Чудеса света. "Стоунхендж". 9-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 9

Цель урока: расширение кругозора учащихся с помощью страноведческих знаний, общеязыковое и речевое развитие, воспитание интереса к языку, уважение к истории и культуре других стран.


  1. Употребление лексико-грамматических единиц по заданной теме.
  2. Развитие навыков устной речи, аудирования, умению извлекать информацию из видеофильма.
  3. Воспитание уважительного отношения к истории и культуре.

Оборудование: Техническое оснащение:

  1. Телевизор.
  2. Видеокассеты.
  3. Фотографии и картинки с изображением памятников истории.
  4. Географическая карта мира.

Продолжительность урока: 1 час.

Ход урока

  1. Good morning students! It’s nice to meet you! How are you? Today we are going on a journey to the most famous places in the world. These places are also called the World Heritage sites, which society considers important to our history and culture. So we are going to visit places of historical importance. Do you know that if you saw one of the World’s most famous places every day it would take you 15 months. There are 460 World Heritage sites around the world. They are divided into two groups: man-made and natural sites. Today we are going to speak about man-made sites.
  2. What makes a place famous? Which places should belong to the World Heritage Organization - an organization which looks after famous places in the world.
    1. The place must be authentic (real). If the place is authentic it means that it is not an imitation or a copy of another place.
      Reason: if we lost an imitation of a place, we could build another one, but if we lost an authentic place, it would be impossible to replace it.
    2. It must be the first of its kind or the best example of certain style. It should influence on other buildings in the same country or even in other countries.
    3. It can have a design linked with an important religion or philosophy. This includes mosques, churches, synagogues, temples.
    4. It can be a special example of a traditional way of life, ancient culture or civilization. If we lost a site like that we should find it difficult to understand that culture.

    Which man-made sites do you know?

    The students are reporting on the most famous World Heritage Sites

    • The Great Wall of China
    • The pyramids and The Taj Mahal
  3. Our world is full of mysteries and mysterious places, for example: Bermuda Triangle or The Statues of Easter Island. I am going to read a postcard which tells you about one of such mysterious places. You should guess which place it is.

    Hi, everyone!

    This is a very strange place. Yesterday I saw the first rays of sun touch the centre of one of the stones. The people who made this place knew more than I do! No one knows how old it is or what it was for, or where the stones came from.

    Love Jenny.

  4. So, what do you know about Stonehenge? What is it? (a circle of stones) Where is it? (in southern England) How old is it? (about 5000 years)

    In this part of a video you can learn about the mysteries of Stonehenge.

    1. Complete the fact file about Stonehenge.

    Stonehenge Fact File:

    • Stonehenge was begun (about 5000 years ago)
    • Stonehenge was finished (in the Bronze Age period)
    • People moved the stones by (dragging them across Salisbury plain)
    • Big stones weigh (between 35tons)
    • Small stones come from (south-west Wales-the Prescelli Mountains)
    • Small stones came by (boat and then were dragged\pulled\overland)

    2. What do you think people built Stonehenge for 5000 years ago? Think of as many ideas as you can. What is Stonehenge?

    • Temple
    • Sun Worship
    • Calendar
    • Prayers

    Students share their ideas with class.

  5. Tourists now can’t go near the stones. The circle has a fence around it so visitors can only see the stones from a distance. Let’s talk about problems Stonehenge has had recently.
    • traffic fumes
    • graffiti
    • snow and ice
    • wars
    • heavy lorries and coaches

    What would you do to protect Stonehenge from being damage?

    • using guard dogs
    • reducing pollution
    • installing TV cameras
  6. Imagine that you work for UNESCO. You are having a meeting to discuss the best way for tourists to visit Stonehenge in order to protect the world Heritage Site. Work in pairs.
  7. Conclusion.

    It is important to look after historic places protecting them from vandals, pollution and weather. There is a need for constant renovation as the biggest problem for old places is the time. We must save our past for our future so that future generation will be able to see all the wonders of the world.

  8. Homework: Do you have a mysterious site in your country? Why is it mysterious? What do people think it is? What are the different theories? Make a report and share your ideas with the class.