Издательский проект "Выпуск газеты о спорте" на английском языке

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели урока:


- совершенствование умений и навыков практического владения английским  языком по всем видам речевой деятельности по данной теме;


- развитие творческих способностей и логического мышления учащихся;
- развитие самостоятельных исследовательских умений учащихся;
- развитие интереса к предмету;


- воспитание положительного отношения к здоровому образу жизни;
- воспитание чувства гордости за спортивные достижения спортсменов.


- компьютер;
- мультимедийное оборудование;
- презентации;
- раздаточный материал;
- словари.

Ход урока


A teacher: - Good morning! I’m glad to see you.

Let’s listen to the poem “School BUM”

(См. приложение №1)

- I t is about our gymnasium newspaper. And now I want our guests to get some   information about it.

Реклама газеты “Школьный БУМ”

A pupil: - We live in the world of information. Mass media, that is the press, radio, television and the Internet play an important role in our society. The press is one of the most powerful kinds of mass media. Nowadays there are daily, weekly and monthly newspapers.

I would like to tell you about our gymnasium newspaper. Its name is “School BUM”. It was founded in 2004. It has already issued 33 times. Sometimes we have special issues. It has a circulation of 50 copies.

The paper inform, educate and entertain our pupils, teachers and parents. In the issues of a paper we can find various information presented in articles, comments, reviews, photographs. Reading a newspaper we can get information about the events that have taken or are going to take place in our country, republic, town and gymnasium. Sometimes we can read some sensational and extraordinary material. It is interesting to read poems, stories, creative works written by our pupils.

People who make our newspaper are:
editor – Elvira Gatina
revise editor – Alexei Tikhonov
designer – Roma Lysov
reporters – D.Vakhitova, A Zamaletdinova, Sn.Viktorova, M. Baransky, R.Miftakhov, A.Tesakova, R.Avkhadieva.

Сообщение цели урока

Today our task is to prepare an issue of a paper about sport.

I think our today’s motto is: “SEEK.ATTEMPT.CREATE” (ИЩИ. ПРОБУЙ.ТВОРИ)

Let’s revise your sports knowledge

1. Guess what sports and games are described here:

- the sport of fighting with fists;
- he sport of going on horseback;
- the sport of one who swims;
- the sport of riding in a small boat with sails;
- a game for 2 people who use rackets, a small soft ball and a low net;
- a game played by 2 teams of 6 players on an ice field.

2. Say for what sports we need:

- ice;
- snow;
- gloves;
- nothing but our own legs.

3. Name special places for practising sport or doing physical exercises

4. Say what sports and games the equipment belong to:

- a net and a ball;
- a stick and a puck;
- a goal and a ball;
- a racing car;
- a racket and a shuttlecock;
- skis, ski poles, ski boots;
- a cue, a table and balls;
- a barbell.

Представление редколлегии газеты

A teacher: - Introduce the staff of our today’s newspaper, please.

A pupil: - With pleasure. They are my classmates

DILYARA is kind, modest. She gets along well with us.

MISHA is reliable. We can always rely on him.

ALINA is industrious. She plays volleyball very well. She likes pets.

LERA is pleasant. She is fond of reading books.

MAXIM is lively, very bouncy. He plays the bass guitar. His jokes are very funny.

RUSTEM is modest. He knows everything about football.

ROMA is polite. He enjoys working on the computer.

GLEB is serious. He goes in for sports.

ALISA is optimistic. She composes music. She likes to spend free time in a good  company.

SNEZHANA is creative. She writes poems and paints well.

ROMA is industrious. He goes in for sports. He does a lot of gymnastics.

DIMA is sporty. He likes to take part in different competitions.

ADELINA is imaginative. She reads a lot. She has deep knowledge in many subjects.

Подготовка газетного материала

1. Our newspaper will consist of four pages.

The first page will include leading articles. The boys have prepared them at home.

Listen to them. You can add your own information and ask the boys questions.

“Sport in our life”- M. Prusakov

“Sport in Tatarstan” - D. Sergeev

“Sport in our gymnasium”- M. Baransky (см. приложение №2)

2. The second page will be devoted to the interesting facts. The information was taken from different sources and so there are some problems. (См. приложение №3)


Read the text and shorten it. You can change the order of words or take away odd words.

“Try to catch the wind”

Put 12 points.

“Extreme sports”

Choose sentences to describe pictures.

“The Wimbledon tennis museum”

Read it and if the article is interesting translate it into Russian.

3. Say what your favourite sportsmen are.

The third page is about famous sportsmen.

Evgeny Plushchenko (презентация, см.приложение №4)

Roma Shashin is your classmate. He is a sportsman. Now I want our guests ask him about his sports life.

Listening to them you should fill in a form. (См. приложение)

In March if he wins, he will be a Master of Sports (in gymnastics) Read advantages and disadvantages of a professional sport. (См.приложение)

4. The fourth page is for pleasure.

Read the sports tale written by R. Sungatullin, change some words using antonyms and synonyms. (См. приложение №5)

Make up your own jokes (Cм.приложение №6)

Do the quiz “How courageous are you?” and find out what you would do if…(См.приложение №6)

Подведение итогов урока

You have worked hard today. I think our newspaper will be interesting.

At home you should make up a crossword about sport using as many words as possible.