Урок английского языка в 7-м классе. Урок–проект по теме "My Native Town"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Форма проведения: урок-конференция по подготовке экскурсоводов.

Цели урока:

  • познавательный аспект – увеличение объема знаний об историческом прошлом родного города; знакомство с достопримечательностями Елабуги;
  •  развивающий аспект – развитие творческих способностей учащихся; развитие способности к самостоятельному труду, способности осуществлять продуктивные речевые действия – к подбору речевых средств, адекватных цели и ситуации, к импровизации, к планированию своего высказывания, к воображению;
  • воспитательный  аспект – воспитание чувства гордости  и любви к своей малой родине; чувства сопричастности к истории своего города, более глубокого осознания ценности его уникальных памятников.

Задачи урока:

  • совершенствовать коммуникативную компетенцию учащихся, эмоциональную и эстетическую стороны в процессе обучения иностранному языку;
  • совершенствовать умения и навыки практического владения английским  языком по данной теме по всем видам речевой деятельности: аудированию, говорению, чтению и письму;
  • повышать познавательный интерес к иностранному языку в процессе игры, драматизации на уроке;
  • обобщить и систематизировать полученные знания.

Учебные пособия:  герб и флаг города, эмблема –  символ тысячелетия города, карта Елабуги, стенд «Welcome to Yelabuga», диск с видеофильмом «Елабуга заповедная» на английском языке, фотографии с видами Елабуги, выставка творческих работ учащихся по теме урока, буклеты о достопримечательностях Елабуги, выполненные учащимися, реквизиты для посещения туристического бюро (“Tourist Information Centre”) и музеев города, таблица с историческими датами, плакат Word-Web (Why Visit Yelabuga), выставка книг о Елабуге.

План урока:

I. Начало урока

1. Оргмомент.
2. Вступительное слово учителя. Сообщение темы, цели и задач урока.

II. Основная часть урока.  Презентация проектов.

1. В туристическом центре

Проект 1.  Посещение туристического центра г. Казани
Проект 2.  Посещение туристического центра г. Елабуги
Проект 3.  В туристическом центре г. Елабуги

2. Автобусный тур по Елабуге

Проект 4.  Посещение музея истории города
Проект 5.  Посещение Мемориального комплекса М.Цветаевой
Проект 6.  В музее И.И.Шишкина

3. Практическое занятие в рамках работы конференции

1) Заполнение Word-Web “Why Visit Yelabuga”
2) Заполнение таблицы с историческими датами
3) Составление программы пребывания делегации туристов в нашем городе
4) Блиц-опрос «Что ты знаешь об историческом прошлом своего города?»

III. Заключительная часть урока

1. Окончание урока.
2. Подведение итогов. Выставление оценок.


I. Начало урока

Teacher: Good morning dear children and our guests! Nice to meet you. Today we have many guests from our town and different parts of Tatarstan. We greet them at our lesson.
Today we are going to have an unusual lesson. It is our project devoted to our native town. As you know, Yelabuga has unique 1000 history. It’s a tourist center of the Tatar Republic. A great number of tourists from different parts of Russia and abroad visit our town. Thanks to Free Economic Zone Alabuga a lot of foreign delegations often come to Yelabuga and of course, they don’t miss a chance to make a tour of our historical town.
Yelabuga State Museum Reserve is short of guides, and we organize today the Conference “Welcome to Yelabuga”. We are going to exchange experience on the problem of organizing different tours and excursions.
I’m the Stuff Training Manager of the State Museum Reserve and invite you to take part in the Conference “Welcome to Yelabuga”. As you see, directors of different Information Tourist Centers, guides, information officers are present at our Conference.
Our task is to be ready to help the Tourist Center during our summer holidays. We’ll organize the work of different sections. Let’s look at the Programme of our Conference.

Programme of the Conference “Welcome to Yelabuga”

Section 1. At the Tourist Information Center (Role-plays)
Section 2. Tour of Yelabuga (Excursions)
Section 3. Practice (Practice makes perfect).

II. Основная часть урока

Teacher:  At our previous lessons we worked out your projects and today you’ll show us the results of this work. To begin with I want you answer my question, please. Do you like travelling?
Pupil 1:   Of course, I do.
Teacher: Tell me, where you usually go to get information about places for travelling.
Pupil 2:  To the Information Tourist Center.
Teacher: Yes, you are right.
We’ll start the work of our conference with the Section 1. We are At the Kazan Tourist Information Center”. Let’s listen to the Project of Group 1. (Приложение 1. Dialogue 1).

Teacher: OK. Let’s go on. Now we are “At The Yelabuga Tourist Information Center”. Let’s listen to the next Project of Group 2.  (Приложение 1.   Dialogue 2)

Teacher:  OK. Now Group 3’ll show us their Project “At the Yelabuga Tourist Information Center”.  You are welcome. (Приложение 2. Dialogue 3)

Teacher: Well, we continue the work of our conference and now the second Section is devoted to the organizing different tours and excursions around our town.
Now the pupils of Group1 invite us to make an excursion to the Museum of Town’s History. They’llshow us their Project “At the Museum of Town’s History”. (Приложение 2. Dialogue 4).

