Дополнительный материал по теме "Western Democracies. Are They Democratic?"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель урока: развивать умение участвовать в коллективных формах общения, анализировать полученные сведения, закрепить умение использовать в речи модальный глагол “should”.

Познавательный аспект: знакомство с правами молодежи Британии.

Воспитательный аспект: формирование правовой культуры.

Учебный аспект: совершенствование навыков монологической речи, навыков употребления модального глагола “should”.

T: Today we are going to speak about age and the law. Your home task was to get acquainted with the age limit of doing different things in Britain and in Russia. So let’s start with the questions:

  1. What’s the school- leaving age in Britain ? in Russia?
  2. How old should one be to buy alcohol and cigarettes?
  3. When can one get a driving licence?
  4. At what age can one be prosecuted for a crime?
  5. How old should one be to join the army?
  6. At what age can one take a part-time job? a full-time job?
  7. How old should one be to be allowed to vote?
  8. What’s the minimum age for becoming an MP ?

T: So as you see Russia and Britain have the same age for voting. Many young people don’t think it’s fair. They would like to vote at an earlier age. But grown-ups disagree. Look through some opinions (“Speak Out”, 2\2000) and find “for” and ‘against” ones.

1. “The fact that we are young doesn’t mean that we don’t know what’s going on in this country. If we could express our opinions I think it would help the government to understand the situation better. They would be able to find a solution.” Sergey (Russia).
2. “We understand political issues just as well as adults. It would be good to have an MP in Parliament who represents children’s opinion.” Nathaniel (UK).
3.” You should have to be 18 to vote so that you can understand what it is about and that it is not just a joke.” Kim (USA).
4. “I believe that in order to vote, the voter should have to pass a written test no earlier than the age of 18. This will prevent idiots from voting for the wrong candidate.” Martin (USA).
5. “I believe that anything under the age of 18 is much too young. I’m 21, and I don’t even vote myself. So why should teenagers even want to vote? They’ve got other interests at this age: school, MTV, clothes, etc.” Marina (Russia).
6. “I think everyone should be allowed to vote, even kids. I say that because we are the future of this country, aren’t we? I also think that there should be a woman president. Our life would become better.” Tatyana ( Russia).
7. “I’m 15, but I work and pay taxes to the government. Why can’t I have my say in the running of that government?” Kellian (USA).
8. “Teens are vain, selfish and irresponsible. They should not be given the vote. It’s too much responsibility.” Paul (USA).
9.” If you are a kid and you watch and understand the debates and your parents can confirm that you should be allowed to vote.” Andy ( Canada).
10. “People under the age of 18 are too stupid to understand politics and things like that. They won’t be able to pick a proper candidate. Even adults are often at a loss. In fact, I think that the voting age should be raised to 21, because people at that age are more responsible.” Peter (UK).

T: And what do you think? Depending on your choice use “should or shouldn’t” in the following sentences:

1. The young… have their say in the running of the government.
2 There … be an MP in Parliament who represents children’s opinion.
3. Everyone … be allowed to vote, even kids.
4. The voting age … be raised to 21.
6. In order to vote the voter … pass a written test.
7. You … have to be 18 to vote.

Each of the students should choose one sentence out of 7.

T: So you see that we’ve got 2 groups having different opinions on the appropriate age of voting. Discuss the matter in your groups and give the reasons for your choice.

Here are some reasons given by the students:


1. We are the future of the nation.
2. We should be in the know of what’s going on in the country.
3. Adults should help us in choosing a proper candidate. At least it’ll make them notice us.


1. Voting at early age is dangerous for the country. It may lead to an unpredictable situation.
2. It’s not easy even for adults to make their choice.
3. Voting is not playing with the toys.
4. We don’t know the life. We should gain some experience.

T: We all should come to a certain conclusion. What do you think about it?

Students usually express such ideas:

1. We should learn voting at school.
2. Our school is a small country. We should have our school “parties” and a “government”.
3. Adults should help us.

T: The idea of having a school party is really good. Think of a programme for a school party.