Урок "Пасхальные традиции в Великобритании и не только.."

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Учебник: «Счастливый английский», 8 класс, В.П.Кузовлев, «Просвещение» 2001 год.


  • познавательная – знакомство с традициями празднования в Великобритании и не только…;
  • развивающая – развитие навыков групповой деятельности, поиска и систематизации материала;.
  • обучающая – формирование знаний, умений и навыков аудирования, чтения, устной речи по теме «Праздники»;
  • воспитательная – воспитание уважительного отношения к культуре, традициям и обычаям народов других стран;


1. Оргмомент: приветствие, сообщение темы урока.

2. Рождественские символы (Приложение, слайды 1, 2)

The cross

Christ was crucified on  a cross, so cross has come to have a special meaning to Christians. It represents Christ’s victory over death. It is a significant Easter symbol.

The rabbit

In ancient Egypt the rabbit symbolized new life and birth. The rabbit is the symbol of the spring festival.

The egg

Egg represents new life. Long ago people believed that the Earth was hatched from a gigantic egg.

The lamb

Jesus was known as the lamb of God. At one time, the Jews sacrificied  a lamb during a Passover festival<and early Christians adopted this as sign of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. Lamb is now  a traditional Easter meal, and cookies and cakes are often made in the shape of a lamb for Easter.

3. Информация о праздновании Пасхи в разных странах (Приложение, слайд 3)

Easter is a festival that occurs on the first Sunday after the first full moon in spring.  Easter is the religious holiday commemorating the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Many Easter customs have come down to us from long ago. People celebrate the holiday according to their believes and religious denominations. People commemorate Good Friday and Easter Sunday.
All over the world people celebrate Easter.

India. The hindu  festival is a celebration of the festival of spring and is associated with happy singing. Bright clothes are warn and people spray one another with colored water and powder.

Long ago in China people held the Lantern Festival to celebrate the new birth  of the world. Brightly colored lanterns were hung everywhere and fireworks were set off.

In Japan there is a festival called Setsubun or change of seasons. Roast beans are scattered in the home and in the streets to scare away evil spirits.

In France Shrovetide is known as Fat Tuesday because the world eat up all the fat and butter/

In Denmark and Norway children traditionally decorate branches of birch with colored paper.

In Spain some cities have processions every evening during the week before Easter.

In Britain, Australia, France rich people give money or food to the poor.

In Russia it was believed that life did not pass away, everything has it’s time for returning tj Earth. On meeting people would exclaim: “Christ has risen”

In Khakasia people celebrate ”Chul Pasu” which symbolizes the spring, new life is also celebrated  by going  to churches.

4. Напишите слова. (Приложение, слайд 4)

1. gegs,
2. ihed
3. ares
4. iledevr
5. arbibt
6. ohcclotae
7. ocdertae
8. obnent
9. ksbaet
10. craorst
11. kcihsc.

5. Составить слова из букв, входящих в слово Easter.

6. Поиграем. (Приложение, слайд 5)

– Let’s have a rest. Whenever I say the word:

cotton tail” shake your bottom.
“pink nose” wrinkle your nose like a bunny
“soft brown eyes” blink your eyes three times
“long tall ears” hold your arms over your head and wiggle your hands.
“hopped” hop away to whenever you wish.

7. Прочитайте текст и вставьте слова.

Christians 1) ­____ the resurrection of Christ on Easter Sunday/ Many churches hold Easter 2) _____ services. Churches are decorated with 3) ­____ lilies and are filled with people 4) _____ new Easter outfits. The choir and congregation join in.  5) ____ special hymns of joy.
For many children the excitement of receiving an Easter 6) ____ filled  with goodies and hunting for eggs 7) ____ by the Easter rabbit is topped only by  the excitement of receiving gifts from 8) ____ at Christmas. Did  you ever wonder why the Easter 9) ____ brings the eggs instead of the Easter chicken? After all, 10) ___ not rabbits lay eggs.

(celebrate, singing, chickens, bucket, hidden, wearing, white, bunny, Santa, Easter.)

8. Читаем стихи

A bunny who is funny

By Susan Olson Higgens.

I know an Easter bunny who is so funny….
He stands six feet tall., his whiskers curl  around
His ears stand high at the slightest sound.

He wears a green west and a pink bow tie
If he flaps his ears….you should see him fly!
He can bend and twist into any shape at all
He can hop and skip or curl up like a ball.

He has a gold watch,  which he keeps very near,
But he only has use for it in spring each year.
And as for eggs…well he has lots
All children want what he has got.

(«Английский язык» еженедельное приложение к газете «Первое сентября» 14,1994).

9. Игра «Прыгаем как зайчик»

– The players simulate the movements. (Приложение, слайд 6)

Hop like a bunny                               Crawl like a snail
Slither like a snake                             Fly like a bird
Leap like a frog                                  Scamper like a squirrel
Run like a fox                                     Trot like a horse
Walk like an ape                                  Jump like a kangaroo
Walk like an elephant

10. Споем песню о Пасхе

At Easter time

The little flowers came through the ground
At Easter time, at Easter time
The pure white lily raised it’s cup
At Easter time, at Easter time.

They raised their heads  and looked around
At happy Easter time
The crocus to the sky looked up
At happy Easter time.

11. Радуница

– Easter week passed and  the Tuesday of the next week was marked as the day of remembrance. It was called “ radunitsa” from a Russian verb meaning  “to take care”.. It meant remembrance of near one’s, of one’s own family, so that the souls of ancestors  would not despite your generic line. People go to the cemeteries and lay food there.

12. Праздничное чаепитие

– Guests, teachers, pupils are drinking tea with  kuliches.