Teacher: Well, the pupils of Group 2 invite us to visit the Shishkin House Museum. The next Project  “At the Shishkin House Museum”  will be shown by Group 2. (Приложение 3. Dialogue 5).
Teacher: Now we are at the Memorial Complex of  Marina Tsvetaeva and pupils of Group 3 will make the  excursion  and tell us about this unique  Memorial Complex.

Group 3 shows us their Project. (Приложение 3. Dialogue 6).

Teacher: Well, we’ll continue the work of our Conference. And now we have Practice Section. As you know, practice makes perfect.  We’ll carry out some tasks. Every guide should know a lot about the history of the town, the biographies of prominent people and other things.
As we have mentioned, Yelabuga is very old and it is a town to see. There are many different reasons for visiting our town. Try to persuade tourists to make a tour of Yelabuga.
Task 1.   Fill “Word Web”. Name some reasons for visiting Yelabuga. There are some phrases on your tables. Some of them are extra.

  • has 1000 year history
  • famous for its museums
  • a lot of historical places
  • has architectural monuments of 17th–19th century
  • well famous people (I.Shishkin, N.Durova, M.Tsvetaeva) lived here
  • a tourist centre
  • a Museum under the sky
  • a museum centre of the Republic’s and All-Russian significance
  • very attractive for tourists
  • has a lot of theatres
  • a Monument to Admiral Nelson
  • the National Gallery

Teacher: Every guide should know and remember many dates. Do you know the dates connected with the history of our town properly?

Task 2. Complete the table. Which historical Facts refer to these dates? There are historical facts on your tables. Some of them are extra.













  • I.I Shishkin was born in Yelabuga
  • N.Durova was born in Yelabuga
  • M.Tsvetaeva was born in Yelabuga
  • The House Museum of I.Shishkin was opened
  • The Museum-homestead of N.Durova was opened
  • The Monument to I.I.Shishkin was placed in Yelabuga
  • The Monument to N.Durova was placed in Yelabuga
  • The Shishkins’ Ponds were restored
  • The Museum-homestead of N.Durova was restored
  • The great Russian poet M.Tsvetaeva came to Yelabuga
  • The Memorial Complex to  M.Tsvetaeva was created



                 1832                  I.I Shishkin was born in Yelabuga
1975 The House Museum of I.Shishkin was opened
1991 The Monument to I.I.Shishkin was placed in Yelabuga
2005 The Shishkins’ Ponds were restored
1993 The Museum-homestead of N.Durova was opened
1941 The great Russian poet M.Tsvetaeva came to Yelabuga
2002 The Memorial Complex to  M.Tsvetaeva was created

Teacher: The tourists and guests may ask you a lot of questions and you should know how to answer them.

Task 3. Now I’ll organize “Blitz-Info”. Give me the answers to the following questions.

  • Where is Yelabuga situated?
  • What is the symbol of our town?
  • What is the emblem of Yelabuga?
  • What is Yelabuga famous for?
  • What significance has our town?
  • Has Yelabuga got many old fine buildings? Are they architectural monuments?
  • What famous people lived in our town?
  • Is Yelabuga a tourist centre?
  • Is Yelabuga an ancient town with a unique history?
  • When was Yelabuga formed as a town?
  • What is the most ancient and mysterious monument of the past?
  •  Are a lot of legends dedicated to that mysterious place?
  •  Where was it written?
  •  How did Bulgars use to call the fortress? What does it mean?
  •  What other meanings of the name Yelabuga do you know?
  •  What historical monument remained up to our days?
  •  Where is this stone tower situated?
  •  Where is the Monument to I.Shishkin situated?
  •  What was N.Durova famous for?

Teacher: Every year a lot of tourists from different parts of Russia and abroad come to our town.

Task 4. Now I’ll give you the task to make a Programme of three day Tour of Yelabuga.

 Programme of the Tour of Yelabuga

1st  Day                                                                                                       
2nd Day  
3rd Day  

(Учащиеся работают в группах, каждая из которых составляет 3-х дневную программу пребывания туристической группы в нашем городе)
Предлагаю одну из программ составленных учащимися.

Programme of Tour of Yelabuga

1st Day             Meeting the Delegation.
                          Making arrangements about rooms at the hotel “Toima”

2nd Day             Sightseeing Bus Tour of Yelabuga
                          A Visit to the Museums of our town
                          Visiting Free Economic Zone Alabuga 
3rd Day             Departure of the delegation

III. Заключительная часть урока

Teacher:  Look here, please. You can see the Exposition of Books. All these books have a lot of information about your native town Yelabuga. If you are not sure in your knowledge, you can learn more about past, present and future of our town from these books.
And now, as you see the work of our Conference is over, and so is our lesson. I hope all of you have got very useful information about our ancient town Yelabuga. Maybe, you won’t be tourist managers or guides, but all of you should know the history of your homeland. You should love your native Motherland, your native town Yelabuga. Because, as the great poet Byron said “He, who loves not his country, can love nothing”.
Children! I’m very pleased with your work today. I’ll give you only good and excellent marks. Thank you.
You homework for the next lesson is to write a letter to your friend from England about you native town Yelabuga.
