Обобщающий урок по теме "How different the world is!" "Как разнообразен мир с применением мультимедиа"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели урока:

  1. Познавательный аспект: Дополнительно познакомить учащихся с географическими особенностями стран изучаемого языка: США, Канады, Австралии, Великобритании и Новой Зеландии. Развивать умение извлекать информацию из услышанного;
  2. Воспитательный аспект: Воспитание уважительного отношения к другой культуре, более глубокое осознание своей культуры через контекст культуры англоязычных стран;
  3. Развивающий аспект: Развитие способности к догадке;
  4. Учебный аспект:
  • Практиковать в монологическом высказывании; Развивать умение высказываться целостно;
  • Активизировать лексические навыки говорения, сформированные на предыдущих уроках на базе материала о родном крае
  • Контроль уровня сформированности знаний и речевых умений.

Оборудование: Урок с применением мультимедиа. Бейджики с именами иностранных гостей. Флаги стран изучаемого языка.

  1. Начало урока:

Good morning, everybody! Sit down, please. Boys and girls! We have today a lot of guests. They are teachers from different schools of our district Zaigraevo. I would like you to stand up and come to them. Please, ask them some questions about their names, places of life and their work.

(Задают вопросы: What is your name? Where are you from? At what school do you work? What subject do you teach?) All right, sit down, please.

Знакомлю с задачами урока: And now we will see what we will do at the lesson. (Задание на слайде. Презентацию можно взять у автора).

At the lesson:

  1. Our guests from English-speaking countries tell us about their countries. Let’s listen to them and ask questions.
  2. What can we tell them about our region – the Republic of Buryatia.
  3. Do we know about our republic a lot? Writing test.
  1. Новый материал.
  1. Слушаем информацию о национальных парках США. Our guest from the USA is telling us something interesting.

(К экрану выходит мальчик, представляет себя и рассказывает: На экране карта США)

My name is Howard Smith. I am from the USA. I love nature. My hobby is collecting information about national parks of our country. There are many national parks in the USA. They all are protected by state. I would like to tell you about some of them.

  • The Grand Canyon National Parк:

The Grand Canyon in Arizona is one of the true natural wonders of the world. It makes up the most of the Grand Canyon National Park and million of tourists visit it every year.

The Grand Canyon is over 320 km long and up to 6 km deep. The top and the bottom of the canyon have very different weather and vegetation. In fact, going from the top to the bottom is somewhat like going from Canada to Mexico.

There are signs that people lived there 4,000,000 years ago.

  • The Yellowstone National Parк:

The Yellowstone National Park is the first and the oldest national park in the USA. It is famous for its geysers and hot springs. The most famous geyser is called “Old Faithful” because it is one of the geysers that shoots regularly - once every 75 minutes.

  • The Redwood National Park

The Redwood National Park in California is home of the oldest trees in the world.


One of them, called General Sherman, is more than 3,000,000years old. It is about 84 meters tall.

  • The Saguaro National Park

The Saguaro National Park in Arizona is the only place in the USA where you can find the magnificent saguaro cactus.

This cactus is one of the slowest-growing plants – it takes 75 years before it even grows its first branch.

  • Alaska’s Glacier Bay National Park

In Alaska’s Glacier Bay National Park it is easy to imagine what our planet looked like at the end of the Ice Age .There are lots of glaciers (ледников) there - and they are still moving!

  • The Hawaii Volcanoes National Park


The Hawaii Volcanoes National Park has 2 of the world’ most active volcanoes. You can hike on lava trails or you can take a photo of real flowing lava.

Ученик делает заключение: There are many other amazing parks in the USA. If you come to us, you can see some of them.

Учитель: Was the information interesting? Let’s ask questions to him.

(Вопросы могут быть разными, например: Could you tell me, why the USA a land of physical contrasts is called? Do people often visit these parks? How many parks have you visited? What kind of fruit are grown in the USA? И т.д.)

  1. Слушаем информацию о коренных жителях Канады. Let’s listen a girl from Canada.

Она становится у карты и начинает свой рассказ. (Карта страны):

My name is Jane Emudluk. I live in Canada. I am Canada’s inuit.

  • Inuit – другое название эскимосов, так называли людей, которые ели сырое мясо.
  • Nunavut – Нунавут, название территории, где живут инуиты.
  • Inuktitut – инуктитут, родной язык инуитов.

The Inuit used to be called “Eskimos”, which means “eaters of raw meat”, but they prefer “Inuit”, because it means “ the people”.

We called our new territory Nunavut because it means “our land” in Inuktitut, our native language. We live in extreme conditions in winter, it is dark 24 hours a day, and the temperature can drop to -50 grades below 0. In summer it is light 24 hours a day! The Inuit have lived in this frozen region of tundra, icy lakes and Arctic islands for thousands of years. Their ancestors came here from Siberia perhaps 30,000 years ago. It is hard to believe but just 50 years ago the Inuit were nomads. They depended on hunting and fishing and moved from place to place as hunting seasons changed. Today we lived in houses and worked in offices and factories. Young people wear western clothes, eat fast food and listen to rock music.

But some Inuit, however, continue to live as hunters and fishermen. They wear their traditional clothes and eat their traditional food.

Now the Inuit live in houses but they still make igloos (хижины из затвердевшего снега) when they go hunting.

Only 6,200Inuit live in Iqaluit (Икалуит), the capital of Nunavut. Iqaluit’s parliament building is designed like an igloo. (Хижина из затвердевшего снега). Inuit teens still play their traditional games but they also do the same things you probably do for fun.

The Inuit women are famous for their throat-singing (горловое пение).

The Inukshuk (инукшук) is perhaps the most famous symbol of the Inuit. These markers were used to help travellers and hunters not to get lost. You can see an Inukshuk on the flag of Nunavut.

