Сценарий открытого урока в 4-м классе по теме "Hobbies". УМК Английский язык, авторы И.Н. Верещагина, О.В. Афанасьева

Разделы: Спорт в школе и здоровье детей

Цели и задачи:

Учебный аспект:

  • повторение и закрепление лексики по теме "Увлечения";
  • развитие навыков неподготовленной речи, формирование
  • коммуникативной культуры общения школьников, культуры
  • устных выступлений, формирование умения слушать.

Развивающий аспект:

  • развитие умения подготовки связного высказывания по теме,
  • самостоятельности, умения сотрудничать в группе.

Воспитательный аспект:

  • воспитывать умение внимательно слушать и слышать, уважать другое мнение.
  • поддерживать других и быть к ним благожелательным.

Оборудование: аудиокассета, учебник, рабочая тетрадь, рисунки, сделанные учениками, карточки с заданиями, рулетка.

Ход урока

Вступительное слово учителя.

Teacher: Good morning, dear children! Today we are going to speak about hobbies.

Речевая зарядка.

- Is your hobby music?

- Are you fond of reading books?

- Have you got a good library at home?

- What do you like best to read works of fiction or historical novels?

- Do you like to watch TV programmes?

- Are you good at sports?

- Is traveling (gardening) hobby?

- What are you interested in?

Работа в группах.

Teacher: you see any hobby can be useful. Now you will work in groups. Choose one the most interesting and useful hobby. You'll decide and discuss it all together, but only one pupil will prove it to me and other groups.

Учащиеся работают в группах по 3 - 4 человека. Каждой группе раздаются карточки (по одной карточке на каждую группу).

Карточка 1: gardening, singing, sport, drawing pictures.

Карточка 2: swimming, going to the cinema, watching TV, collecting badges.

Карточка 3: dancing, reading, playing football. [ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ]

От каждой группы заслушивается один человек, остальные могут ему помочь.

Примерный рассказ ученика:

Collecting stamps is useful because you will learn a lot of new things and our life becomes more interesting. It can teach us to develop our mind. The collectors often meet interesting people and make new friend. We think it's one of the most interesting and useful hobbies.

Прослушивание стихотворения " A Book."

Проведение игры " Всё под солнцем".

Now we shall play a game " Everything Under the Sun".

You will take turns to spin the arrow. Try and answer the questions where the arrow stops. If the answer is correct you can keep the card. If the answer is wrong you must put the card back. The one who gets the most cards is the winner.

Tasks on the cards

Name all kinds of films you know. Say which them you like the best and why.

Pretend you are a teacher. Let your classmates answer your questions about hobbies.

Name some hobbies people can have. Say a few words about each of them.

Choose and read aloud as quickly as you can the words on the topic ' Hobbies' (see textbook ex. 16 p. 303)

Think of some sentences using the words (tell, say).

These children are very little but they can do many things well Say how old they are and what they can do well (see ex. 7 p. 286)

Look at the picture and say what Adrian is fond of doing (a picture is on the blackboard).

Translate the text about Rosie's hobby (see work- book p. 54).

Say all you can about your hobby.

What is your hobby? Tell your classmates about it.

Find out if your friends are interested in playing with a pet (gardening, drawing).

Find out if your friends take part in sport competitions (concerts).

Play a memory game. Look at the pictures for a moment and name al the hobbies you can remember. ( see ex. 1 p. 307 )

Name all hobbies, people have.

The game is over. Let's sum it up. Those pupils who has more cards are winners. Get books. The first three prizes.

Homework: ex. 27 p. 301

Подведение итогов урока. Выставление оценок.
