Обобщающий урок–презентация английского языка в 11-м классе по теме "The upside down world"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Форма проведения урока: устный журнал с использованием презентации

Подготовительная работа: Заранее были обсуждены страницы журнала, и каждый ученик готовил определенный материал по выбранной странице. Всего 10 страниц.

Цели урока:

- Познавательный аспект: формирование у учащихся представления о менталитете и культуре народов Австралии;

- Учебный аспект: систематизация, обобщение и закрепление ранее пройденного материала об Австралии; совершенствование чтения (чтение с полным пониманием текста), совершенствование сформированных ранее навыков и умений в аудировании (аудирование с целью извлечения нужной информации), совершенствование навыков в монологической и диалогической речи;

- Развивающий аспект: развитие воображения, способности к распределению и переключению внимания, к сравнению и сопоставлению, к выявлению причиноследственных связей в тексте;

- Воспитательный аспект: воспитание потребности и способности понимать образ жизни других народов, уважительного отношения к Австралии.

Оборудование и оснащение урока:

  • Презентация.
  • Карты Сиднея для каждого ученика.
  • Аудиозапись текста для аудирования “Экскурсия по Сиднею”.
  • Контурные карты Австралии для каждого ученика.

План урока:

I. Организационный момент.

II. Подготовка к основному этапу: целеполагание, мотивация.

III. Основной этап.

Устный журнал об Австралии. Проекты учащихся.

  • Первая страница – Aborigines (монологическое высказывание) Контроль– вставить слова в текст
  • Вторая страница – The first European settlers (монологическое высказывание) Контроль - вспомнить исторические даты
  • Третья страница – 1) Australia as a continent 2) Australia as an island and 3) Australia as an independent country. (монологическое высказывание) Самоконтроль – расположить столицы штатов и территорий на карте. Исправить неверное утверждение.
  • Четвертая страница - Symbols in Australia (монологическое высказывание)
  • Пятая страница – Australian English (монологическое высказывание) Контроль–. Язык аборигенов – перевод на русский язык.
  • Шестая страница - Australia’s people are city dwellers . По описанию узнай город. Australia’s cities (монологическое высказывание). Аудирование “Экскурсия по Сиднею”. Самоконтроль – пронумеровать места посещения по порядку по тексту на карте города.
  • Седьмая страница - The land where birds, run instead of flying and animals hopped instead of running (монологическое высказывание) Контроль – выбери животное, которое живет только в Австралии.
  • Восьмая страница - Культура аборигенов. Австралия сегодня Australia was once considered a cultural desert. How has it changed? (монологическое высказывание)
  • Девятая страница – Australians also love sports (монологическое высказывание)
  • Деcятая страница – Ролевая игра. Представьте, что вы беседуете с человеком только что приехавшим из Австралии. Какие вопросы вы бы задали. Вопросы задаются спонтанно самому сильному ученику.

VI. Подведение итогов. Рефлексия

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент.

Teacher (T): Morning, children! I’m glad to see you. Is everybody on time? Is anybody absent today?

Pupil (P): Nobody is absent.

II. Подготовка к основному этапу: целеполагание, мотивация.

T: Today some guests are present at our lesson, welcome them. We are going to present а magazine about Australia. There will be nine pages. They will help you to remember everything we have learnt about this unusual country – its geographical peculiarities, the influence of geography on Australian people and their lifestyles, the Australians personality traits and some interesting facts about the country. Let’s begin our presentation “THE UPSIDE DOWN WORLD”

Слайд 1-3

T: Australia is called “the upside down world”. Why?

P1: Australia is on the other side of the world. It is an upside down world for us. New Year is in the middle of summer, the middle of winter is in June. Hot winds blow from the north and cold blow from the south.

T: What do you associate Australia with?

Слайд 4

Country, island, continent, aborigines, dingo, kangaroo, Sydney, Tasmania, Olympic Games 2000, the beaches, oceans, the southern hemisphere

III. Основной этап.

1. T: Aboriginal means first inhabitant. Some Aborigines live in the hot dry desert near the middle of Australia. What do you know about them?

P1: The Aboriginal peoples had survived in Australia’s harsh environment for more than 50,000 years before the first Europeans arrived in 1788.They were mostly nomads. The men hunted while the women collected fruit and roots. They lived in small family groups of 10 to 50 people, each with its own language or dialect. In this vast land of over 7,5million square kilometers, there were only about 300,000 people, divided into some 600 tribes.