Учитель: Thank you very much. Задаю вопрос классу: Did you like this story? Please, your questions to our guest. (Вопросы могут быть следующие: How much is the territory of Nunavut? Do the Inuit live only in Nunavut? What can you say about the Niagara Falls? How many Inuit live in Canada? And so on…)

  1. Let’s listen the girl from Australia.

Hello, boys and girls! My name is Nicole Gibson. I am from Australia. Australia is the only country that has a whole continent to itself!

The best time to see it is at the end of the day, when its color changes from yellow to gold, red and then purple.

Учитель: The information was very interesting, was not it? Please, try to ask questions! (What is the another name of Australia? Is Tasmania a part of this country? Is the dingo very dangerous? What is Australia’s agriculture famous for? and so on…)

  1. The next pupil will report us about the UK.

Let me introduce myself. I am Jock Macmillian. I am from Scotland. I live in the Highlands. They are in the north of Scotland. This is a region of mountains and rivers, small towns and villages. I am a Highlander. And the Highlanders are fond of Highland Games, that is why I want to tell you about them.



In the hammer throw (метание молота), athletes throw a Scottish hammer.



That is all what I would like to tell you about Highlands Games shortly. I hope you will like these events very much if you visit our country sometime.

Учитель: Have you learned a lot about Scotland events? Let’s ask some question to Jock. (You have told that Scotland is a country of mountains. How is the highest peak of Scotland called? What is the most popular place for tourists in Scotland? What about Lock Ness? And so on….)

  1. The last English-speaking country is New Zealand.

Выходит девочка: Hello, boys and girls! My name is Jane. I live in New Zealand.




Wellington is the capital of New Zealand. I live here and I am inviting you to us. Welcome and you see that the Earth is an amazingly living constantly changing place.

Учитель: I think New Zealand is a wonderful country, is not it? And now ask your questions, please. (I would like to know how this country got its present name? How many people live in this country? What is the national emblem of New Zealand? What trees are typical of New Zealand?)

  1. Физкультминутка.
  2. Повторение домашнего задания.

На экране пословица “There is no place like home.” This proverb means that there are many wonderful places in the world but the place where you live where you were born is the best. That is why we will speak about Buryatia now.

The Republic of Buryatia.

Карта. (У карты ученик. Он начинает рассказ…)

East of Baikаl is the Republic of Buryatia which is a Siberian land. Buryatia occupies a great territory of Eastern Siberia. Its territory =351,300 square km.

The population = 1,056,000 people. It is more than a quarter larger than New Zealand in area. The northwestern borderline stretches along the shore of Lake Baikal. The republic borders on Mongolia, Sakha- Yakutia, the republic of Tuva,the Irkutsk region and the Chita region.

Buryatia is rich in mountains and boundless steppes, thick forests and quiet lakes, rapid mountain rivers with crystal clear icy water and, of course, world famous Lake Baikal. The mountains are rich in minerals. Almost the whole set of elements in the Mendeleyev table is to be found there.

(Go to your place, Tanya. Please, go on, Pasha)

The taiga is a nice coniferous forest. It covers about 60 % of the whole territory. There are a great variety of trees in it: pine, cedar, fur, birch, aspen, bird cherry and alpine rose.

The taiga is rich in fur-bearing animals. For example, bear, wolf, sable, fox, squirrel, mink, etc.

All the rivers run into Baikal except the Angara. Only the Selenga is navigable. (Pasha, thank you for this information. Roma, What can you tell us about Buryatia?)

The frosts in snowy winters are severely cold. The summers are short and hot with few rainy days. So they say Buryatia is sunny. It is a second Switzerland.

The native people of Buryatia are Buryats.


The capital of our region is Ulan-Ude. Thanks for you work. Take your place. Let’s write a multiple-choice test.

Test yourself. How well do you know Buryatia?

1… is the Republic of Buryatia which is a Siberian land.

a) north of Baikal
b) south of Baikal
c) east of Baikal

2. Buryatia occupies a great territory of…

a) Eastern Siberia
b) Western Siberia
c) Southern Siberia

3. The population of Buryatia is …

a) 351,000people
b) 1,056,000people
c) 1,036,000 people

4. … stretches along the shore of Lake Baikal.

a) the northeastern borderline
b) the northwestern borderline
c) the southwestern borderline

5. The republic borders on Mongolia …

a) in the north
b) in the west
c) in the south

6. … elements in the Mendeleyev table are to be found here.

a) only six
b) some
c) almost the whole set of

7. The taiga is rich in…

a) domestic animals
b) fur- bearing animals
c) farm animals

8. The lowest steppes are … above sea level.

a) 500 meters
b) 300 meters
c) 800 meters

9. All the rivers run into Baikal except …

a) the Angara
b) the Selenga
c) the Uda

10. Only … is navigable in summer and early in autumn.

a) the Angara
b) the Barguzin
c) the Selenga

11. Buryatia is a second …

a) Germany
b) Switzerland
c) Scotland

12. The water of Baikal is…

a) too dark
b) amazingly clear
c) poisonous

13. The centre of Buddhism in Russia is situated in the territory of Buryatia in….

a) Kizhinginsk Datsan
b) Eravninsk Datsan
c) Ivolginsk Datsan


  • 1-c;

  • 2-a;

  • 3-b;

  • 4-b;

  • 5-c;

  • 6-c;

  • 7-b;

  •  8 -a

  • 9-a

  • 10-c

  • 11-b

  • 12-b

  • 13-c

  1. Итоги урока:

  1. Your homework: P.324 Ex.3.1.

  2. Your work was good. I am satisfied with them. You have got much new information about English-speaking countries. You have repeated all material about your region. And you have written a control test.