns camera and other interesting museums. I was in Petergoff too. It was the period of "white nights" in this time. It became dark very late.

This journey was wonderful!



Many people are fond of travelling. They often travel to different cities and countries. Some people like to travel by plane or by train, by ship or by bus, by car or by foot.

Last spring my family and I travelled to Lagonaky. We went there by bus because it is comfortable and not very expensive. The weather was cold, but sunny. We stayed at a small, but comfortable hotel near the river. We had very interesting excursions to many wonderful places. The nature in the mountains is very beautiful. There are a lot of marvelous forests, lakes, rivers and waterfalls in Lagonaky. I took many pictures of wonderful places there.

I enjoyed my trip and I'm going to spend my next spring there again.