Интегрированный урок "Protection of Environment"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Технология урока: использование методов и приёмов критического мышления через чтение и письмо.

Продолжительность занятия: 2 урока.



  • Расширить кругозор по теме.
  • Реализовать межпредметные связи (биология).


  • Развитие коммуникативной компетенции.
  • Активизация лексики и лексико-грамматических конструкций по теме.


  • Поддерживать дух толерантности, принимая другие точки зрения.
  • Воспитывать умение внимательно слушать и слышать.
  • Воспитывать любовь и уважение к окружающей среде.


  • Развивать способности к переключению уровней мышления.
  • Развивать критическое мышление через чтение информационного текста.
  • Развивать умение работать в группе (компетентности: интеллектуальная, социальная).

Оборудование: ПК, энциклопедия по биологии, Красная Книга.

Ход урока


Teacher: Good morning, dear friends! Today we are going to have a talk about the Red Data Book and discuss the problem of environment.

Стадия вызова (Evocation).

First I would like to find out what do you know about The Red Data Book.

Let’s try to write as much as you know. O’ K! Let’ s fill in the Cluster (принцип визуализации мыслей).

2. Знакомство с “Красной Книгой”.

Not only people can speak. Books can speak too. There is a kind of book which screams. It is the Red Data Book. It’s a reference book on rare and disappearing animals. Why is it ‘Red’? The color red is a danger signal understandable to all people in the world.

The red light means no passage. Stop! You have to think why many plants and animals disappear every day. You are to understand why human intelligence causes death of wildlife. That means man is in danger too.

The color red is one of blood and life. You should hear the world around you. It calls for help. (Рассмотреть ещё раз “Красную Книгу” или макет с изображением редких и исчезающих животных).

3. And now dear friends a situation for you. “In the forest”.

Listen to the dialogues and then we’ll try to discuss the problem together.

Pupil 1 – Who are you? What are you doing here?

Pupil 2 – I’m on my way home from school. It’s one of the last days of the term. The weather is so nice that I decided to take a longer way home and have a picnic in the grove.

(Вся незнакомая лексика записана на доске).

P1 – You left all your litter on the ground. There are bits of glass from your bottles of juice.
P3 – Flowers have been pulled out. Animals are frightened. Trees are splashed with paint. The fire is burning. The air is polluted.
P2 – The forest is big. There are lots of places for others to have a rest. I am going to relax and have a good time. It is so noisy and dirty in the city.

- Thank you very much, boys!

And now let’s discuss this situation. Well boys can you say your opinion.

Reflection (Стадия – Рефлексия (Размышление )).

P2 – The boy wants to relax after a hard working day. But it is impossible to do it in a noisy city, so he decided to camp in the forest.
P1 – But he left the camp-fire burning near a heap of dry leaves, this often causes a forest fire. Have you ever seen a forest destroyed by fire. It is so terrible.
P3 – This is an awful thing to see. Campers must always remember to put out their camp-fire and cover the place with earth. It is the duty of every camper to take the greatest care not to start a forest fire.

P4 – I fully agree with you. The forests are in danger. The world has over nine million square km. of forests. But they are disappearing fast not only because of fires. Every day we use paper and cardboard made from wood. We use different kinds of wood to make furniture and other things. Every year huge forests are cleared for different uses, and a lot of forests are so badly damaged that they will hardly be able to recover.

P5 – You are quite right. If we go on like this, before long all the forest on this planet may be destroyed.

4. Well, well. And I’d like to know if you can recognize some trees from their leaves.

Guess, please.

5. So we begin to discuss our problem.

Realization of Meaning (Осмысление новой информации (Смысловая стадия).

Let’s divide into 3 groups. You should read the new information and retell it to each other (1.1 читает 1-й ученик, 1.2 читает 2-й ученик, 1.3 – 3-й ученик. Затем они обмениваются своей информацией: сначала рассказывают друг другу в своей группе (чтение – суммирование, прочитанное втроём)).

Try to fill in the chart too. Good luck to you.

Know Want Learnt

1.1 By the way, some medicines come from trees and from plants and flowers which grow in the forest. There are a lot of illnesses which we still cannot cure. There are old ones like cancer and new ones like AIDS. It may be that the medicines we need will be discovered in wild plants in savannas, deserts or rainforests.

If we destroy these places, we will never find the cure. Every one of us must know how important it is to care for our great forests and save them from harm.

1.2 Besides the huge forests helps to control the world’s weather, and to produce much of the oxygen in the air. People and animals breathe in oxygen, and breathe out carbon dioxide. We produce carbon dioxide when we burn things. Trees take this gas from the air, and produce oxygen. But in the last few years, people have cut down and burnt big areas of rainforests. This means there are fewer trees, and, of course, more carbon dioxide.

1.3 The problem of the environment is widely covered by TV, radio and the press. There are people who are trying to do something about it. They do their best to protect our forests. Specialists take care of the trees and fight harmful insects. They plant young trees when old ones die or are cut down. Each of us can help to protect the forests. We know that it is not right to pick wild flowers. We know that when we go hiking and make a fire we must put it out and cover it with earth before we go away.

6. It’s time to rest a little. Let’s look at some flowers and try to name them.

2.1 Nowadays people understand how important it is to solve environmental problems. One of them is pollution in its many forms: water pollution, air pollution, nuclear pollution. There is no ocean or sea which is not used as a dump. They are used for dumping industrial and nuclear waste. These poisons kill fish and sea animals.

2.2 I’d like to add that many rivers and lakes are poisoned too. Factories produce a lot of waste and pour it into rivers. In such places the birds and animals leave their habitats and many plants die. There are many species of animals that may disappear from the earth within the next few years. They will become extinct unless man can help. For some species it is already too late. The American passenger pigeon was once a very common bird. Yet it is gone forever. The last one died in a zoo in April 1914.

