Использование интернет-технологий на уроке английского языка в ситуации углубленного изучения

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель: научить учащихся использовать мультимедийные и компьютерные технологии на уроке английского языка.


  • аудирование аутентичного материала "Henry and Harley" и выполнить упражнения (чтение, вопросы, пересказ);
  • закрепление лексики по теме "America, the USA";
  • повторение грамматического и лексического материала в форме игр "Irregular verbs"(неправильные глаголы - 3 формы), "Dino Spell"(правописание слов), "Fruit Game"(лексика по темам Части тела и Фрукты).

Ход урока

1. Greetengs. Warming up.

T: Hello, kids. How are you today? I think, you are ready to begin our work. Today, we are going to travell to to the USA. At first, we'll watch a well-known American cartoon "The country mouse and the town mouse" and our computer program is named "Henry and Harley". Then, we'll play different games: grammar and spelling. We'll answer interesting questions about the USA. Now, I'd like to enjoy watching a little part of the cartoon "Henry and Harley".

Now, ask questions to each other upon this film.

P1: Who lived in a peaceful village?

Р2: Harley lived in a peaceful village.

P3: Where did Henry live?

Р4: Henry lived in a big city.

P5: Who came to the village one day?

Р6: Henry came to the village one day.

P7: What did Henry want to do?

Р8: Henry wanted to pat a visit Harley.

P9: What did Henry see after arriving the village?

Р10: Henry saw nothing but many rice fields.

P11: What kind of place was the village?

P12: The village was borring.

P13: How did Harley treat his cousin? What kind of food was there on the table?

P14: The food was distatestful.

P15: Did Henry begin to tell about the city? Whar things did Henry begin to tell Harley?

Р16: Henry began to tell the fancy things about the city.

T: Ok, let's make up the retelling of this film.

P1-P12: In a little village there lived a little mouse named Harley. He has never left the village before. One day, his cousin henry came to visit him. Henry wanted to pay a visit Harley. Henry lived in a big city and he wanted Harley to pay a visit him. After arriving at Harley's home, Henry saw nothing but rice fields. Henry realized how simple and boring this place was. He was disappointed. The food looked very distatestful. Henry started to tell about the fancy things in the city.

T: I want you (N) to retell this story from the very beginning. Well done!

2. Закрепление лексики по теме "Америка".

T: Well, the next thing we'll do - learning some interesting facts about the USA. Let's read and translate them one by one. (USA-presentation) (Приложение 1), (Приложение 2).

T: Let's have a rest. (exercise)

Up, down, up, down,

Which is the way to London Town?

Where, Where. Up in the air, Close your eyes and you are there.

3. Повторение ранее пройденной лексики.

T: We'll have some fun. We are in the USA and play a game. Are you fong od games?

Ps: Yes, of course.

T: The first game is Verbs-puzzle. You must print the right forms of different verbs and after that you'll see a very interesting picture. (The Tower of London) (Приложение 3).

T: The next game - Dino Spell. You'll repeat the spelling of different words and do exercises that Dino will tell you on the way. (Приложение 4).

T: Let's imagine ho to draw an amazing fruits. And we are going to do it. It's very funny game with words on the topics Fruits and Parts of Body.

4. Подведение итогов.

T: Tell some words about this lesson. You may use this cards (red, blue, green) to tell what you like best of all during the lesson.

P1: I like Henry and Harley because it's fun.

P2: I like Dino spell because I like playing computer games.

P3: I like everithing.

P4: I like Fruit Game, it's wonderful. (при этом дети берут разные по цвету карточки и оценивают свою работу сами)

T: Our lesson is over. I hope we have prepared for the test at the end of the forth firm. Thanks for your work. Good-bye, see you next time.


  1. Акуленко В. Л. Применение новых технологий в образовании. Материалы XV Международной конференции. 29-30 июня 2004г. Г. Троицк, Московской обл. Изд-во "Тровант", 2004г.
  2. Андреева А. А. Компьютерные и телекоммуникационные технологии в сфере образования. "Школьные технологии". 2001, N3.
  3. Казанцева Л. К. Медиаобразование в учебном процессе. "Учитель", 2005, N3.
  4. Селевко Г. К Педагогические технологии на основе эффективности управления и организации учебного процесса.- М.: НИИ школьной технологии, 2005г.
  5. Компьютерные программы:
  6. English with Binka. Multimedia programme. - М.: "Калашникова", 2004г.
  7. English Folk Tales (audio book).MP3 - Изд-во "Айрис".
  8. Bridge to English 1. Multimedia program.
  9. Hot Potatoes 6. Multimedia program.
  10. www.yourchildlearns.com
  11. http://www.britishcouncil.org.uk/">www.britishcouncil.org.uk
  12. Dino Spell. Multimedia program.
  13. Henry &Harley. Multimedia program.