With only wood and stone tools, the Aborigines were experts at surviving in different climates and conditions, from snowy mountains to tropical rain forests. The desert tribes accustomed to extreme heat and drought, knew how to find every water hole and edible plant. Forest tribes lit bush fires to clear the undergrowth and make hunting animals easier.

a) T: Complete the text with the words from the box. (см. Приложение 1)

Слайды 6-18

2. T: Who were the first European settlers? Why was their life in Australia difficult?

Слайды 19-20

P2: The Dutch were the first Europeans to see Australia, in the early seventeenth century, but they found no opportunities to settle or trade. English explorer James Cook landed in Botany Bay, near Sydney 160 years later in 1700.

He named it New South Wales and claimed it for Britain. .

In the1788, a fleet of 11 ships, with 751 convicts and 211 soldiers, arrived in what is now Sydney. These first settlers were greeted by the Aborigines. There were an estimated 300,000 Aborigines living in Australia at that time. At first, the relations between colonists and Aborigines were good, but not for long. Tribes were driven away from their lands, hunted and killed. In Tasmania they were wiped out completely. The soldiers and convicts did not have skills to farm the poor soil near the settlement, or even to catch enough fish. They depend on occasional ships from Cape Town (South Africa) for supplies. Conditions improved when the colonists opened up better land behind Sydney.

a) T: Plot the events of Australia’s history on a timeline. (см. Приложение 1)

Слайды 21-27

b) T: Think of another country with a similar history – British settlement, natives already there, a gold rush. (см. Приложение 1)

3. T: Nowadays when people speak of Australia they can mean three things: 1) Australia as a continent 2) Australia as an island and 3) Australia as an independent country.

Слайды 28-29

P3: Australia is situated south of Asia, between the Pacific and the Indian Oceans. Australia is the world’s largest island and its smallest continent. Australia is the oldest continent and it is the world’s driest continent too. Australia is also the flattest continent after Antarctica. Huge areas of land are so dry that they are uninhabited. There are three deserts there- the Great Sandy Desert, the Great Victoria Desert and the Gibson Desert, situated between them. Most of the people live on narrow coasts of the east and south-east. Main cities, where people live among tall office buildings, automobile plants and busy factories, are also situated there.

In the north-east tropical forests cover the coast. In the mountains of the south-east the snow lies for seven months of the year.

Australia has the largest coral reef in the world. It is called the Great Barrier Reef.

The continent of Australia, the island of Tasmania and a number of smaller islands form the Commonwealth of Australia.

The Commonwealth of Australia is divided into six states and two territories. (см. Приложение 1)

Слайд 30

a) T: Locate the cities on the map. (см. Приложение 2)

Слайд 31-32

Adelaide, Brisbane, Canberra, Darwin, Hobart, Pert, Sydney, Melbourne

b) T: Say true or false. If false, correct this statement. (см. Приложение 1)

Слайды 33-34

4. T: Every country has its own symbols. What can you say about symbols in Australia?

Слайд 35

P4: Australian national flag consists of five white stars of the so-called Southern Cross and the white Commonwealth star on a blue background with a Union Jack in canton.

The small Union Jack represents the historical link with Britain, the large seven-pointed star represents States and Territories and the small stars form the ,,Southern Cross,,-a prominent feature of the Southern Hemisphere/s night sky. The flag of Australia is the only one to fly over the whole continent.

Australian endemic flora and fauna are reflected in the country’s coat-of- arms by the symbols of Australia/s animals and plants; kangaroo and emus and a twig of wattle. The platypus and kookaburra the symbol of New South Wales; koala is the symbol of Queensland and the black swan symbolizes Western Australia.

Australia officially adopted green and gold as its national colors in 1984.

T: What is Australia’s official language?

Слайд 36

P7: English.

5. T: What makes Australian English different from other English’s of the world?

P5: Much of Australia’s colorful slang dates back to the early days of convicts and settlers. Migrants from London brought their rhyming slang, which they adapted to their new surrounding. The strong Irish connection shows in many Australian idioms, and in the folk song style of early bush ballads.

Like the people, Australian English is friendly, informal and has its own, distinctive accent.

,,Day,, is pronounced ,,die,,, and ,,die,, is ,,doi,,. Nicknames, idioms and slang are common. For example a ,,pom,, is a British person. The settlers borrowed from Aborigines a great number of words and expressions, particularly in describing the flora and fauna.

a) T: Look at some Australian slang and phrases explained in Basic English.   (см. Приложение 1)

Слайд 37

6. T: Australia’s people are city dwellers.

a) Read the description of the cities and tell what cities are described. (см. Приложение 3)

Слайд 38-41

b): Describe the cities.

Слайды 42-46

P6 : Less then one third of the inhabitants of the country live outside cities and towns which are continuing to grow. More and more of Australia’s people are moving away from rural areas into the towns and cities. Most important among them are; Adelaide, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth, Sydney.