2.3 I know that some animals have been saved. For example, the American buffalo, or bison, was almost hunted. Some animals lose their natural nesting areas and cannot breed. Others cannot adapt to new conditions. Wildlife problems occur everywhere.

Teacher: People have lived on our planet for many years. They lived and live on different continents and in different countries. People depend on their planet, on the sun, on animals and plants around them.

7. Now, let’s talk about some animals on the Earth. Listen to ‘The dialogues about animals’.

3.1 You can find wonderful animals on our planet. Reflection In the oceans there are whales, albatrosses, sharks, polar bears, penguins. In tropical forests there are snakes, gorillas, jaguars: in rivers you can see different kinds of fish and crocodiles.

But many of these species are disappearing nowadays. Indian tigers are among them. Tigers are the biggest cats in the world. They are skillful hunters. Often they are dangerous. Some people are afraid of tigers and kill them to save their live. But some people have hunted tigers for fun and for their beautiful skin. They sell the skin and get a lot of money.

There are few Indian tigers on the Earth now. Many of them are usually old, sick animals. Most tigers hide from people in deep dark forests. The question is ‘Have those animals got a future?’

3.2 We can ask the same question about African elephants. They are wonderful animals. They can help men. Elephants need a lot of water. Grown-ups drink as much as 50 gallons a day. After they have had enough to drink, they fill their trunks and spray their bodies. The showers cool the elephants. Leaving the water, the elephants join small family groups resting under the trees. The rest only during the hottest part of the day and for a few hours each night the rest of the time they eat. In fact, elephants spend about 16 hours a day eating.

Today many elephants in Africa are dying because they do not have enough to eat or to drink and because they do not have enough space to live in.

Hunters kill thousands of elephants every year. Some kill them for meat. But most kill elephants for their tusks.

Most of the elephants have gone to national parks. There are too many animals there. As a result, the elephants do not have enough grass and leaves to eat,

All these problems have greatly reduced the number of elephants in Africa. Specialists think that only two million elephants live on the planet today.

3.3 Thousands of crocodiles live in the Lake Victoria. They appeared on the Earth 200 million years ago. There are 21 species of them. People have been hunting crocodiles for many years. The result is that 14 species are included into the Red Data Book. Nowadays people breed them in incubators .

Учащиеся заканчивают работу в группах и слушают небольшую информацию учителя

8. Let us talk about people, about us.

Teacher: It may sound odd to you, but man needs protection and care as much as animals do. People’s habitats – their homes, towns and cities – must be kept ecologically clean. In the places where people drink poisoned water, eat bad food and breathe polluted air they suffer from serious diseases and die early; their children are born weak.

This problem becomes more and more serious with every passing day. The modern way of life when people have little exercise, use cars instead of walking, watch television for many hours and work with computers is turning them into legless creatures.

We have to do something about this.

9. And now you should change with your information with another group. Go on to fill in the chart.

10. But there is always hope. Let’s try to suggest some important rules to protect the environment.

  1. Walk or use a bicycle instead of going by car.
  2. Not to litter the ground with paper, cans or bottles.
  3. Plant more trees.
  4. Feed birds in winter and help them survive in the cold.
  5. Clear rubbish from lakes and rivers.
  6. Recycle used materials such as metal, bottles and paper.

Thank you everybody for your suggestions.

11. Oh and these are our friends again!

P1 – What are you going to do with all that litter you’ve left?
P3 – Just think about those bits of glass and paper and about how ugly the place will look littered like that.
P2 – You’re right. I can’t leave this rubbish here. Thank you for helping me to understand that my country is a beautiful place and that I must not spoil it.

12. At last I would like you listen to such wonderful poems about our nature.

На фоне тихо звучащей классической музыки учащиеся читают стихи.

Your and mine.

The sun, the trees, the grass, the sky,
The silver moon that’s sailing by,
The rain and dew and snowflakes white,
The flowers sweet and stars of night!
The song of birds, wind whispering –
Such lovely things to bear and see
Belong to you, belong to me.
Oh, Russia, I’m in love with you!

Remember, Russia, you are great
Not in the field of battles past
But in the lush green fields of wheat
And forests, gardens, free of dust.
I love you deeply, dear land,
Your lakes with shores of fine sand,
Your rivers, Valleys, hills and seas;
Your songs and dances; birds in trees;
Your sunrise is a splendid sight
Which always gives me such delight!

Стадия рефлексии (Reflection )

Make up as many cinquains about our nature, about environment as you can. All your cinquains will be different. Read aloud them when you are ready.

Pupils’ cinquains.

1. Environment 1. Nature
2. Sick, dirty 2. Wonderful, nice.
3. Protect, save, survive 3. Care, love, protect.
4. We should do something. 4. I love my hometown.
5. Nature 5. Motherland.

Teacher: Our discussion is over. But I’m sure that you’re real friends of our fragile planet. The air we breathe, the soil on which we stand and walk, the water we drink are all part of the environment. It’s very important that you should be aware of the most serious environmental problems. If we want our lives to be healthy and interesting, a lot of other creatures and plants need growing space too.

I’d like to thank you for your good work at the lesson. I give excellent marks to…, good – to…

I wish you be healthy and wealthy.

The lesson is over. Good-bye!

Список используемой литературы:

  1. Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.П. Учебник для 8 класса, изд-во: Дрофа, Москва, 2007 г.
  2. Журнал “Иностранные языки в школе” №5, 2007 г.
  3. Клементьева Т.Б., Шэннон Д.А. “Счастливый английский” книга 2., Учебник английского языка для 7-9 класса, изд-во Титул, Обнинск, 2004 г.
  4. Энциклопедия “Биология”, 2004 г.
