Интегрированный урок английского языка и информатики в 9-м классе "Разработка презентаций о семье на английском языке средствами PoverPoint"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Тип урока (английский язык): обобщающий урок.

Тип урока (информатика): получение новых знаний.

Вид урока: урок-презентация.

Цель урока: развивать творческую активность детей, разнообразить и внедрить новые методы работы при обучении английскому языку и информатике.

Задачи урока:

1. Расширить и закрепить языковые знания и навыки, а именно: лексическую сторону речи, презентационные навыки и коммуникативные умения.

2. Формировать умение делать презентацию.

3. Научить учащихся вставлять картинки и анимировать их.

4. Воспитывать любовь к семье и обществу.

Оборудование: проектные работы, компьютер, интерактивная доска, медиапроектор, раздаточный материал.

Ход урока

1. Beginning.

Good morning dear friends. Take your sits, please. Today some guests are present at our lesson. I`m happy to greet you on behalf of all my pupils.

Приветствую Вас дорогие гости и учащиеся.

2. Warm-up.

1). Today we`ll speak about families. I hope that all of you will work with great pleasure.

Сегодня мы научимся вставлять картинки и анимировать их.

Match the proverbs with their explanations. Then interpret the proverbs.

1. It runs in the family.

2. Your own flesh and blood.

3. Blood is thicker than water.

a) a member of your family, no matter what

b) an ability or talent that is passed on through the generations

c) family ties are stronger than any others, despite arguments

3. Follow-up.

1). Young ladies and gentlemen, it`s time to present your own projects about your families, I think the homework, researching the history of ancestors, was very interesting for the whole family. We are ready to listen to you and watch the exhibition and choose the best one. Who will be the first?

Stories from the past were very fascinating and stunning.

But which project is the best?

2). On the blackboard you can see a family tree with your family photos.

We`ve got a very big family with strong roots.

Every family where everyone is responsible for its comfort, success in work, health and good spirit must be a strong unit. We ought not to forget that we are members of society and family is the most important thing for each of us.

I suppose my partner is very tired of doing nothing. Let`s work with a computer for a while.

3). Рисунки на слайдах.

Рисунок для слайда можно создать с помощью графического редактора, а затем поместить на слайд командой Вставка – Рисунок – Из файла…

Так же можно воспользоваться коллекцией рисунков, которая имеется в Microsoft Office. Рисунки из коллекции добавляют с помощью команды Вставка – Рисунок – Картинки…

В области задач в строке Искать вводим название рисунка и щелкаем на кнопку Начать. В поле появятся различные картинки. Картинка вставляется на слайд с помощью щелчка мыши на выбранном объекте. Вставленный объект можно изменять в размерах, перетаскивать, изменять настройки.

Задание: В первый слайд вставьте 2 рисунка из папки, где находится ваша презентация, Компьютер и Учитель. Установите рядом друг к другу, изменив размеры.

4). Анимация рисунков.

Любой объект, находящийся на слайде, можно заставить возникнуть на экране необычно: проявиться на экране, вылететь сбоку, развернуться до заданного размера, уменьшиться, вспыхнуть, вращаться и так далее. Текст может появиться целиком, по словам или даже по отдельным буквам.

Для установки значений параметров анимации объекта его необходимо выделить, а затем в контекстном меню выбрать пункт Настройка анимации.

В области задач в кладке Эффекты можно установить тип анимационного процесса при появлении, выделении, выходе объекта.

Ниже в области задач настраиваете направление и скорость анимации объекта.

Задание: Для двух вставленных рисунков установите различные анимационные эффекты.

5). Let`s have a rest. Stand up, hands up, hands down, sit down.

6). Now we shall have a competition between two teams. The guests will be our jury. You are the first team and you are the second.

You must create your own presentations using “Power Point”. You can choose one of the following issues:

“Families and friends”

“Exploring families”

“What makes a family happy?”

“Family disagreements”.

How to prepare for a presentation effectively.

1. Explore the issue.

Sometimes the issues teachers introduce to you can seem very broad. So think about the issue as a whole and identify its significant parts. It`s best to choose a concrete aspect of a broad issue so that is easier to deal with.

2. Think about what you already know.

What do you already know about the issue? Include both what you have actually learned from this section and from other subjects. You may feel that you don`t know enough about your topic but that is the challenge!

3. Choose a topic for your talk and write it in your own words.

Choose your topic carefully. Not only should it be motivating for you, but also interesting to your classmates!

4. List the things you need to know to give your talk.

Make a plan for your presentation to help you explore the issue you have chosen. You will have to gather information and learn new concepts, information, or skills as you start to prepare.

5. Do research and gather necessary information.

Research the knowledge and data that will help you to prepare your talk. Look for different possible resources – talk to your teachers, read books, surf websites, etc. Be selective, don`t get overloaded with information.

6. Prepare your talk.

Revise the information you have found. Process the information, analyse and organize it and write down detailed notes to support your talk. Don`t write long pieces of text: always think about the length of time you have to talk!

7. Presenting and defending your findings.

Now you will need to present your findings and conclusions to your classmates.

State clearly both the topic and your findings.

Present your talk going from one main point to another in a logical way.

Help others learn, as you have learned!

If your classmates have a question and you have an answer, present it clearly.

If you don`t have an answer, acknowledge it and refer it for more consideration.

8. Review your performance.

Take pride in what you have done well, and learn from what you have not done well. Thomas Edison took pride in unsuccessful experiments as part of his journey to success!

How to give a perfect presentation.


  1. Think about the organization of your presentation.
  2. It should contain an introduction, a main body and an ending.
  3. Make your presentation whole and logical by using linking words and phrases.

Body language

  1. Show your enthusiasm about what you want to say.
  2. Think about your posture, hands, movements and facial expressions before you start presenting.
  3. Establish and keep eye contact with the audience and be natural while speaking.


  1. Speak so that you can be heard in every corner of the room.
  2. Pay attention to your pronunciation. Articulate sounds and words clearly.


  1. Try to stay within the time limit.


  1. Be careful with your choice of words. Think about the register of your presentation and your style.
  2. Try to speak without long pauses.
  3. Avoid making grammatical mistakes!

Visual aids

1. Use different kinds of visuals – schemes, tables, charts, pictures and posters – to help the audience understand your message.

7). The first team comes to the blackboard to present your work. We give the floor to the second team.

8). We give a word to our jury. Welcome, please.

4). Rounding-off.

I enjoyed your work at the lesson. Your marks are…

Open your diaries and write down your homework.

Analyze your presentations: what is good and what is not.

Домашнее задание: повторите пройденный материал.

Stand up. Our lesson is over I wish you to enjoy the coming holidays. See you. Goodbye!

Спасибо за внимание. На этом урок наш закончен. До свидания.