Sydney and Melbourne are the fourth and fifth largest cities in the Southern Hemisphere. Sydney and Melbourne have more than three million inhabitants. Both Sydney and Melbourne are modern seaports. Sydney has one of the world/s finest natural harbors. These cities have many enterprises of heavy and light industry producing goods for local consumption. Their principal goods for export are wool, meat, hides and wheat. (см. Приложение 3)

T: Why the capital of Australia is located in Canberra instead of Sydney or Melbourne?

Слайд 47

P1: There was a long-running debate about this. Both Sydney and Melbourne wanted to be the nation/s capital. Instead of continuing the debate, a decision was made to create a new city for the national capital.

c) T: A tour representative is telling his group about the places they will be visiting in Sydney. Look carefully at the map and the places marked on it. (см. Приложение 5)

As you listen, number the places on the map the party (group) are going to see. The first one has been done for you. Be careful. There is one place the party (group) will not be visiting.

Слайды 48-49

Текст для аудирования (см. Приложение 4)

7. T: The land where birds, run instead of flying and animals hopped instead of running.

Слайды 50-52

P7: It is interesting to notice that though most of the territory is too dry or too hot Australia has an extraordinary collection of birds and animals. Many of them are found only there.

As a continent 4000km across and 3750km from north to south, Australia has an amazing array of environments and wildlife. There are 530 native species of bird, 230 types of mammal, 300 species of lizard, 140 types of snake and two types of crocodile. Not all these animals are harmless. There are several species of poisonous spider and many venomous snakes. Sharks, poisonous jelly fish, stingrays, blue ringed octopuses and salt water crocodiles are dangerous companions to swimmers.

Слайды 53-57

T: Australia has its own unique fauna. Select the names of the animals, which can be found  only in Australia. (см. Приложение 3)

Слайды 58-64

8. T: The Aborigines have an extremely rich tradition of legends. They are chanted around campfires with the accompaniment of musical instruments such as the didgeridoo and clapsticks. According to their beliefs, the landscape and all forms of life in it were created by their spirit ancestors in the Dreamtime, when the earth was newly formed. Everyone is descended from one of these spirits. Some were human, and others animal. Stories from the Dreamtime are depicted in cave paintings all over Australia.

Australia was once considered a cultural desert. How has it changed?

Слайды 65-72

P8: The British used to sneer that Australia was a cultural desert. Now Australia is famous for its buildings, literature and films.

The Sydney Opera House took 20 years to build and has become as much a symbol of Australia as the Eiffel Tower is of France. Its sail-shaped roof echoes the billowing sails of the yachts on the Harbor. It attracts the world’s finest opera singers, including Australia/s own Dame Joan Sutherland.

There is a friendly rivalry between Sydney and Melbourne, which regards itself as the cultural capital of Australia, its arts centre, galleries and music festivals. Sydney-siders think their arts and drama are more modern and adventurous. The Adelaide Festivals of Arts features international performers in music, poetry and literature.

Popular annual festivals are held in all major cities. Small country towns have some mad events, like goat racing.

9. T: Australians also love sports

Слайды 73-78

Sport is central to Australlias culture, mass media and entertainment. Every town and suburb has tennis courts, allowing over half a million people to play competitively. The Australian Open, which is held in Melbourne, is one of the four Grand Slam events of international tennis. Golf clubs in Australia offer world-standard courses. Golf is played all year round and is affordable to all.

Other popular sports include cricket, hockey, squash, horse-riding and bush walking. The sport that arouses the most passion in winter is football - all four types of it: soccer, Rugby Union, Rugby League and Australian rules (a game played only in Australia).

Most Australians live near the coast, so there is great interest in water sports like scuba diving, water skiing, surfing, swimming and sailing.

Sydney is host to the 2000 Olympic Games. Huge celebrations are being held to mark the millennium and the Games.

10. T: Imagine that you are speaking with the person who has just come back from Australia. What questions would you like to ask? (см. Приложение 4)

Слайды 79

T: No matter how far from Europe Australia can be, many people, who are fond of traveling would like to visit this land, because it is such an extraordinary place to explore.

P1, P2, P3

Слайды 80-84

T: Ancient and modern, green and clean, harmony and diversity, dangerous and involving all this – Australia. Welcome!

VI. Подведение итогов.

T: You have done a lot today. I appreciate your work very much. Your answers were up to the mark (Выставление оценок). Thanks for the lesson. I hope you’ve enjoyed it. Good-bye.

Home task: Imagine you and a friend are visiting Australia. Unfortunately, you can only spend one day in Sydney. Time will only allow you to see three of the places. Decide which you would visit and why.

Слайд 85
