Разработка урока по английскому языку "Cinema" (11-й класс)

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 11


  1. Обучающая - развитие способности к восприятию речи на слух, к общению, развитие памяти, внимания; активизация грамматического материала ( восклицательные и эмфатические предложения); обучение монологической речи, с целью изложения найденной информации.
  2. Развивающая - формирование способности к целеустремлённой работе для достижения совместных целей.
  3. Воспитывающая - воспитание чувства сопричастности к мировой истории, воспитание потребности в приобщении к мировой культуре.

Introduction. The objectives of the lesson.

Phonetic activities. Let's brush your phonetics.(Приложение 1)

to be associate failure

review relationship

hilarious to claim

graveyards industry

successful youth culture

Warming-up activities .(Приложение 1)

Тeacher - In pairs, ask each other the following questions:

How often do you go to the cinema?

Do you prefer to watch a film at the cinema or on video? Why?

What films do you like to watch?

What is associated with this genre (these genres)?

Do you ever read film reviews?

Listening (for specific information) (Приложение 2)

Pre-listening activity.

You will listen to four reviews of different films. Choose from the box the kind of film being reviewed. There is one extra kind of film you do not need to use.

Listening. Pupils listen to the texts twice.

Key: 1-comedy; 2-horror film; 3-thriller; 4--romance

Post-listening activity.

Name the words and expressions which help you to guess the genre.

(Key: A- hilarious, crazy situations, funny dialogues; B- ghosts, graveyards, the monster; C- chases and explosions, suspense, world of spies and secrets; D- tissues, struggle with cancer, developing relationship, etc.


You have heard the reviews of the young people. It's time to listen to yours. ( Ученики готовили критические статьи дома)

Grammar activities.

a)What would you say about your classmates' reviews? Use the exclamatory and emphatic sentences.

b)Choose the correct variant:

____ a surprise!

а) What b) How c) That

How ___ beautiful our planet is!

-- b) a c) the

D.Khvorostovsky does___ magnificently.

а) sings b) sing c) sang

What a wonderful theatre___ in Russia!

a) Tsar Peter I built b) built Tsar Peter I

It ___ put me in a good mood yesterday.

а) do b) has done c) did

Key: 1-a; 2-a; 3- b; 4-a; 5-c.

Reading. (Приложение 1)

Pre-reading activity.

Watching foreign films can put many people in a good mood. What about you?

What do you know about the history of British cinema?

Reading. You'll read the text about the history of British cinema.

A History of British cinema

The history of British cinema over the last forty or fifty years is one of ups-and-downs, successes and failures. Here are just a few of them.

The 1960s was a great decade for British films, there was a worldwide interest in British fashion, youth culture and the English. British directors started making films showing "Swinging London" such as A Hard Day's Night starring the Beatles, and Alfie starring Michael Caine as a working-class cockney. This attracted money from the USA into the British cinema.

In the 1970s, everything changed. The Americans spent too much money on making films, had several box-office failures and went back to America, leaving the British cinema industry without any money.

The 1980s saw the success of films like Chariot of Five, and the great epic Gandi. TV channals started putting money into the film industry and even making film such as My Left Foot. Some people so it as the beginning of a new relationship between the cinema and the TV industries.

In the 1990s, Four Weddings and a Funeral hit the big screen and was very successful around the world. This was following by big hits like Sliding Doors and Notting Hill. Some people claimed that British cinema was back.

Nowadays, the big blockbuster films that are made in Britain , such as Billy Elliot look British and sound British, but are almost always made by American money and often by American directors. The question is, is there anything that can truly be called the British film industry anymore?

Post-reading activities.

Look at the words and expressions in bold and try to explain them, then choose any two and make sentences.

Fill in the correct prepositions.

The history __the last years, to attract money ___sth, to spend money ___doing sth, to be successful ___the world, to be to be made ___sb, to put money ___ sth, the story is ___the relationship ___the cinema and TV.

Read the text again and complete the sentences.

In the 1960s British directors started:

The USA put money into:

In the 1970s several films had: and the Americans left:

The 1980s were famous for:

The 1990s showed that:


Use this list to retell the text.

The conclusion of the lesson.