Открытый урок-обобщение по теме "Климат". Учебник Верещагина И.Н. (VI)

Разделы: Иностранные языки


  • Повторить установочные словосочетания по теме: "Климат".
  • Развитие диалогической, монологической речи и навыков чтения.


  • Работа с опорой на текст.
  • Активизация и обобщение лексических единиц по теме: "Климат".
  • Проконтролировать практическое владение изученного материала.

Ход урока

Организационный момент.

- Good morning, children! Today we continue our work with the topic "Climate". But firstly tell me please what the weather is today.

(Учащиеся описывают погоду. Используется методика снежный ком.)

- P.

- At home I asked you to make up some dialogues about the weather in winter, spring, summer and autumn.

(Учащиеся рассказывают диалоги о погоде, которые подготовили дома.)

- P.

-Are weather forecasts important for people? How do you think?

- P.

- Very good. Thank you.

- And now let's listen to some weather forecasts and then we'll decide.

- P.

(Учащиеся выступают с сообщениями с использованием активной лексики).

- So, are they important?

- P.

- Right you are. Thank you.

- And now let's read the text (Ex. 17, p. 27-28)

(Учащиеся читают текст учебника).

После прочтения текста учащимся предлагается выполнить задания.

- Now let's do some tasks to the text.

Задание 1.

Translate into English:

  1. Важное влияние.
  2. В разных частях света.
  3. Мягкий.
  4. Планета.
  5. Летние и зимние температуры.
  6. Действительно ужасно.
  7. Тайга.
  8. Особенно.
  9. Из-за.
  10. Парниковый эффект.
  11. Углекислый газ.

- And now let's answer the questions playing the game. One of you is a teacher, the others are pupils.

(Один из учащихся задаёт вопросы по теме урока, остальные дают краткие или полные ответы)

- Now let's listen to some reports on the following topics:

1) The greenhouse effect.

2) Possible results of the greenhouse effect.

3) The role of plants on the planet.

4) Climate changes and their effect.

- And in the end of our lesson let's listen to the report about the seasons of the year.

Home task.

Материалы урока представлены в приложении 1.

3. Проверка понимания прочитанного и развитие устной речи на базе прочитанного.

1. Say it in English (см. приложение 1).

  1. забавная маленькая обезьяна
  2. зоопарк
  3. посмотреть на :
  4. взять мяч
  5. подпрыгнуть
  6. умная обезьяна
  7. вкусный
  8. закрыть глаза
  9. дать немного еды
  10. начинать
  11. наконец
  12. объявление
  13. возле дворца
  14. работа
  15. чистильщик бананов
  16. большая корзина
  17. показывать

2. Say it in Russian (см. приложение 1).

  1. one morning
  2. He wanted to show her his tricks.
  3. my best tricks
  4. to be happy
  5. to be sad
  6. to start running
  7. crazy
  8. to run on and on
  9. the guard's cap
  10. That's very nice of you.
  11. again
  12. to peel bananas
  13. The big basket was empty.
  14. funny tricks
  15. to jump up and down
  16. to show
  17. He can eat as many bananas as he wants.

3. Answer the questions (см. приложение 1).

  1. Who is Guy?
  2. Where does he live?
  3. Who came to the Zoo one day?
  4. Did Guy like the Princes?
  5. Was Princess Elizabeth beautiful?
  6. What tricks does Guy show the Princess?
  7. Did the Princess like the tricks?
  8. What did the Princess give to Guy?
  9. Where does Guy run from the Zoo?
  10. What does Guy see near the palace?
  11. What does he do to come into the palace?
  12. What job did Guy get in the palace?

- Now let's divide into two groups. In the book you can find two pictures (p. 24 and p. 29). You must find a dialogue to these pictures and dramatize it. And then we'll check them.

- Now let's listen to your dialogues. Good.

- And now let's repeat our two tenses and do some tasks to the text.

1. Find in the text sentences with the Present Indefinite Tense and the Past Indefinite Tense.

2. Make up sentences with the words:

  1. monkey, a, funny, was, Guy, little.
  2. Zoo, the, to, Princess, the, came.
  3. Guy, tricks, the, showed, best, Princess, his.
  4. a, the, gave, banana, Guy, Princess.
  5. away, Princess, went, the.
  6. monkey, to, the, to, food, the, zookeeper, give, came.
  7. Elizabeth, Guy, to, again, see, wanted, Princess.

3. Find mistakes in the following sentences (жирным шрифтом выделены ошибки).

  1. He is lives in the Zoo.
  2. He was wanted to see the Princess.
  3. He open the door.
  4. She not gave the banana.
  5. He rans on and on.
  6. I wants to be a banana - peeler.
  7. Guy begun to peel bananas.
  8. Guy starteds to run.

4. Now let's do the test.

  • Guy is a little :

a) boy

b) girl

c) monkey

  • Guy lived in the :




  • The monkey liked the Princess and he wanted to :


show her tricks


  • The Princess liked the tricks and she gave Guy a :




  • Near the palace Guy saw a big :




  • Guy wanted to be a :




4. Home task.